*IMPORTANT NOTICE!* As of 1/28/15, this chapter has been actually NOT BEEN EDITED because it already abides the FFN guidelines. To view the entire and exact same chapter, links are available on my profile.

I am abiding by FFN ratings and removing-anything overtly dark or violent, and the scenes of complete and unrepentant smut that are considered MA, from this site. I do this in order to protect reviews linked to my stories and account that I want to keep from anyone with an email account, hate for my stories, and want my account banned for whatever their weak excuses may be.

Warnings: Contains adult language, themes, and suggestions. It is not suitable for anyone below the age of 16 per FFN guidelines.

It was a bright, sunny Thursday when the package came. It's logo an animated banana waving in black ink on its brown cardboard box. 'Bernerner's Inc.' imprinted in large black letters on every side of the box.

Naruto had been at classes all morning at the university up the street from his apartment like house that he shared with his boyfriend and two other guys that also went to the university. As juniors, they were given the choice to stay on campus, in dorms or get an apartment on or near the campus and luckily, Naruto Uzumaki was one of the lucky few who got an apartment. It didn't matter if his boyfriend had connections in the housing department that got them the apartment; at least they had gotten it. The blonde smiled as he thought of Sasuke Uchiha, his boyfriend, and pulled out a key to their mailbox. He opened it with little difficulty and was surprised to find said box shoved in the cramped metal container.

Raising an eyebrow, he jiggled the package out of his mailbox, looked it over and stuffed it under his arm. Then, he grabbed the rest of his mail and relocked the mailbox. Jogging the rest of the way to his apartment, he fished out his keys from his pocket once more to get inside his apartment. The first thing the blonde noticed was that only Sasuke's shoes were on the wooden floor apartment's entrance, Kiba and Shino-the other two that also lived in the two story apartment, were gone.

The first floor of the apartment was a wide and open space; the walls a dark tan almost beige color, the couch and coffee table a much darker brown and the huge T.V. mounted on the wall. Across the room from the entrance was a bathroom and closet, tastefully hidden and close enough to be convenient.

Behind the complete chill living room was the kitchen, the refrigerator filled with tons of healthy goodies and a whole cabinet, an entire cabinet, saved just for Naruto's ramen. The blonde made sure his special cabinet was always stuffed to it's ceiling with instant ramen and single packages of dozens of different flavors, he would die if he were ever to run out. Next to the entrance but hidden by a plaster wall was the stairs that led up to the second floor where the two bedrooms and a second bathroom were. In the hall closet at the end of the hallway, the four boys had turned it into a laundry closet, a washer and dryer duo on one half and towels stacked on the other.

As Naruto set down the mail on a table in the hallway and his backpack, between the table and his shoes, he listened for any movements the Uchiha might make if he were awake. There was nothing but silence. He first glanced through the paper mail, finding nothing for him he went to the package with the weird cartoon banana on it. Flipping it around several times, Naruto looked it over carefully; he shook it close to his ear. With none of his curiosity satisfied, he looked at the information sticker for who the package was sent to.

With a raised eyebrow Naruto mouthed the name on the sticker, Uchiha, Sasuke. Naruto looked up to where the second floor overlooked the first, there was still no sign of Sasuke anywhere on the first floor and he wasn't watching Naruto from the second. A mischievous grin slid onto Naruto's lips and he dashed into the kitchen for a box cutter or large knife to open Sasuke's mail with. Now he knew Sasuke would be angry later when he found out Naruto opened his mail but the blonde's curiousness was just to strong and he knew the raven would forgive him later…in bed. Quickly, Naruto found a box cutter and opened the top of it, tugging the flaps apart to look inside and what he found was, interesting to say the least.

"What the fuck is this shit?" Naruto murmured as the artificial smell of banana's hit him in the face. Tears welled up in the corners of Naruto's eyes as he bent over, silently laughing his ass off after looking at the cramped contents of the small package on the kitchen counter. Fixing his posture, he looked into the box again, wiping away his tears he reached into the box and pulled out one of the few things inside.

It was a tube of banana scented lube, it's container a pale yellow and the stupid banana cartoon on its front. Setting it down, he rummaged through the rest of the box's contents and pulled out a string of packaged banana flavored condoms, another tube of banana lube, handcuffs with bright yellow furry cuffs that smelled oddly of banana and...Naruto had to cover his mouth from laughing out loud and could feel his guts bursting from laughing so hard. Still laughing, he pulled out the last thing from the box and tried to quiet himself.

Wrapped in a plastic bag was a bright yellow dildo.

"There is no way Sasuke ordered this." Naruto set the dildo down next to the other kinky objects on the counter and looked at the address the box was supposed to be sent to. Sasuke Uchiha still printed on the sticker with the address of their apartment, there was no mistake. The stuff had been sent to Sasuke. Naruto knew Sasuke would never order anything like this in his name. Not only did he have a reputation to keep as a student with literally perfect grades, perfect test scores, he was also the most popular guy on campus. Naruto didn't know how he managed it with his lack of emotion and simply bastard like manners towards his hundreds of admirers and fan club.

Unfortunately, no matter how much of a bastard Sasuke was to the schools population of women, they drooled whenever he appeared. Now this popularity led the Uchiha heir to believe that if Naruto wanted to have sex, they would of course use lube and a condom, but Sasuke wouldn't buy it. Naruto had to go to the convenience store every single time. He had to face the snarky women at the cash register that would scowl at him and his purchases. Sasuke would supply the cash but he would never give Naruto his credit card or offer to go down there instead for once. Whenever Naruto asked if Sasuke could do it, the bastard would glance at him and then look away. "I will not do everything. You want to have sex or not, Dobe?"

With that question still in the air, Naruto would don his shoes, grab his wallet and walk to the convenience store. It didn't matter when, two in the afternoon or two in the morning. Naruto would go. Damn bastard had him wrapped around his pale not-so-little, you know. The first thing that came to Naruto's mind was that it was a prank or something by his roommates. After thinking about it, he realized that considering how many times a day the Uchiha and he got it on, they wouldn't dare send them stuff like this. Most of it would only result in the two losing even more hours of sleep each night. It wouldn't have been them.

Wiping away his tears of laughter, he put the things back in the cardboard box. He almost wished he hadn't opened the box, if he had opted to wake Sasuke up with it and watch him open it; the expression on his face would have been priceless. The sound of feet against the wooden floor of the second floor caught Naruto's attention; he listened carefully as whoever was upstairs moved around. Finally, the sound of the shower being turned on allowed Naruto to release the breath he had been holding. He relaxed and looked up at the ceiling, trying to make his eyes gain the power of x-ray vision to see his boyfriend in the shower.

It wasn't working…yet.

With a sigh, the blonde looked down at the box, wondering how he was going to give this to Sasuke without the throttling that was sure to come anyway. Suddenly it came to him, blue eyes lighting in delight as the thought cemented itself in his consciousness.

"If he doesn't like this, he's going to be pissed," Naruto muttered to himself. He dragged the cardboard box off the counter and headed to the stairs. "But if he does like it," Taking the steps two at a time until he was at the top of the stairs, Naruto peeked over the corner of the wall into the hallway. He could still hear the shower running. "We might be using them more than once."

The fluorescent lighted hallway was empty, the closet turned laundry space's door halfway open. The dual white skinned dryer and washer stood glaring at the blonde with their large, darkened eyes, unmoving. Naruto listened carefully to the sound of the shower running but he couldn't tell if Sasuke was going to walk out in the next five seconds or another ten minutes. Deeming that moment better than never, he quickly and as quietly as possible snuck past the bathroom and into the bedroom he shared with his boyfriend. As expected, Sasuke was missing from their room.

White walls were covered in posters of bands both Naruto and Sasuke liked, random scribbles they had drawn in classes when bored. Above Naruto's desk, Sasuke had put up a bulletin board, they had stuck on tons of pictures of themselves and friends, there were flyers for plays, bands and ticket stubs scattered all over the thing. The two beds that had been on opposite sides of the room had been pushed to the farthest wall up against each other, leaving the other side of the room open for their TV and gaming systems, a rack filled with dozens of video games on the desk next to it. Standing next to the desk were doors that led to a tiny walk in closet. Underneath the beds were some beanbags; and blankets if they ever got too cold or wanted to cuddle. A large window was above the beds, flimsy white curtains covering them. Below the window a windowsill connected; several stray condoms and half used bottles of lube sitting on it. With silent mischievousness, Naruto set the box on the bed and grabbed all the condoms and lube bottles. He tossed them into the box and replacing them with the banana lube and banana flavored condoms.

He pulled out the dildo, unwrapped it from the plastic and the handcuffs. He looked at the ledge, frowning thoughtfully and then looked at the pillows at the head of the bed. His grin came back quickly and he hid the two items underneath the soft white mounds. Looking for a place to hide the container, Naruto got off the bed and looked around the shared room. He peeked under the beds then shook his head, Sasuke could easily find it if he just looked. He had to find someplace that he could bury it in for a while, even for a few hours.

His eyes wandered to the closet and the mischievous grin was back in place. He opened the closet and used one hand to scoop a heap of clothes off a rack and set it there, then bent down to pick up the clothes and covered the box with the pile of unfolded clothes. Deeming his evidence hidden enough, he shut the closet doors and peeked into the hallway; the sound of the shower was still going strong. Quietly, Naruto tiptoed back down the hallway and down the stairs, heading for the kitchen. Unbeknownst the blonde's boyfriend, Naruto had a very kinky surprise for him.

Sasuke Uchiha had woken up alone, which was to be expected on a Thursday morning. Everyone else had class or work. This was the only morning Sasuke could sleep in and relax. He had gotten up, stretched and had just finished showering. Pulling on some boxers and shorts, he wrapped his towel around his neck and stepped out of the bathroom. Not really caring if anyone else was home, Sasuke walked back to his room and sat down in front of the desk he shared with his boyfriend and thumbed through the stack of books on it. They were all his, since Naruto didn't like to read for fun but Sasuke always enjoyed a good book or two. After pulling out a smaller book, Sasuke flipped it open to the page he had bookmarked, reclined back into a comfortable position and started to read. He didn't notice when Naruto walked back up the stairs but did notice when Naruto walked into the room, the dark haired man glanced up before looking back at his book. Naruto sat on the bed with a banana in his hand and a smirk on his face.

"Hey, Dobe." Sasuke murmured. The Uchiha had seen the banana in Naruto's hands but thought nothing of it. Still smirking, Naruto unpeeled the skin of the banana half way and leaned backwards, putting his upper body weight on his other hand.

"Good morning, Sasuke." Naruto drawled out, using his low and sensual bedroom voice. He lifted the opened banana and waited for his boyfriend to look up from his book. A shiver ran up Sasuke's spine. One always did when Naruto used that voice. He tried not to let it show but the lack of Naruto going straight into rambling about his morning only convinced Sasuke that Naruto was not just playing with him.

Attempting to casually look up from his book, the dark haired Uchiha closed his book on his pointer finger to keep track of what page he was on and turned his head towards his lover and roommate. Naruto was lustfully grinning, a banana that Sasuke had seen before was in his hands as he brought it to his lips to take a bite. Sasuke felt his jaw drop in surprise. Naruto's pink tongue darted out to lick the tip before the body of the banana began to disappear into that moist cavern. His mouth went dry, blood rushed south at the sight of his boyfriend sucking the head of the banana. Naruto saw that evil muscle slither out of Sasuke's mouth to lick his lips and mentally did the victory dance in his head. Then, the blonde took a bite out of the banana and chewed, pushing away his lust.

"So how'd ya sleep Sasuke? You ready for the weekend?" Naruto spoke while chewing, then swallowed and took another bite. Pretending he hadn't made Sasuke horny was always the best foreplay to foreplay; it made Sasuke irritated in the best way.

"Usuratonkachi." Sasuke said as Naruto took his third bite of the banana. It was mostly gone now, the peel's limbs hanging limply over Naruto's fist. The Uchiha carefully inserted a bookmark where his finger was and set the book down on the desk.

"Yeah, Sasuke?" Naruto swallowed the second to last bite of banana and tossed the very last part of the banana into his mouth. Leaning over the bed to toss the peel away, Naruto missed Sasuke standing up and taking long, sure steps towards him. Before Naruto straightened, Sasuke was on top of him, pushing his upper body onto the bed and leaning over him. Azure blue looked up into black obsidian, excitement and lust hidden behind faked seriousness reflected back. This time, a pink tongue darted out of Naruto's mouth to lick his lips; Sasuke's eyes flicked downwards to those lips and didn't move.

"That wasn't funny." Sasuke murmured before pressing his lips against those of his boyfriend's.