A great day to the ones who are reading this~ Had this story for a while, but just couldn't post it up! It was a actually a one-shot, but I divided into two shots for it was really big! Hope you have a nice time while reading this!

This story is actually doesn't belong to me!*cries* I was reading a manga few weeks ago and totally wanted to transfer it into a KxZ fic! Wish you don't mind!~

Warnings- As usual, Kaname-sama's teasing and Zero-chan's major blushing! And some lemony scenes!

Disclaimer-Do not own Vampire Knight! Nor this plot! The only thing I own is that I transferred Kaname and Zero into this story and the description.

Even Beyond Dreams

A lone-drunken figure walked in the middle of the night. A frown plastered on those handsome features of him. He was heartbroken so many times that he gave up on his dream.

Zero always had a dream that he wanted to accomplish. When he would come home after his work, the lights of his house would be switched on and his cute wife will come to welcome him and say in her lovely voice,

''Welcome home, darling! Dinner is ready!" Then she will twirl around and ask to him with that rosy cheeks of hers, '' Do you want to eat dinner first or me...?"

Zero gripped the wall beside him, squeezing it until his fingers where bleeding. ''Shit.'' He cursed as he saw his bleeding hand. All he wanted was simple loving family, but fate wouldn't even let him that!

When he was twenty-two years old, he was betrayed by his own fiance who had fallen for someone else. He still remembered the day when his fiance broke up with him.

After two years, a twenty-four years old Zero felt his life was getting better. He had forgave his ex-fiance and moved on. Zero and Yuki, who was Zero's girlfriend, were planning to get married. They had met last year and had fallen in love with each other at first sight or so he had thought. On the day of the marriage, Yuki went missing and also his bank book and personal stamp were too...

From then he had stopped dreaming. He slowly staggered toward his way. ''Women are always big trouble.'' Zero said in a bitter voice. As he was staggering his way, Zero accidentally slipped on the banana peel and fell face down on the garbage bin. ''UGG..!''

That really hurt. He rubbed his eyes furiously, trying to stop his stupid tears from falling. His face had a rosy color from drinking so much. Why can't he have someone to love and also return his overflowing love? Was he that despicable?

While Zero was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't saw the figure who was standing in front of him. He only realized the other presence when the velvet voice of the mysterious person broke the saddening silence, ''Are you alright?''

Zero perplexed by the sudden voice, looked up to see wine-red eyes looking at him curiously. Wide lilac eyes locked upon the curious wine-red ones. Zero studied the the other man's face- wine-red eyes, brown wavy locks, porcelain face, aristocratic nose and those plump lips- and came with the conclusion that the stranger was indeed handsome. He hasn't fallen for the stranger or anything. He was just appreciating the beauty of this man.

''You will catch a cold if you sleep in a place like this.'' The handsome stranger once again spoke.

''….'' Zero ignored the stranger. He can do anything he wants! Who the hell does that stranger think of himself? Interfering in his life like that!

The stranger with his indifferent face, said boringly, ''I will rape you if you continuing sleep here.''

Zero's already rosy cheeks darken to a very dark red. He looked away and tried to say in a strong voice which actually came in a weak whine even to his own ears,'' Shaddup..''

The annoying stranger, who was getting easily on Zero's nerves, bend down and took Zero in his arms. Zero struggled to get away and shouted loudly, ''What are you doing? If you really want to rape me then bring it on!'

The brunet man sighed and seized Zero's irritating movement. Zero once again looked up to see deep wine-red orbs. ''We are going to my house and please try to ignore me.'' The brunet boy said in a tired voice.

Zero glared at the annoying stranger tenfold, then moved his head to the side, muttering slightly, ''Bastard,'' Earning chuckle from the annoying man.

''Its not bastard, but you can call me Kaname." Kaname said as he disappeared in the night with Zero in his arms.


Zero groaned as he woke up from his much needed his sleep. He smacked the clock harshly, almost breaking up the alarm clock in pieces. He brought the alarm clock closer to his face so he could look at the time. He groaned as a sudden headache came out of nowhere. ''Must be the hangover.'' The sleepy silver-haired muttered softly.

Zero's attention peeked up when he heard rustling beside. He horrifying looked at the source of the sound and a loud scream came out of his throat, ''UWAH!''. He almost died out of heart attack when the sheet was cat down and a crown of brown hair resting upon the pillow appeared to him.

The person beside him groaned as he woke up from his sleep. Zero started to stuttered, ''Y-ou. You.''

The brunet in question gave his trade-mark smile to the hyperventilating Zero, ''Ah..Good Morning.''

Zero's head almost burst out of worrying so much. Who was this man? Why is he in my bed? And a much more important question is, Why the hell are we both naked?

Without a second thought, Zero shouted his question once again, ''Who the hell are you?"

Kaname ignored the other question and looked at Zero's body once again, ''You are exposed!" Kaname said in a teasing voice.

Zero looked down and his face colored into different kind of red shades. He had almost forgotten that he was butt-naked. He snatched the blanket that was covering the brunet and covered himself.

Kaname inquired an eyebrow at that and with a big smirk he said, ''Pervert.''

''..!'' Zero blushed redder if that even was possible.

He looked at the handsome brunet closely, who was sitting in his all might glory and scratching his head tiredly. ''What, you have already forgotten you last night lover?" Kaname asked in a hurt voice.

Zero searched his memory for a full moment if he met this guy before and found that he met the brunet last night. 'That's right, I remember now... this guy Kaname from last night..'

''Don't you remember that we suck each other's pen-'' Kaname said lovingly while he remembered last night's fun events, but was interrupted by Zero's hand on his mouth.

''Wahh! Don't say it!'' Zero covered Kaname's mouth with his hand.

A part of his memory hit him in the face like a brick.

''Ahnn...ahn..'' Zero panted as he was engulfed in the warm cavern. Kaname sensually licked the tip earning another moan from the panting boy. Then after some moments of this extreme torture, he came into Kaname's mouth, arching his back from the bed. Shuddering from the blissful ministration.

''No! That never happened!" Zero shook his head negatively, trying his hardest to not believe what his memory was showing him.

Kaname continued to remind Zero of last night, ''You resisted a bit at first, but you were so enthusiastic afterward. Not only that...my cock...I thrust it into your delicious hole over and over...'' The brunet covered his mouth to suppress his squealing.

''Shut up!'' Zero threw a punch at Kaname, knocking him flat down on the bed. As Kaname said all of these, another part of his memory made itself known to him.

Zero arched of the bed as Kaname thrust himself in one movement. ''Ow..ah!'' Kaname pulled back and angled himself to thrust on the sweet point of his new lover. He once again thrust, making Zero lose his mind.

''Hey, am I hitting your sweet spot?" Kaname asked lovingly even if he was out of breath.

Zero managed to nod, '' Yes, there, right there. You have hit it...Ah." Zero moaned as his eyes fluttered in bliss.

Zero shut his eyes and replied negatively, ''Stop it, stop it. I don't want to hear anything more.'' Frustrating tears fell down his face. He stood up, with the blanket on his waist, and turned to Kaname. ''Whatever, just get out of here. I just don't want to see your face anymore.'' The he ran as fast as he could in the bathroom.

Zero didn't notice the crestfallen look that crossed the brunet's face.

Zero panted as he slam the door shut of his bathroom. He hugged himself, trying to sort out his feelings. 'Even if I denied, my mind...even my body remembers it.' Remaining flashbacks came to his mind.

''Nnnn...'' Kaname groaned as he was taken in my Zero's sweet mouth. Zero sucked the vigorously, earning a loud groan from Kaname. With having Zero work like that Kaname came within a few moments. ''Nnn..lick all of it..ah..'' Kaname panted as he looked lustfully at Zero.

Then after some minutes they were doing it like bunnies. Kaname thrust harder and faster while Zero could mange to moan, ''Ah..ah..Ah!"

A tomato blush rested on the silver-haired cheeks. They had done countless time...voraciously...nonstop.

Zero hugged himself tighter. He couldn't believe that he had done it, furthermore with a man. With shaky legs, he made his way to the shower and turned on the spray, the water sputtering down his body lovingly. He was deeply lost in his regret that he didn't sensed the upcoming presence behind him...

''Zero, you don't have an idea how sexy you look in the water's glory.'' Kaname breathed hotly in the other's ear as he wrapped his arms around Zero's wet body. The unexpected thing that the brunet didn't unfortunately saw was the...


In a moment's time, Kaname was splattered on the floor with a broken nose.

Nice? Good? Bad? Worse? It would be great if you only drop a word!

Ha ha! Zero actually punched Kaname! Poor Kana-chan, he just can't give up on Zero!

The next chapter would be probably come in two week's time or sooner...for I haven't written it yet.
