Another bullet whizzed passed Wriggle's head, causing her to duck on a reflex as she flew as fast as she could away from the demonic woman chasing after her, firing bullet after bullet and laughing all the while.

With absolutely nowhere to hide within Yuuka's garden of flowers, all Wriggle could do was flee aimlessly. The last thing she wanted was a storm of bullets to riddle her body... even if the chase was kind of exciting.

Fifteen minutes earlier, Yuuka had brought the healing Wriggle back to her home once more, and when she felt Wriggle was ready, began the second part of her 'point'.

"As I said, you don't like just anyone beating you senseless!" Yuuka had recapped cheerfully. "And yet, there's always an emotion that accompanies the pain and fear you feel when I'm involved! You won't be able to deny it after this!"

And so, here they were. Yuuka was simply toying with Wriggle, and the bug youkai knew it. Yuuka seemed to be deliberately missing her mark just barely, having the bullets graze Wriggle as she tried to escape, which only made Wriggle's heart beat faster, and she was furiously battling to keep a grin off her face.

This is wrong! Nothing about this is fun or exciting! She only wants to drive me to insanity and/or kill me! Wriggle scolded herself, and another bullet nicked her shoulder.

Well, if there was one good thing about this game of Yuuka's, it was that she seemed to be a really slow flier. While Wriggle found it hard to believe, given that the freaky youkai seemed to warp constantly, Wriggle was at least slowly gaining some distance. With any luck, she could outmanoeuvre Yuuka until she got bored.

Tch, there I go, relying on my luck again. Wriggle thought. Because my luck has served me so well bef-

A bullet struck her back, just between her shoulder blades, and Wriggle fell to the ground with a surprised yelp. As she fell, more bullets slammed into her, striking her torso and head.

As per usual, the flower's seemed to part of their own accord when she hit the ground. The young insect youkai lay panting as Yuuka approached, descending to the ground with an elegant step.

"So how was that?" Yuuka asked sweetly. "A whole load'a fun, right?"

Wriggle didn't answer, she couldn't bring herself to say anything. After all, the fun she had evading Yuuka's attacks was unmistakable, and Wriggle only hated herself all the more for it. And when the bullets struck, Wriggle felt joy as well as pain, as if getting shot by Yuuka was the most pleasurable thing ever.

Yuuka could already tell what Wriggle was feeling, just by staring into her confused eyes. Crouching next to Wriggle, Yuuka helped her into a sitting position. "So Bugsy, can't tell me you didn't like that. I could see that cute little smile of yours from miles away!"

Wriggle only kept her gaze to the ground, feeling ashamed of herself. Still a newbie to this line of fun... Yuuka thought affectionately. "Come on then, how about some tea?"

"No thanks, I'd rather keep these clothes on." Wriggle muttered, and Yuuka chuckled at her comment.

"Oh, W.N., when did you grow so bold?" Yuuka asked, ruffling the younger youkai's hair. "I remember as if it were yesterday, you couldn't even speak to me without wetting yourself!"

Wriggle didn't answer, instead getting to her feet and dejectedly brushing her clothes off.

"If it's all the same to you, I just want to go home," Wriggle stated. "There's a few things I want to lament over."

"Like what?" Yuuka asked, sounding surprised. "Come now, Wriggle honey, there's no need to hate yourself over your personal preferences! Why, just look at me!"

And you wonder why I feel like shit? Wriggle thought darkly, but instead said, "I'm going."

"Boo, that's no fun!" Yuuka pouted, although she made no move to keep Wriggle. After all, she knew that the young bug would return. For now, Yuuka would just let her sort her feelings out.

Ah, my darling little Wriggle, soon you'll be a whole being... Yuuka thought wistfully.

Wriggle didn't know when exactly she had left Yuuka's garden, she was too busy mulling over what Yuuka had been saying to her. As much as Wriggle wanted to dismiss her words as a giant load of crap, there was a hint of truth to them.

Is it really love I feel? Wriggle wondered miserably. How can that be possible? Isn't love supposed to... I don't know, feel good?

Wriggle had never felt so confused before. On the one hand, she was scared of Yuuka, and hated the way she non-chalantly abused her for no real reason. On the other hand, Wriggle actually liked it. the pain, the fear... if they weren't drowned by excitement or exhilaration, they were equalled.

But why me, of all people? Why did I have to be the one Yuuka messes with? Did she get bored with her gate keeper?

With a sigh, Wriggle took in her surroundings. She was near the Misty Lake. Wriggle decided that she might as well find her friends. She had a feeling Rumia would of informed them of her abduction by now...

"Okay, I've been brainstorming our plan of action very, very thoroughly!" Cirno declared to her gang, who all looked frightened at what they were planning to do.

Cirno, wielding a small staff made of ice, was marching back and forth, tapping the ice-staff against the palm of her free hand. "Now, our enemy is rather fomiderble-"

"'Formidable'." Daiyousei corrected.

"- But nevertheless, she is heavily disadvantaged against our combined might!" Cirno declared bravely. "Okay, first thing's first: We infiltrate Yuuka's home and confront her directly!"

Mystia buried her face in her talons.

"I, as the most powerful member of our group, shall provide most of the fire power against her!" Cirno continued, trying her best not to look scared at the prospect. "With my power over ice, I have the type advantage! Dai, I'll need you to provide support."

Daiyousei nodded hesitantly. "I'll... Oh, I can freeze the area around us and provide a cold environment in order to boost your own attacks!" Daiyousei volunteered.

"Thanks. Rumia, Mystia, it'll be up to you two to locate Wriggle and safely get the hell outta there!" Cirno continued. "While I'll no doubt have Yuuka on the ropes, even I might be feeling drained of my vast power, so we need to make this quick, so... about three seconds tops, okay?"

"That's a fine plan and all," Wriggle said, "But at what point did you think 'yeah, this will work! We can totally last three seconds against Yuuka and save her pet at the same time'?"

"Wriggle!" Mystia squealed, leaping to her feet and tackling Wriggle to the ground with a hug. The others crowded around them, looking immensely relieved that their friend turned out to be okay.

"Wriggle, I thought you were in trouble!" Mystia wailed, looking like she was trying not to cry. With a small smile, Wriggle tried to push her off and allow her to breathe.

"Not really. Just... Um..."

"Wriggle, I'm so sorry!" Rumia apologised. "I let Yuuka capture you and I wasn't good enough to help and-"

"Calm down," Wriggle sighed as Mystia finally climbed to her feet and helped Wriggle up. "You couldn't have done anything..."

Cirno peered closely at Wriggle. "You're definitely okay? She didn't do anything...weird, did she?"

Not this time... "No, it was... just a little game she was playing."

"And that's supposed to reassure us?" Mystia asked. "Look, if Yuuka's bullying you, we'll do everything possible to stop her!"

As thankful as Wriggle was for their concern, she shook her head. "Thanks guys, but it doesn't matter. She isn't going to kill me, anyway."

Everyone looked confused as Wriggle scratched the back of her neck nervously. "It's... a bit much to explain, and I wanna be alone for a bit. I promise I'll explain once I figure this out, but..."

"We can't leave you alone!" Mystia interrupted. "Every time we do, that monster kidnaps you, and don't tell me that nothing weird ever happens to you there!"

"Mysty..." Wriggle sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Please, I just need some time to sort things out. Yuuka won't a problem right now."

Mystia stared into Wriggle's eyes, noting a resigned look in them, and that frightened her.


Wriggle turned and walked away. "I won't be too long, okay? See you guys later."

The gang watched wordlessly as Wriggle left, unsure of what to say or think. Finally, Mystia's talons began to shake.

"Why are you shutting us out?" She whispered to no one in particular. "We're friends, right? I want to help..."

The next day, Wriggle was still thinking. Or maybe that was an excuse to mope. The bug youkai was longing to visit the garden of sunflower's again, but she refused to go back. Yet.

Love sucks. Wriggle decided, laying on the branch of a tall oak tree. Why can't you decide who you love? Then I wouldn't have to keep thinking about her...

It all felt unfair to Wriggle. She had come to the decision that she must love Yuuka. It helped explain those constant visits, the feelings that conflicted with her hate and fear.

But how was Wriggle supposed to cope with this? She didn't want to associate with anyone who beat her senseless, regardless of whether or not she 'liked' it.

Maybe it was time to consult with someone who should be familiar with this kind of behaviour. Wriggle felt sure that time there would be no interruptions. She would try and clear her head up now.

Lazily sliding off the branch, Wriggle took flight before she touched the ground, heading for that village again. Within ten minutes, she finally found it. It was still early morning, and there wasn't many people around.

Elly was still hanging from that tree. Despite the cold morning, she still seemed okay, and Wriggle wondered if it was because she'd gained a crap-load of endurance from living with Yuuka.

The gatekeeper was asleep, perfectly at ease and so utterly vulnerable it was a wonder Elly could sleep at all. then again, Yuuka was still protecting her...

Wriggle approached the sleeping gatekeeper, removing the gag. Elly stirred slightly but didn't wake. Wriggle poked her stomach, which caused her to grunt and blearily open an eye.

"Touchin's forbidden." Elly grumbled, and attempted to sleep again, but was met with another sharp prod.

"Ow! Hey, do that again and you won't like where Master Yuuka sticks tha-"

Elly stared in confusion at Wriggle, trying to remember where she'd seen her before. Then it clicked.

"Hey, you're that Wriggity guy-er, girl, right?" She asked.

"Wriggle." The insect youkai stated, sounding rather monotonous.

"Huh. So, what brings you to my tree? You trying to drag My Master here again?"

Wriggle shook her head, staring at the ground. "I just want to know something."

Elly tilted her head slightly, perhaps to show she was listening.

"You... live with Yuuka, right?" Wriggle asked.



Elly looked confused. "Uh... I stay in her mansion?"

"Not that!" Wriggle stated, looking troubled. "How can you stand her? She's an abusive, evil freak! Look at what's she's doing to you right now!"

Elly gave her predicament a contemplative look, as if only just realising that she was, in fact, hanging naked from a tree in full view of anyone who cared to look.

"Well, yeah, Master Yuuka's big on punishments," Elly said thoughtfully. "But that's just one side to her. Why d'you wanna know anyway?"

Wriggle didn't want to answer, but she found herself saying, "She's been treating me like crap since you got here."

"Hmm..." Elly looked thoughtful once again. "Wanna tell me all about it?"

"Not really... then again, I might as well," Wriggle sighed, sitting on the ground, arms wrapped around her legs. "You're probably the only person who understands all this anyway."

Wriggle hesitantly told the gatekeeper about the times she snuck into the garden of sunflowers for unknown reasons, finally breaking in when the two had left. After that, Yuuka had found her, and since then, periodically beat her up while confusing her with things like love and a desire for pain inflicted by Yuuka. Elly just nodded every so often.

When Wriggle had finished, Elly said, "Well, sounds to me like my Master really likes you."

Wriggle gave her a questioning look. "I know Master Yuuka doesn't express herself like others, and even I don't know the reasons behind it-"

"Obviously, someone treated her like shit when she was young." Wriggle grunted.

"...Anyway, from the sounds of things, you rather like the attention, so what's the problem?" Elly asked with the best shrug she could manage with her hands bound.

"I don't want to!" Wriggle nearly yelled. "Do you have any idea how messed I feel, knowing that I want a monster to beat me up everyday?"

Elly contemplated the youkai sitting before her. It was obvious she felt horribly conflicted, which was understandable. After all, she didn't fully understand her own feelings. Elly sighed, figuring that Yuuka was having a bit too much fun messing with her.

"Ya know, you could always tell Master Yuuka to leave you alone for a bit." Elly said. "Make it clear you don't want her around, and she'll give you space. She isn't completely inconsiderate."

"No, just a creepy stalker with far too much interest in those younger than her." Wriggle said bitterly.

"Hey! Liking children doesn't make anyone weird!" Elly argued back.

"Try saying that when she takes messed up photographs." Wriggle muttered, then said to Elly, "You know what? This isn't helping me much at all. Sorry I wasted your time."

Getting to her feet, Wriggle slipped the gag back on Elly, who watched with a small smirk. Figures she wouldn't help me at all. As if Yuuka would ever leave me for more than two minutes...

"Shumwun eeds hoo hroagh uph." Elly's muffled voice said teasingly. "Heshieds, hoor usht honfoosht."

"...Yeah, okay." Wriggle said, not understanding a word. She walked away from the nude girl, who was now wondering if it was worth getting any more sleep.

Jeez, why can't I love someone else? Wriggle wondered irritably. Mysty would make sense, at least she isn't a sadist. Hell, I'd even put up with Cirno...

Mystia knew it was a stupid idea, but she couldn't call herself a friend if she didn't try and help Wriggle out somehow. Even if it was dangerous, Mystia wasn't about to leave a friend in despair.

So, as she flew over the millions of sunflowers that made up Yuuka's garden, the night sparrow calmed her nerves in preparation for confronting Yuuka. No doubt it would end badly for her, but she had to try.

The mansion came into view, and there was the youkai in question, sitting at some table on her spacious patio, drinking tea and singing to herself. She didn't seem aware of Mystia's presence, but she knew better than to believe that. Hell, Yuuka had probably sensed her the very second she arrived in her domain. As Mystia neared, she caught some of the lyrics:

"Yes, forget even to breathe, Ah, bewitched by its beauty.

Now, I offer the entirety of my soul, So, let us tie this transient vow.

Passion shepherds us to that distant radiance, while we blindly wander this twisted fate.

Vividly do our exclamations of love resonate, vanquishing the flames of karma..."

If Mystia wasn't too busy fantasising about smashing Yuuka's face in for her actions, she would have to admit Yuuka at least had a decent singing voice.

Mystia glared coldly at Yuuka as she reached the patio, ready to attack should the need arise. Yuuka only sipped more tea as she glanced at Mystia, a small smile on her face as she ceased her song.

"Hello there," Yuuka said pleasantly. "You're one of Wriggle's cute little friends, right?"

"Leave her alone." Mystia stated bluntly. She didn't want to exchange pleasantries, or any words that didn't relate to Wriggle's situation.

"I am," Yuuka said innocently. "She wants space, I'm giving her space."

Mystia narrowed her sharp eyes at the woman before her. "Why don't I believe you?"

"Because you see me as a horrible monster who takes naughty children from their beds in the middle of the night," Yuuka shrugged. "Tea?"

"What did you do to her?"

Yuuka smiled a little wider. "Oh, I don't think little Wriggy'd like me to say... It's a personal thing."

Mystia's blood began to boil at those words. "What did you do?"

Yuuka rolled her eyes and sighed. "My my, kids these days... cuter than ever before, but their manners! Well, let's just say I've been showing Wriggle her true nature."

"You're messing with her head."

"Just a little! Besides, it's for her own good." Yuuka replied. "Denial is a bad thing, you know!"

"As is lying." Mystia snarled, raising her sharp talons. They failed to intimidate Yuuka.

"Now now, young lady. Lying isn't my strong point," Yuuka replied calmly, and finished her tea. "However, I must say I absolutely adore those who worry for their friends. Is there anyone better than that?"

Is she trying to flatter me or something? Mystia wondered. Well, she refused to be swayed by those words. "I'm warning you, leave Wriggle alone, or I'll..."

Yuuka only chuckled at the threat. "While I admire your spirit, it's unnecessary. Wriggle will come to me when she feels it is time. Until then..."

Yuuka got her feet and approached Mystia, who was feeling the first twinges of fear, although she stood her ground, glaring at Yuuka.

Leaning close to the sparrow's face, Yuuka said, "Maybe you should try talking to her now?"

Before Mystia realised it, Yuuka had thrown her away. It was so sudden, Mystia had found herself back in the forest of magic before she noticed the throw.

Stopping herself before she hit a tree, Mystia's body began to shake, releasing the pent up fear she had felt in approaching Yuuka like that.

That woman... she makes no damn sense! Mystia thought as she leaned against a tree for support. But... what did she mean by Wriggle's 'true nature'?

"Mysty?" A surprised voice spoke from above, and Mystia flinched, staring above her to see Wriggle sitting on a rather thick branch.

...And she knew exactly where Wriggle was... Mystia thought in shock. There had to be some stalker activity going on here...

"Wriggle! Ready to talk yet?" Mystia called up.

"... I might as well." Wriggle sighed in resignation, and Mystia ascended to the branch, noting how depressed Wriggle looked.

"... Well, I just met with Yuuka." Mystia said, and Wriggle simply grunted, as if it weren't that big a deal. "She said something about you being in denial. What's that about?"

Wriggle didn't answer immediately. She picked at the hem of her cape, looking scared at the prospect of answering. Finally, she said, "I love her."

Mystia simply blinked at this statement, taking quite a while to comprehend it. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

Taking a deep breathe, Wriggle repeated, "I love her, okay? I want to be with her, hold her, and all that crap."

Mystia nearly fell to the ground with surprise. How? How could Wriggle love someone like that?

"And I don't know why, either," Wriggle grumbled, as if she read Mystia's mind. "I don't understand, and I wish I didn't love her, but I do!"

"I..." Mystia had no idea what to say about this. Was this what was troubling Wriggle? Not whatever the hell Yuuka had done to her? Or was Yuuka somehow manipulating her feelings?

"And that's not it, either," Wriggle continued, looking close to tears now. "Every time Yuuka attacks me, I... I..."

Wriggle looked at Mystia as tears began to fall. "I enjoy it, Mysty! Every time she hits me, I just want more!"

Wriggle buried her face in her hands and began to sob, while Mystia just felt awkward. It was like Wriggle had confessed to very personal activities that no one else needed to know about, and she wasn't quite sure how to react to the situation.

Regardless, Mystia carefully landed on the thick branch, kneeling in front of the sobbing youkai.

"Calm down, Wriggle," Mystia said gently. "I... can't say that I fully understand, but you say you like it when Yuuka hits you?"

Wriggle sniffled and nodded.

"Hm... I think I've heard of some people like that before..." Mystia said thoughtfully. "Although, I'm quite sure its sex-related."

Wriggle spluttered and stared at Mystia disbelievingly, her face growing red.

"B-b-b-b-but we ha-ha-haven't done that!" Wriggle cried.

"Still, I never imagined that was your thing," Mystia said with a teasing grin. "You're quite the pervert, Wriggle!"

"I'm not!"

"Don't attack me, Wriggle! I might just hit back!" Mystia laughed as she leaped from the branch, away from Wriggle's flailing arms. With a growl, Wriggle flew after her laughing friend, chasing her through the forest.

"Pervert, pervert, Wriggly-gal's a pervert~" Mystia sang loudly.

"Shut up! I'm not!" Wriggle yelled back.

Finally, Mystia came to a stop in a clearing, turning to face Wriggle with a wide grin. Wriggle charged at her, ready to tackle her friend to the ground for her accusations.

As they collided, Mystia wrapped her arms tightly around Wriggle, forcing them both to the ground. The impact knocked the wind out of Mystia, but was otherwise unharmed. They'd endured far worse playing around.

Wriggle was breathing heavily, staring at Mystia with confused eyes. Still watching her, Mystia smiled at Wriggle. "You're such a child, you know that? I don't care if getting hurt is your thing."

Wriggle only looked horribly embarrassed, and Mystia hugged her tightly.

"The only part I'm worried about is Yuuka," She continued, a small frown now on her face. "...You're absolutely sure that you love her?"

"I have to be..." Wriggle replied. "Why else would she never leave my thoughts?"

Mystia looked troubled for a second, but her expression was replaced with a grimace. "Wriggle, as nice as it is to have you on top of me-"


"-It's a tad hard to breathe." Mystia finished, and Wriggle hurriedly disentangled herself from the sparrow youkai, still looking flushed.

Mystia raised herself to a seated position, giving her wings an experimental flap before continuing. "So, what's Yuuka like around you?"

"Huh?" Wriggle looked confused for a moment. "Uh... Well, she acts all nice and cheerful, but it's kinda creepy most of the time. But sometimes, I'm sure there's genuine kindness. Oh, and I usually take a pounding at the end of our meetings."

"...Right." Mystia muttered. "Well, are you gonna keep seeing her?"

"Eh? No!" Wriggle lied, and Mystia rolled her eyes.

"Sure, Wriggle, you don't want to see the love of your life. That's about as believable as Cirno lasting three seconds against Yuuka."

"Okay, fine, I wanna see her!" Wriggle admitted grudgingly. She folded her arms and stared of to the side. "But not because I want to get my ass kicked! It still hurts, no matter what she says!"

Mystia smiled warmly at Wriggle, getting to her feet. "Well then, I suppose all that's left to do is to try and sort out Yuuka's behaviour."

When Wriggle gave her a confused look, Mystia said, "You know, stop having her beat you up at random points in the day?"

"Good luck convincing her..." Wriggle muttered. "Hey, you said you talked to her earlier, so how come you're still here?"


"Remember? Yuuka loves destroying anything that walks into her garden! How did you get away with it?" Wriggle demanded an answer.

"Who cares? Right now, I just want to sort this whole thing out!" Mystia replied impatiently. "The sooner she leaves you alone, the sooner you stop moping and lamenting your perverted desires-"

"You're the cruellest best friend I've ever had, you know that?" Wriggle grumbled.

"This was pretty stupid, Cirno." Rumia whispered fearfully to their gang leader, who was busy guiding them through the large field of flowers.

"I agree with Rumia," Daiyousei added, looking like she was expecting the sunflowers to gang up and beat them all senseless at any second. "We don't even know if she captured Mysty and Wriggle, so why don't we j-"

"My senses never lie!" Cirno interrupted. "If I think something's happened, it's happened. We'll save 'em both as long as we stick top the plan."

Earlier that day, Mystia had disappeared, and after learning what was plaguing Wriggle for the last few days, feared that the flower youkai had gotten her clutches on Mystia as well. And who was to say that none of them would be next?

"What, you two fight and I infiltrate the mansion and rescue the two of them in three seconds?" Rumia snorted. "I foresee no flaws with that at all."


The group silently made their way closer to the mansion, hoping they hadn't been noticed yet. If they could get the drop on Yuuka, they may be able to extend the battle another five seconds!

Beyond the towering flowers, the mansion came into view. Yuuka was nowhere to be seen.

"You think she's inside?" Daiyousei whispered.

"Possibly, what do you think?" Cirno asked Rumia.

The youkai of darkness shrugged. "Most likely. So this plan's a bust, huh?"

"I dunno, she might be away somewhere..." Yuuka muttered thoughtfully, peering at the mansion with her hands cupped around her eyes like binoculars.

"Good point! All right, then!" Cirno declared loudly. "Onward we - wait... who just spoke?"

Cirno slowly turned to stare at Rumia, who slowly turned to face Daiyousei, who slowly turned to face Yuuka, who cheerfully waved at the group.

Cirno's mouth produced no sound as it moved for several seconds. Finally, she was able to utter, "A-abuh-abuh-buh-ba-ABANDON MISSION!"

With screams of pure terror, the three scattered, dashing and/or flying in separate directions. Yuuka chuckled at the display.

"Oh, you kids are such fun!" The flower youkai giggled. "No wonder my little princess likes you all!"

Leaving the gang to run around like headless chickens and regroup, Yuuka walked back to her patio, taking a seat at her usual table.

It didn't take long for two others to arrive, whom Yuuka had been expecting. She could see the firefly and night sparrow approaching quickly, a small smile on her lips.

The two came to a stop when they reached the patio. Wriggle looked nervous, while Mystia was clearly trying to hold back her fear and distrust.

"Your friends are playing hide and seek out there," Yuuka informed them pleasantly, pouring herself some more tea. "You might want to make sure they don't get lost."

Mystia glared suspiciously at Yuuka. Seeing this, Wriggle whispered, "It's fine, go find them."

Reluctantly, Mystia flew back into the garden, calling out her friend's names. Wriggle glanced at Yuuka, then directed her gaze to the ground.

"Something to say, Wriggle?" Yuuka asked with a small smile.

Wriggle muttered something, almost incoherent, and Yuuka cupped a hand around her ear, leaning closer. "Eh?"

"...I love you." Wriggle muttered, a little louder this time.

"Didn't quite catch that, Wriggle-bug."

Inhaling sharply, Wriggle shouted, "I love you!"

Feeling her face grow hot, Wriggle kept her gaze downcast while Yuuka sipped her tea, a glint of amusement in her eyes.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" She asked teasingly. "And there was something else, wasn't there?"

Wriggle nodded, her fingers twiddling behind her back. "I... I want you to leave me alone."


Wriggle was surprised at the answer. Blinking stupidly, she gaped at Yuuka. "... you mean, you're really gonna leave me alone?"

"Sure, you've seen your true self already, haven't you?" Yuuka shrugged. "You're a sado-masochist!"

Wriggle looked confused, but she didn't like the sound of that, and vehemently denied that. With a giggle, Yuuka said, "Oh, I'm just kidding, you're not that extreme... yet."

"I never will be!"

Yuuka only chuckled some more. "Say that in about a hundred years, when you're old enough to actually hook up with me. I'll be waiting patiently~"

Wriggle looked disturbed at the prospect, although the idea of Yuuka hooking up with her in a hundred years was oddly exciting.

"Ah, there's just one last thing..." Yuuka reached under the table, and pulled out what looked like several sheets of paper wrapped up in a floral wrapping.

"A little gift, for you and that lovely gang of yours!" Yuuka said.

"Eh?" Wriggle was surprised as Yuuka pushed them into her hands. "W-what are they?"

"You'll find out when you open them!" Yuuka said brightly. "Just hand out one each to your friends, and enjoy the gift!"

Normally, Wriggle would be suspect of Yuuka, of all people, giving them any kind of gift, but seeing as it seemed to be nothing more than a square sheet of paper, what harm could it do? It was probably a silly message anyway.

Wriggle stood awkwardly on the patio, unsure of anything else to say. Should she just bid goodbye? That would make it feel like parting with a friend, and Wriggle was still unsure if she wanted Yuuka to be one, love or no.

"Yuuka..." Wriggle started nervously. "You... d-d'you... uh... how much do..."

Yuuka smiled in amusement as Wriggle tried to force her question out of her mouth. Kneeling in front of Wriggle, Yuuka cupped her face in her hand.

"I find you absolutely adorable," Yuuka answered gently. "I just want to keep you and dress you up and play with you all day! But as for 'love'? Hmm..."

Wriggle stared nervously at Yuuka, unsure what answer she would prefer. One the one hand, if her love was reciprocated, it would be pretty damn creepy, but if not...

"Wriggle! Found 'em!" Mystia's voice called from the garden. Turning her head, Wriggle saw Mystia waving at her, with the rest of their gang huddled behind her.

"Time to leave, I suppose," Yuuka said, taking her seat once again as she finished her cup of tea. "I have another visitor arriving in a few moments, and she won't be in a good mood, I'm afraid."

"R-right.." Wriggle muttered. Without another word, Wriggle took to the sky, meeting up with her friends, explained that she felt a lot better, had some gifts to share, and they were off.

Ah, the joy of youth... Yuuka thought blissfully.

Roughly ten minutes after Wriggle and her friends left, a very angry human was flying towards Yuuka, with a girl wrapped in a grey blanket carried over her shoulder. The angry human wore a white robe with long, red skirt, and her black hair had two ponytails hanging just in front of her ears.

"Yuuka Kazami!" The shrine maiden shouted, reaching the patio. "What the hell are you playing at?"

"Hm?" Yuuka looked surprised. "Nothing, Reimu. Is there a problem?"

Reimu Hakurei set the blonde girl on the patio and pointed at her. "Problem? You hung this person from a tree. Naked! What the hell?"

"Ish cawwed 'huneeshminb', heeneeos." Elly's muffled voice protested crossly, the gag still her mouth for some reason.

"That's correct, Elly was receiving punishment," Yuuka nodded. "There's nothing wrong with that."

Reimu threw her hands to the air. "No, of course not! It's not like there's such a thing as public decency, perverts or common frickin' sense!"

The argument continued long into the night. Yuuka cheerfully explaining her actions as right, Reimu impatiently pointing out every single thing wrong about Yuuka, and Elly sitting impatiently between the two, wondering if anyone even remembered that she was there at all.

"Uh, Wriggle, are you sure these are safe?" Daiyousei squeaked as she stared at the gift in her hands.

"I trust that these aren't going to kill us, at least," Wriggle replied. "Let's just open them, already. If we don't, Yuuka might come after us."

"Then let's open them!" Rumia said nervously.

Mystia glanced at Wriggle, seeing that she looked a lot calmer, more like her old self. Somehow, things had worked out. Wriggle no longer stared into space, thinking about that woman. Mystia wondered if Yuuka was truly as bad as they thought. After all, she had got them these presents...

"All right, let's open them together!" Cirno declared, her hands shaking as she got ready to tear the wrapping. "One... two... three!"

Everyone peeled the wrapping of their presents. Everyone's eyes bulged out of their sockets when they saw what the packages contained.

"Wriggle... I... I can see through that nightgown." Daiyousei muttered, staring at the picture in her hands.

"What's with the sailor outfit! It actually looks kinda cute." Rumia stated in shock.

"Hey look, shrine maiden Wriggle!" Cirno laughed, waving her own picture of Wriggle.

Mystia stared wordlessly at the picture of Wriggle, in which she was dressed in nothing but ribbons, which thankfully covered her anatomy. She glanced up at Wriggle, noting that her left eye was twitching as she stared at the message in her hands.

"I simply couldn't resist resist sharing! Enjoy~

-Y. Kazami 3"

"Uh... Wriggle?" Mystia said nervously. With a forced calm, Wriggle crumbled the note in her hand, eyes narrowed.

"Be right back, I'm gonna go borrow a spellcard from Marisa." Wriggle stated, and lumbered off in the direction of Marisa's house. Immediately, Mystia tackled her to the ground.

"Oh hell no! Calm down, Wriggle! We can get rid of them and completely forget what we saw!" Mystia said.

"I'm afraid that's gonna be very hard..." Rumia muttered, with nods of agreement from Cirno and Daiyousei.

Meanwhile, in the midst of Reimu's hollering, Yuuka grinned widely, having a distinct feeling her gifts were very well received.

So, that's this fic finished already. Apologies if it seems short, but this is actually much longer than I originally planned. Then I realised how utterly stupid it was to try and fit this all in one chapter...

Anyways, this particular chapter seems... pretty rushed, honestly. I didn't feel confident about stretching this into two chapters, so I tried to make everyone's actions at least partially believable. Romance is probably one of the weakest points (Out of so, so many...) especially when romance involves what is essentially BDSM with danmaku.

Well, I hope that the ending is at least adequate. I'll probably start working on a Tsukuribanashi sequel after I try a Dissidia fanfic, so... look out for them, If you like.

Also, I couldn't resist throwing in a verse from 'Fragrance of Oriental Sunflower'. If you haven't heard it, check it out, it's awesome.