Promise Me The Sun

By: Tatsutahime

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. It belongs to Naoko Takeuchi. I am only using her characters for my story.

Summery: Usagi and Mamoru, the boy next door, grew up together as best friends in the countryside. Mamoru's steady dream of being a doctor strongly contrasted with Usagi's ambitious goal of becoming a singer. When Usagi moves away, Mamoru is completely crushed. Years later Usagi come back completely transformed.


"Bunny! Bunny! Come on!" Eight-year-old Usagi Tsukino sat abruptly in her bed. She looked at the clock beside her bed. 'Midnight. Right on time as always Chiba.' Hopping out of bed, she moved to her open window. She yawned as she poked her head outside and looked around in the darkness. "Dare! Where are you?" she whispered as the cool night breeze played with her odangos.

Mamoru looked up at her. "I'm down here Buns. Are you ready?" Usagi looked down her two-story house and spotted the eleven-year-old boy. "Not tonight Dare…I'm so tired. Plus we have school tomorrow. The last time I went out, I fell asleep in class and mom and dad were really mad when the teacher called home."

Mamoru laugh slightly. "I remember that. But come on Buns! There's a full moon tonight!" Usagi looked at him in defeat. "All right, just for a little while OK?" Mamoru smiled nodding his head. He watched as she threw a rope out and wiggled out the window. He held the thick rope steady was she climbed down.

When her feet reached the soft grass. She shouted, "I'll race ya to the hill." and started sprinting. Mamoru called after her as he tried to catch her. "That's not fair!"

The two ran across the meadow and past train tracks. Usagi's taunting laughter motivated him to go faster. He stopped when he reached the top of the big hill that was located half of a mile away from the tracks. He placed his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. He spotted Usagi lying down in the grass and collapsed next to her. "You're getting faster." She said not looking at him. Her glaze was glued to the starry sky. It was their nightly ritual, to go to the hill and watch to stars.



"What to do want to do when you grow up?"

"I dunno..."

"You don't know?"

"It's stupid."

"Come on Dare. We've been best friends since…I can't even remember! You can trust me."

"Promise you won't laugh?"

"I promise."

"I want to be a doctor. But don't tell anyone, k? I have to keep my image."

"…That's not stupid Dare. I think you'll make a wonderful doctor. You're the smartest and nicest person I know! But, I won't tell anyone. I promise" Mamoru turned to his side to face Bunny. "Thanks Buns…Hey, what do you want to be?"

"I want to be a singer! I want to be famous! That's all I want in the whole world!"

"Promise not to forget the little people when you're famous?" Mamoru joked. Bunny playfully punched his arm. They laid there for almost an hour talking about the subject.

"We should get going. I'm really sleepy."

"All right Buns." He stands up and pulls on her arm to lift her up. That headed toward their homes.


Mamoru was walking slightly behind Usagi as they walked in silence. He watched the sky as he listened to Usagi hum a soft tune. Suddenly he was pulled from his thoughts as she heard Usagi scream. His eyes lowered to see her sprawled out on the train tracks. "BUNNY! Are you OK?!" he shouted as he ran up to her. He knelt before her as she started to cry. "I tripped. My… knee…it hurts..."

Mamoru eyes scanned her leg and rested on a large gash. Blood was spilling quickly. Mamoru took off his white T-shirt and wrapped it around her knee. "There," He soothed as he secured it. "Get on my back. I'll carry you home."

"Dare...?" Usagi whimpered as she wrapped her arms around his neck.


"Thank you…"

"You're welcome Buns."

The rest on the way home was walked in silence. Mamoru finally realized that she was asleep when he felt her cool rhythmic breath against his neck. When he reached her house, he slowly shook her. "Bunny, wake up…" He knelt down as he felt her stir.


"You're home Usagi."

"Oh…thanks, Dare." She whispered as she got off his back.

"Hey, look as that!" Mamoru said as he pointed to the sky.

"A shooting star…It's so pretty."

"Make a wish Buns." They closed their eyes and opened them seconds later.

"What did you wish for?" Mamoru asked.

"I can't tell you or it won't come true. That's what Mom saids."

"Ah, Buns!"

"OK, I'll tell you when it come true k? Then you can tell me yours."

"All right, promise?"

"I promise." Usagi whispers as she climbs up the robe that led to her bedroom.

He felt a strong obligation to protect her. She was so innocent and fragile, he silently vowed to not let anyone or thing harm her. 'Sweet dreams, Bunny.' Mamoru took one more look as she disappeared into her bedroom before going home to his own bedroom.

AU: That's it for the prologue. Short I know, but it's just an introduction! Please review and tell me what you think. Should I continue?