Kid Icarus and the Curse of Atlantis – Chapter 5 – Ace trainer battle club

The three birds trotted around the nearby seaside town, talking to the local pokemon that resided there. The common ones included Bidoof's and Starly's, who were amazed by the pokemon they saw. Pit trotted over to a lone Starly,

"Can you help us?" asked Pit to the Starly. It looked at Pit weird,

"Whatever do you want? I'm just here waiting for someone to capture me" replied the Starly hastily flapping its pint sized wings. Suddenly Palutena flew near to Pit,

"Still no sign of the angel folk" said Pit

"There's still no sign of them. I wonder if Penile's having any luck at all" replied Palutena. On cue, Penile landed, panting,

"I've spotted the two girls there near some sort of club. They appear angry!" yelled Penile. All the while the Starly cocked its head to the side,

'These pokemon are weird' it thought.

Flying to the nearby building, Pit, Penile and Palutena observed the situation at hand. At the entrance to the building were Andrea and Bella and they were angry,

"Let us in the battle club at once" yelled Andrea, her Manectric growling. The person guarding the building was a man of no more than 19 with blue hair and wearing a red and brown tracksuit,

"Sorry! Ace trainers only" he cackled. Bella clutched her Crobat,

"We proved to you that were capable of becoming ace trainers. Now let us in!" yelled Bella, her Crobat hissing in her arms,

"I told you before and I'll tell you again! No puny kids in OUR battle club" the ace trainer shouted.

"Hey were not puny! And we have powerful pokemon! Just let us in!" yelled Bella

"No!" replied the ace trainer, arms crossed and smirking. All the while Pit heard everything. And he was determined to get payback but Palutena held him back with her wing,

"Are you sure about this? If we intrude on these two girls then we might end up in a pickle again" said Palutena. Pit did a double take,

"We have to help them, despite what they did to me and Penile. I know it might sound crazy but we have to!" replied Pit. Andrea could hear the birds talking on top of the building. She turned to Bella, who had fury in her eyes,

"I swear I can hear voices. It happened before at the beach. It's those two birds, they're speaking" said Andrea. Bella looked at her wide eyed,

"Those two birds! You mean three birds!" said Bella. As if on cue, Pit, Penile and Palutena swooped down and landed in front of Andrea and Bella. The ace trainer smirked,

"That's a perfect pokemon choice. Let's battle!" said the ace trainer sending out an Ambipom and a Glaceon. They shot out of their balls and snarled.

"Let's repay these humans a favour" said Penile spreading her wings. Andrea looked at the birds,

"You can talk?" exclaimed Andrea. Pit looked at her with this look O.O

"Like you never noticed" replied Pit hands err wings on his hips

"Do you know any moves at all" asked Andrea,

"Moves? Are you crazy?" asked Penile

"I'm waiting for the first move!" demanded the ace trainer, his pokemon patiently waiting,

"Just give us a few minutes K?" said Bella angrily.

"Here let me scan you with my pokedex. It reveals what your moves are" said Andrea, pulling out an object which was pink and flipped open. It scanned the three pokemon in front of Bella and their information was displayed:



Aerial Ace





Brave bird

Close combat




Dragon Pulse


Ice Beam

"Nicely balanced move sets. Now let's battle!" yelled Bella.

"Which pokemon will you send against my Ambipom and Glaceon?" asked the ace trainer. Pit and Palutena nodded,

"I select Pidgeot and Altaria!" said Andrea, the birds flapping in front of her.

"Ambipom, double hit! Glaceon, Iron Tail!" yelled the ace trainer. The blue fox's tail glowed silver and tried to hit Pit but missed. Ambipom launched forward, its tails held up high and glowing white. Both birds dodged the attacks and countered,

"Pidgeot, Aerial Ace, Altaria, Dragon Pulse!" yelled Andrea. Pit launched forwards and raked Ambipom with his claws knocking it out. Palutena charged up and fired a purple blast which hit Glaceon, sending it flying backwards and fainting. Bella cheered,

"One hit KO! Sweet!" cheered Bella. The ace trainer growled and returned his pokemon,

"Okay okay! You can register now!" panted the ace trainer walking into the building with Bella and Andrea following. They stopped and looked at Pit, Penile and Palutena,

"Thank you for helping us and were awfully sorry for hurting you earlier!" said Andrea.

"Its okay, Andrea! Were okay now!" said Pit

Babystace2k10 – Pit, why are you so stubborn these days?

Pit - … WHAT?

Babystace2k10 – Your so stubborn? Why the hell are you like that?

Pit – O.O