AN: In this story, Hermione grows up in America. She doesn't know about her magic. Also, if I mess up anything in here that any of you Marines are offended to, please forgive me. Tell me what I'm doing wrong so I can correct it, okay?

"You're sending me where?" Hermione asked. There were busses leaving the bus station and she wasn't sure if she'd heard right. She hoped she'd heard them wrong.

"Marine boot camp at Paris Island," her father said as he packed her suitcase in the lower part of the bus she was to board. "You've gotten into too much trouble around here. You're lucky there wasn't enough evidence against you, young lady. This camp will straighten you out."

Hermione looked to her mother for some sort of encouragement, but she was only looking at her hands. Her father pushed her onto the bus and she was forced into a seat by a Drill Sergeant. The bus doors closed and she was driving out of sight.

It had been five years since that bus ride. Hermione had been to hell and back at boot camp, but not once had she had a mishap like at home. She'd even come to love getting up early, having PT, going through mile runs, and pushing herself to her limits and breaking them. Sure getting yelled at by the DI's wasn't the funnest thing in the world, but you get use to it.

Once she'd completed the boot camp, as it was part of her parol, she'd gone to a recruiter and signed up right then and there. They'd said that she didn't have to go back to boot camp, but she went anyway. Mostly to keep an eye on Pansy Parks, a girl she'd met who'd recently come to England. The girl looked like a pug sometimes, but Hermione had taken a like to her.

So, after they'd gone through boot camp, they'd stayed in the same line of work, going through Drill Instructor school and becoming MPs later on. They'd both become Staff Sergeant very quickly and were currently being sent to England to cover security at the Marine base stationed there.

Pansy looked over at Hermione from her plane and said, "Hey, you got last month's copy of Cosmopolitan?"

Hermione reached into her bag and pulled out a magazine. "You didn't read it last time, so I brought it just in case," she said.

Pansy smiled and handed her an herbs book she'd grabbed from a waiting room as she took the magazine. "You're a life saver, Herm," she said, opening it.

"Because I remembered to bring you a sex magazine?" Hermione asked. A few passengers looked at her funny and she gave a polite smile as Pansy laughed.

"Wanna say that louder?" she asked. "I don't think the pilot heard you. And, this is no ordinary sex magazine. This here magazine saved my love life a couple of times."

Hermione rolled her eyes. Pansy was addicted to the magazine because of the sex and relationship advice, but Hermione only had it to keep Pansy happy. The last time Hermione had been kissed by a guy, it had been three months ago at a Christmas party, and he'd ended up being court-martialed for insubordination to a superior officer a few months afterwards. Hermione had the worst luck with guys while Pansy was a hunk magnet. She could get any guy she wanted, but always stayed away from officers and enlisted in her command. Fraternization and everything.

Pansy looked over at Hermione and said, "It wouldn't hurt for you to take a few of these tips for yourself. Might help you catch a decent guy. Get laid or something."

Hermione laughed. "Thanks, but no, Pans," she said. "My sex life is just fine."

"When was the last time you passionately snogged someone? Or, for that matter, even had a one night stand?" Pansy asked. Hermione looked at her as if trying to say 'really?' Pansy nodded, wanting an answer.

Hermione sighed and thought for a moment. "Three years ago on May 17. 2000 hours."

Pansy let out a loud laugh and quickly quieted when an old woman shushed her. She giggled and said, "You actually remember the time? Wow, Herm, that's pathetic."

Hermione smacked Pansy's arm before changing the subject. "You happy to be going back to your home land after so long?"

Pansy chuckled. "I'm happy to be seeing some old friends." She smiled brightly and said, "You could sleep with one of my friends. I'm sure Blaise or Draco would love to sleep with a sexy girl like you." Pansy gave her a saucy wink to tease her friend.

Hermione laughed. "Pimping your friends now?" she asked. "And what kind of names are Blaise and Draco?"

Pansy rolled her eyes. "Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy. They're hansom, rich, and smart; even famous. Everything a girl could ask for," she said.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Pans. I'm going to get some sleep. Haven't had a good night sleep lately," she said.

"Vibrator stop working?" Pansy teased. Hermione chocked back a laugh as she saw an old woman stare in shock from across the aisle. She closed her eyes and got some rest for the rest of the flight.

"Hermione, wake up," Pansy said, nudging her shoulder. Hermione opened her eyes and rubbed them as the plane began to descend. She stretched and looked out the window. "I hope we get a cute escort," Pansy said.

Hermione chuckled. "You know, no conversation is ever dull with you," she said as the tires hit the run way. There was some jostling of passengers, but then the plane stopped.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Pansy said. "Hey, if we don't have duty tonight, I'm going to grab you, Blaise, and Draco, and we're going to hit the hottest night club in London."

Hermione smiled. "Whatever you say, Staff Sergeant," she teased. Pansy smiled back and they left the plane with their carry ons. Customs was quick and they soon had their baggage.

It sometimes amazed Pansy that all of her things could fit in one foot locker, which was a feat upon itself, as it held a lot of things. Hermione, on the other hand, didn't have much to own. Her uniforms, shoes, PT uniform, some nice clothes for when Pansy dragged her to clubs, clothes that Pansy had picked out, too, for no apparent reason except to 'improve Hermione's wardrobe'; a pair of regular jeans and comfortable t-shirts, toiletries, and a photo album filled with pictures of people Hermione had met through the years. That was her most prized possession and she never kept it in plain view. Pansy knew about it, but that was it.

The two walked through the English airport in their uniforms and searched for someone to take them to the new base. What Hermione saw, though, was Pansy throwing her arms around two men. They were both tall, but the tallest was tan with Italian features and brown eyes. The other was pale with almost white blond hair and silver yes. "Blaise! Draco!" she said. Hermione relaxed as she realized that they were her friends.

But, when Pansy pulled back, Hermione saw that they were Majors, higher ranks than them, even if they were English officers. She saluted them. They looked at her and smiled. The tallest one saluted back. "Relax, Staff Sergeant," he said. "I'm Blaise Zabini. This is Draco Malfoy. We're here to take you and Pansy to the base."

"Yes, sir," Hermione said. She reached down and grabbed the trolley that held their luggage.

Draco reached out and took it from her hands. "I'll take this," he said. "You look tired."

"Caught some rest on the plane, sir," Hermione said.

He smiled and Hermione felt her heart jump at the sight. "I heard that Marines only get sleep where and when they can," he said.

Hermione smiled. "We're always on the move, sir," she said.

"Just call me Draco. At least off duty," he said, wheeling the trolley out of the airport and to a large SUV. Pansy and Blaise were already chatting happily. Hermione helped Draco put their things in the trunk before reaching for the door. Draco held it open for her and she stepped in.

As he climbed into the seat next to her, she turned to him. "I have a question, sir, if you don't mind answering."

"Go ahead," he said.

"Pansy says that you and Major Zabini are rich. Why are you working if you don't have to?" she asked.

Draco shrugged. "We've been through a lot. Blaise and I just came out of something pretty big. We may be rich, but we wanted to do something that would give back to what we'd destroyed."

Hermione was confused about this, but Blaise and Pansy stepped into the car just then. Pansy turned in the seat and said, "Hermione, Blaise said the ride's going to take a while. Get some sleep, okay? I almost had to throw you in the aisle when you didn't wake up on the plane."

Hermione chuckled at her friend's dramatics and rested her head back. Sleep sounded really good to her right now.

"Hermione!" Pansy yelled in her ear what felt like a few minutes later. Hermione jumped and smacked her head on the top of the car. Pansy laughed as she rubbed the sore spot. "We're here."

Hermione stepped out of the car and looked around. This didn't look like a Marine base. It looked like a really old London building. "Where are we?" she asked.

Pansy exchanged looks with the men and said, "Well, we haven't actually been assigned to a Marine base. Not really."

"What does that mean?" Hermione said.

Draco and Blaise opened the doors and ushered her in. She walked in, well, dragged in, was more like it. Pansy was pulling her into the building. They passed a the doors and into a large lobby. A receptionist looked up and then back down again. Draco and Blaise led Hermione down a corridor and opened a door. Her mouth dropped open.

Before her was a room like no other. Made entirely of brick and iron, it was larger than anything Hermione had ever seen. An impressive fountain stood in the middle of a circular area. People in weird outfits were walking around and some were even emerging from fireplaces after a flash of green flames. They weren't even hurt! Hermione took all of this in. Pansy just smiled softly as she looked around, as if remembering a dream.

Draco turned to Hermione and said, "Welcome, Hermione Granger, to the Ministry of Magic."

Hermione looked at each of them in turn and did something she thought no Marine could ever do. She fainted.

AN: What do you think so far? Good chapter? Again, no offense to any Marine that may be offended. And, about Mr. Granger's behavior, I think any dad would get a bit testy about what Hermione got into. This shall be explained later on in the story, okay? Thanks for reading.

Okay, at the request of a person who sent me a message, I must say this. There is a Harry Potter RPG game where you live in Hogwarts as your favorite character or teacher. I'm spreading the word. If you want, it's called dumbledoresarmy. So, there it is. They need a people. Thanks.