A/N: Okay chapter breakdown. This whole thing has been written in spurts of my free time so it's very broken up by those little "x.x.x." 's I use to break up the story. It was the only way I could find the motivation to write at this point since my interest for this died down while I've been working/living/stressing. But inspiration, or at least guilt at coming so close to leaving this unfinished, spurred me on to write more. After this chapter, I'm going to reply to my reviewers, who I love more than vanilla cupcake cappuccino's from 7-11, which says a lot because I was drinking three to four 24 oz cups each morning and afternoon after school while they had them out. I hope this chapter is everything to your liking. Please enjoy. As an odd site note. I wrote most of this while listening to Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas on repeat o.O Thank you all of you who have taken the time to review and have waited patiently for this chapter. Your enthusiasm for this story is what keeps me going back to it. Whatever questions you may have or spelling/grammar mistakes you find, please let me know in a review. I'm sorry if this chapter is lacking.

Sincerely from your Captain,


Who has indeed heard the wolf cry to the blue corn Moon

Chapter 5

To Touch and To Feel

Voldemort could feel the power growing within the weapon. It had been over two months, yet its strength grew in such leaps and bounds that it left no doubt to the power held within. With a flick of his wrist, darkness crept forth to creep over the motionless body collapsed on the floor. His victim had been weak.

'And he had thought himself worthy of joining my number.' The Dark Lord sneered.

Soft hissing came from the doorway. A thick, great snake slithered into the room, tasting the air with its tongue.

-I smell food- It hissed pleasantly, flicking its tongue in the direction of the body.

-Not for you, my pet- Voldemort said, crooking a finger to beckon over the serpent.

Nagini hissed in displeasure, but did not disobey her master. She entwined her length around the Dark Lord's chair, nudging her head against his hands.

-Have you no use for me anymore?-

Voldemort idly stroked the scales of his faithful serpent. -You are most important to me, Nagini. I believed you to understand that.-

The serpent bowed its head. -I do.-

-Then do not question it. If you hunger, I am sure the Malfoys would not object to sacrificing their House Elves for your dinner meal.-

The two sat in silence for a while as Voldemort observed the darkness swallowing the form of the young man on the floor. So much power. And soon it would be for him to control. The Keyblade gleamed brightly near the fire grate, the light from the flames bouncing off the weapon to give it an eerie, unearthly glow. A dangerous smile formed upon the Dark Lord's lips.

-When shall it be ready- Nagini hissed, following her masters line of sight.

Red eyes watched the shining heart float towards the ceiling as the darkness consumed the last of the body. It vanished into air.

-Soon, Nagini. Soon.-


Arthur Weasley was not a very wealthy man, but what he lacked in wealth was made up for with enthusiasm and a deep love for his family. As he locked up his office and headed for the lift, ready to go home to unwind with his wife, he was nearly assaulted by one of the flying memo's zipping around overhead.


The handwriting was quick and precise and Arthur recognized it as Kingsley Shacklebolt's. Sighing, he turned away from the direction of the lifts and headed towards the Auror Department. It was going to be a long night after all.


"Roxas." Crooned a voice.

The blond mumbled in his sleep and turned over. He wasn't ready to get up.

Sighing, the voice tried again. "C'mon Rox, you have to get up sometime. We've got the day off. I figured we could hit up a beach somewhere."

Axel? Sitting up in a rush, Roxas looked around for the redhead only to find himself back in the same bed he had woken up in before. He furrowed his brows slightly, wondering where Axel's voice had come from and if he had really heard it all.

The Hospital Wing was dark, illuminated only by the dim sconces on the walls that cast creeping shadows upon the rooms' furniture. There was an almost edgy gut clenching sensation in the pit of his stomach that made Roxas take double glances at everything he saw. The room, which looked harmless in the daylight, was a lot like Vexen's smile during the night; unnatural and downright terrifying. Roxas gingerly moved off the bed. He didn't feel like putting himself through a night of mental torture very much. Glancing quickly around for the nurse, he crept silently towards the door, slipping out easily and bolting down the hallway. Moonlight flooded through the windows and a chill breeze made him shiver.

"They took my cloak!" He whispered when he went to rub his arms. Oh gods, the punishment the Superior would give him made him want to get knocked out all over again. He could go back to the Hospital Wing and search for it, but if he were to be caught snooping around he might wind up in more trouble than he was already in.

"I wish Axel were here." He mumbled as he crouched down on the ground. The blond closed his eyes to cradle his head in his hands.

"I'm still here, if that makes you feel any better."

Cracking an eye open, Roxas called out tentatively, "Ven?"

"Yup." Said the voice cheerfully and Roxas smiled in relief.

"What happened to me?" He asked.

Silence permeated the air for a few minutes. When Ven spoke again it was softer, more uncertain than before.

"Do you remember the lady in the room with us?" Roxas nodded his head. Suddenly he wondered how Ven was able to see everything that went on, but before he could ask Ven continued.

"She hit you with some weird magic. It wasn't like anything the Keyblade does; you just dropped to the ground and couldn't move. I was really scared...I couldn't try to help you. I'm sorry, Roxas."

"It wasn't your fault." He told the other calmly. "It's not like you could have stopped it anyway. No matter what, we're still in this together."

It was like looking into a mirror. As if stepping out of the air, a boy identical to himself appeared in front of him. He was translucent, shimmering around the edges, but the smile on his face was as vivid as the sun.

"Someone very important to me said something like that once." The boy said and his voice sounded equally as faint and fragile as his translucent body, "They told me that no matter where we go, no matter where we are, we'll always be together." Gently, he laid the palm of his hand against Roxas's chest. "Because our hearts are connected."

A steady, thump, thump, thump thrummed in his chest. Roxas was mesmerized. Raising trembling fingers, he placed them over Ventus', relishing in the strangely silky touch of the other boys skin. Something was stirring deep inside the recesses of his being. A conversation with Axel came to memory.

"Roxas? Are you really sure that you don't have a heart?"

"I don't know. I can't just look inside. But I figure if there is something in there, inside us, then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?"

Was this it? Was this what he was supposed to feel? This steady and strong beat and these completely whole, completely real feelings singing inside of him? It was amazing, and beautiful, and terrifying all at once. It was overwhelming. It was a miracle. Even when he looked up and his eyes connected with Ven's he couldn't stop the absolute power and joy of the realization that it was true. It was really, really true.

"I have a heart." He said, still with disbelief. Laughter bubbled up from within, so new, yet so familiar, as if he had done it a hundred times before but was never able to do it properly. Something trickled from his eyes. Wiping the tears away, he stared at the water and then back at Ven. More tears fell as he smiled even wider. "I really have a heart!"

He wanted the moment to last forever. But as fate would have it, one simple meow broke the spell that held them together. Roxas snapped his eyes away from Ven and looked down towards the end of the hall where an old cat stared at him with glowing yellow eyes.

"Meow." It mewled again.

Roxas looked back to Ven, but the other boy had vanished, almost making Roxas wonder if he had really been there at all. The thrumming in his chest stopped, making him want to cry out. But there would have been no conviction behind the action. As swiftly as it had appeared, had his heart gone.

Footsteps hurried down the hall and an angry looking man appeared rounding the corner, out of breath and holding a lantern. The cat rubbed against his legs affectionately. "Who's out here?" He growled as he got his breath back.

Roxas stood up, only to remember rather belatedly that he was naked from the waist up. While his black pants would blend into the darkness, his pale exposed torso was caught in the moonlight.

When the man caught sight of him, his eyes seemed to grow out of his head. "Student- half naked- roaming halls-" The spluttering nonsense just went on and on. When the man finally seemed to have calmed himself enough to speak, his eyes were filled with a sadistic glee. "Oh, are you in trouble." He grinned evilly.

Roxas just stood rooted to the spot, not sure what to do. The man crossed the hall with quick steps and came to stand next to Roxas, gripping his shoulder tightly. "Who's your head of house, boy?" He asked and forced Roxas to walk forward. They walked down the hall, away from the direction of the Hospital Wing, and turned the corner. Roxas looked up at the man blankly.

"What's a head of house?" He asked.

The man made another spluttering noise before shooting a nasty look at the blond. "Playing smart? Oh that won't help you. I should take you down to Umbridge, have her deal with you if that's how it's going to be. Oh, that woman, she respects the old ways. All corporal punishment."

Roxas really didn't know what to say, but the hand on his shoulder was becoming uncomfortable.

"Let go." He said, wrenching himself free and stopping in the hall. The man stared at him, momentarily stunned by his actions, as if shocked that the blond really dared to defy such a man as he.

"That's it." He croaked, voice rising with his anger. "I've had it with these students!" He made a grab for Roxas again, but the blond stepped back out of reach. A wildfire burned in the man's eyes. "Wait here. I'm going to call Umbridge and then you'll be in for it!" He snarled. "Even if you run, we'll find you and then you-"

"Ah, Roxas. There you are."

Almost like a wind-up toy, the man spun around and came face to face with the old man from before. Roxas stood stock still.

"Professor Dumbledore! This student is breaking at least eight school rules right now and I demand retribution!" The man started up, but the old man, Dumbledore, moved past him to come to Roxas's side. The blond just stared at him. He was starting to think his brain might have run off with his heart.

"Ah, my apologies Argus. You see, I had asked Roxas here to meet with me when he was feeling better, but I believe our times may have been a little mixed up." Dumbledore lied lightly. He smiled at Argus, who was giving Roxas such a nasty glare that it made the blond take a small step back. After a long moment of looking like he wanted to argue, the man stormed off, rounding the corridor and leaving a trail of dark mutterings and grumblings behind. The strange little cat watched them for a moment or two before following after and just like that Roxas and Dumbledore became the only two left in the hall.

When it became apparent that the other wasn't going to say anything, Roxas decided to be the one to break the silence. "Thank you for helping me." He said.

Dumbledore smiled down at him. "Think nothing of it. Shall we head to my office? I've just received a package of Indian teas that I've been itching to open."

Roxas smiled at the man. It wasn't the true smile like before, but for the state he was in, Roxas felt it was pretty close. "Yeah, let's go."


Dumbledore's office wasn't what Roxas had been expecting, if he had really been expecting anything at all. Used to the stark white of the Castle, the amount of color nearly overwhelmed him when he first stepped inside.

"Wow." He breathed out. Objects all over the room whirred around on their shelves and hummed. There were portraits lining the wall behind the desk, all of them of snoring men and women, but if he looked closely, Roxas thought he saw them open their eyes, only to quickly close them shut when they found him looking. It was like the room had been crafted in Wonderland and brought all the way to this world. He half expected to see a card soldier pop out from behind a shelf.

Dumbledore was already seated behind the large wooden desk and he gestured towards one of the armchairs for Roxas. With a flick of a stick, a teapot appeared in front of them along with two porcelain cups. Roxas watched as the teapot filled the cups and his own floated towards him. Tendrils of steam rose up from inside, filling his nose with an exotic, almost spicy scent. Taking a sip, he wrinkled his nose and placed the cup down on the floor. It was a long way off from the flavor of Sea Salt Ice-cream.

"Roxas, I feel that before I can truly enjoy my tea that I must offer you an apology for the incident that occurred in the Hospital Wing earlier in the morning. I would like you to know that I, nor any other of my staff here at Hogwarts, wish you any harm." Dumbledore looked at him seriously but his eyes were sincere. Roxas nodded his head.

"So this world is called Hogwarts?" The blond asked, not able to stop himself from looking around at the wonders all around him.

"Well, I wouldn't quite call it the world, but yes this school is called Hogwarts." Dumbledore replied. He sipped his tea quietly for some time as Roxas's eyes roved over the room. "In case you were wondering, your cloak is hanging on the rack near the door. I'm afraid it was in quite the sorry state when you arrived here." At the look on Roxas's face he was quick to add, "Rest assured, we patched it up. It's good as new."

"Thank you." Roxas breathed out in relief. With his cloak, he'd be able to return back to the castle and hopefully do some damage control over his situation before things became any more out of hand. He stood from the chair, careful not to knock the tea over. "I should probably get going, if you don't mind. I've been here way longer than I should have been."

"Of course, I'm sure you're family is quite worried." Dumbledore said. Roxas didn't respond.

His cloak felt warm in his hands. Though it did indeed look as if it had taken a beating, the seams and stitches made in reparation looked flawless, following along the patterns and folds of the original outline. Good as new indeed.

"Roxas, before you go there is one more thing I must ask you."

Turning around, the blond waited for the man's question.

"Here comes the catch." Ven muttered. Roxas held away his urge to talk to the other boy. He had his own set of questions needing to be answered, but not with another person in attendance.

"What is it?" He asked.

Dumbledore was quiet for a moment and then spoke, "I must ask; Roxas, do you come from another World?"


Yen Sid-

How have you been old friend? It has been quite some time since we last spoke. I must say, the past ten years really have flown by, haven't they? I hope they have been good to you. I myself have had the prestigious honor of being placed on a Famous Witches and Wizards card, a sort of novelty in my world.

I confess that I write this letter not merely for a chat, but to seek out answers to a growing mystery that I have a feeling concerns both of our worlds. I believe a get together is long over-due, if you'd be so inclined to meet with me. I hope to receive your owl soon. I'm curious to know if that duck ever figured out his recipe for that ice cream.

Sincerest Regards,

Albus Dumbledore

Dumbledore set down the quill, waiting for the parchment to dry. Fawkes rested peacefully on his perch. The trip to the Mysterious Tower would be a long one and he hoped his faithful bird would be alright during the trip. Roxas was gone for the night, but he suspected he'd be seeing him soon enough. Absently picking at the bowl of lemon drops on his desk, Dumbledore sat back, feeling a heady sense of dread at the change in the course of events. There was only so much he could do at the moment to protect Harry and with the information from Roxas, a few of his hunches had been confirmed. Yes, things were slowly becoming more and more complicated. Signalling for Fawkes, the Headmaster tied the letter to the phoenix's leg, stroking his feathers consolingly as he instructed him on where to go.

"If you are feeling too tired to return right away, I'm sure Yen Sid would not mind letting you stay for a few days. Be safe Fawkes and come back well." Dumbledore said. The bird chirped in a sing-song voice, nuzzling his head into Dumbledore's cheek. In an eruption of flame of magic, the bird was gone, nothing left save for the scorch marks against the wood of the desk. The only thing to do now was wait.