Disclaimer: I own nothing, but only the thoughts.

A/N: I based the scene from the movie, but every thought of Harry is from the books. I only interpreted Harry's actions towards Hermione and imagine it's me who's talking.

Warning: No likey the pairing? Don't read. You're only hurting yourself.


"A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other.. maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late or maybe forever."

~ 500 Days of Summer


Chapter 1: The Thought

It may seem selfish, but I don't want Hermione leaving me. Never. I know that she loves Ron more than she loves me, yet I can't help but think why Hermione's still here. Listening to the radio. Her chin at her knees. Possibly waiting for Ron to come back. I thought she was going to leave me behind this depressing tent. After all, Ron's her boyfriend and I, the Chosen One, 'fell in love' with Ron's youngest sister, Ginny Weasley. However, I broke up with her because of the circumstances relating to Voldemort. He might use her against me, to get to me, just as what he did to Sirius Black, my beloved godfather. Only I was too idiot not to listen to Hermione's advice that it was just a trap and nothing more, but I didn't let my feelings sink to the brim where it belongs because whether it's a trap or not, he was the only loving relative I had left. But then again, due to my stupidity and ill-thinking, and let's not forget to mention, not listening to Hermione's advice, the journey, my friends and I had, became not what I had expected it for. There were Voldemort's Death Eaters all over the place. It was a trap, and Hermione was right. I really wished I believed her that time. In that way, we could have avoided the dilemma, but I was an idiot. I didn't believe her. I wished I did.

And we ran. We tried to hide, of course, but unfortunately, Ron, Luna and Ginny were separated from us by those foul Death Eaters. Some of them fought against us in the room we were in. Neville was gravely injured, but he could move, while Hermione, Oh Merlin knows how I wanted to die that moment, was unconscious due to a purple flame on her chest casted by Antonin Dolohov. I couldn't imagine what I would do if Neville hadn't said that her pulse was no more moving. It kept me sane. Hermione's existence, unconscious or not, as long as she's alive, keeps me sane enough to destroy Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

After Neville told me she's alive, a powerful wave of relief shot through me, thus making me light-headed and strong enough to destroy them. We carried her and along the way, we met the others, too. Though Ron was acting peculiar and saying ridiculous comments in everything he would see, Ginny had a broken ankle, and Luna was alone unhurt, as long as his friends are alive, he's satisfied enough.

Then we saw some of the members of the Order of the Phoenix. Most especially, Sirius was there. He was fighting his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. She shot him a jet of light, thus making him go to the direction of the creepy veil. I was sobbing hard that time. I didn't know what to do. I was in a mess, all because I didn't listen to Hermione. If only I did.. if only I did. Luckily, Professor Lupin, my dad's friend, rescued me from my own misery and told me to move on with Neville.

What if I followed Hermione's advice? I pondered. Then I wouldn't know the truth, I wouldn't know the prophecy, Sirius was never dead and he will be here, beside me, deciphering Dumbledore's orders.

And then there was the Triwizard Tournament. Surprisingly, my name got called by Professor Dumbledore, the former Headmaster of Hogwarts and also my brilliant mentor. I said to all of them that I didn't write my name in the goblet. Only Hermione believed me, though. Ron, however, didn't. He thought I couldn't get enough of the fame I have and came on the conclusion that I entered. He was jealous, Hermione said. She was the only one who believed in me and helped me when almost the entire Hogwarts population thought I was a lunatic. Don't get me wrong, though. Cedric Diggory, the fake Alastor Moody, Ronald Weasley, and Dobby the House-elf helped me, too. It's just that I couldn't help but feel more grateful for Hermione's help.

There was the Yule Ball, too. I didn't really consider Hermione as my partner, so I wanted to ask Cho because I liked her in a romantic sort of way. Unfortunately, Cedric had already asked her. I was too late because I was too much of a coward. I asked her, anyway and she politely declined my request. I went to the Gryffindor Common Room afterwards, and Ron came in, saying that he had failed, too. So that left us with no partners at all. All the good-looking girls were taken, I reflected. Then, Hermione came in and confront both of us why Ron and I weren't at dinner. Ginny said the reason why which made us both to shut up. After that embarrassing moment, Ron said to Hermione out loud that she's a girl. That makes the situation irritating and awkward in a way. Way to go, Ron! I thought. But Hermione refused, blushing profusely while saying she was going with someone already. Anyway, I just asked the Patil twins to go with us and they accepted.

I saw Hermione in a different light, though. She was beautiful, I thought, with those periwinkle-blue robes. I didn't recognize her at first, but then I did in the end. How could I not realize it before that she was more beautiful than all of the girls combined that it'll make your jaw drop literally? Ron and I didn't know that she was going with Krum. Ron was pretty mad at her and even had the slightest gut to say that she, Hermione herself, was fraternizing with the enemy. This made Hermione burst out into tears and I just watched her go away. I hoped she would understand why.

On the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, a riddle was to be solved. Hermione helped me because she's excellent in solving problems and deciphering codes. She would never let you down, I know. One thing was wrong, though. Is Ronald Weasley I would entirely miss, not Hermione? And Krum would miss Hermione much more than I did? I knew it. There was something wrong. I know I would miss Hermione more, not Ron.

At the third task, Cedric died and I cried while clutching his corpse. He was murdered by Voldemort and I saw him myself. Voldemort got his body back because Wormtail, the one who betrayed my parents, took some blood on my arm and put in the cauldron. I fought with him, using the Expelliarmus charm while he used the Killing Curse. I came back to Hogwarts through a portkey with Cedric's dead body. Some people thought I killed Cedric, but the ones who know me well believed it was only rumors. When everyone parted ways, Hermione did something she had never done before; she kissed me on the cheek.

Until this point, I still don't know why she did that. Maybe it's because she wanted to cheer me up because of Cedric being dead and put every emotion she could muster on that kiss. I blushed, of course, because she had never done it before. It's girlish of her to do that and Hermione's rarely like that. Maybe it's her way of saying, "Hey, Harry, I got feelings for you. Please write to me this summer." I don't know. I'm confused as hell. I'm not good with girls and she knows that. But Hermione and I understand each other even with no words said at all.

And there was the Firebolt thingy. Hermione talked to Professor McGonagall because of my Firebolt. Someone gave it to me and Hermione thought that it was Sirius and McGonagall agreed. So she confiscated it. I felt bad. As in, really, really bad. One moment, I had the broom that everyone desires to have, and then the next, it was gone. Just like that. All because of Hermione. I wanted to blame her, but my mind told me that she was just trying to help. I didn't though, but I couldn't help feeling angry at her. I never regretted anything. Ron was the one who wounded my and Hermione's friendship that time because he thought Crookshanks ate Scabbers. I just let him do it. After McGonagall concluded that there was nothing wrong with it, I talked to Hermione. No apologies, no anything. She knew I was sorry. I only wished I said it out loud.

Hermione was petrified during my second year at Hogwarts because of a basilisk. I didn't know how to react that time. Ron was the first one to react loudly. I wished I did, too. I wished I reacted loudly like what Ron did. But I just stared at her. Shock and nervousness were the only emotions that could perceive right through me, and I suddenly became interested with her right hand.

I know Hermione's bossy and stuff like that, that which made her cry during our first year because Ron said it out loud. Good thing I didn't because whoever deserves your tears will never make you cry. I felt the same way Hermione did. That's why I didn't insult her. I didn't pity her either. I just comforted her by being by her side, "I'm here, Hermione. Please don't mind their insults and sarcastic comments."

While going to retrieve the Philosopher's Stone, Hermione hugged me before she left. I was totally embarrassed by this kind of intimacy, or maybe, it was because of what she said – that I'm a great wizard. I don't know which. All I know is that I blushed by what she did.

And right now, I'm staring at her, realizing a shocking revelation. Not glaring daggers at her that could kill, mind you, … but I know that hers are deadlier than mine.

I just realized only now that Hermione was always there for me. No matter what I do to push her away, she would be stubborn enough and refuse to acknowledge what I had said. Then, Ginny came on my mind. Hermione and I would always be having something so intense that might go beyond friendship, but Ginny and I could never have that. Ginny, my love, my ex-girlfriend, the one I left because of Voldemort but I'd come back once everything's over, is never Hermione. She could never be Hermione. Hell, she could never replace Hermione. Hermione is Hermione. Only Hermione can be Hermione. My Muggleborn bookworm best friend. She keeps her promises and she's the best friend I could ever have. I like her. I love her very much, though I'm not allowed to say it. She understands me pretty well. I understand her as much as she does, but Ron has issues about himself, with his personality and so he would be having a hard time to understand her just as easily as I could. I only wish I saw Hermione in a different light faster than Ron did. Because now, they're lovers. They're more than that. They would be married one day, when this is all over.

But there's one thing I like to say to you, Hermione. Hermione, are you staying because you pity me? I can't conclude another thought. I would have to go process it all over again. It's the only thing I can think of, anyway. It also makes sense. She's staying because I had no family even if it makes Ron leaving her. He also expects her to go with him, thus leaving me behind. Alone, broken and cold.

Wait a second. Doesn't that mean she loves me more than she loves Ron? Because when a person chooses you over the other, it means that he loves you more. So frankly speaking, she loves me more. Or there are other cases, like pity. I was thinking about that.

But never mind that. I want to comfort her to thank her solely, because without her, I'm nothing. After all, it is proven that Harry Potter is nothing without his Hermione Granger.

A/N: This happens before he asks her to dance non-verbally. Damn, these two. They really moved me, you know. :3

Anyway, if you'll criticize, please say it in an appropriate manner. If you want me to make another chapter, just say the word and I'll try to do it.

Words: 2011

Happy reading~. :D