Hey, I had this idea for a while and I just wanted to get it out there. I hope you enjoy the story and please review! Thanks! I think this is going to be a one-shot, but I'm not sure yet.

"Iggy, happy birthday." Nudge's sweet voice whispered in the darkness.

I opened my eyes and saw her standing by my bed. She was holding a chocolate cake and smiling softly at me. The candlelight reflected off her face at random angles, throwing some areas in shadow and glaring light on others. It was menacing the way the light distorted her face, making her seem unreal, like an abstract painting.

I felt a shiver run down my spine but I couldn't stop myself from reaching out and touching her.

"Nudge." I replied, feelings tears well up in my eyes.

My fingers touched air. Nudge shot me a sorrowful look before she melted into the darkness. The cake vanished and a low rumbling ensued as the ground started to crumble under my bed. Voices filled the air, hushed but angry. They rose in pitch until their chant turned into a sad melody, its haunting tune echoing back at me from invisible walls. I tried to scream, but no sound came out. I was falling down, down, down into nowhere.

Images flashed past me. Nudge laughing, crying, sleeping. Jeb and Ari in the lab. Nudge lying lifeless on the examination table. Jeb sticking needles into her arm. Ari cackling maniacally while licking his jaws in delight. Max trying to save Nudge but failing. Fang cussing. Gazzy crying. Angel sobbing. Total crouching on the floor, both paws covering his eyes to save himself from witnessing the dreadful sight.

My bed hit the bottom and smashed into pieces. A blinding pain tore through me and I managed to choke out her name one last time before everything truly went black.
