Hi everyone! This is my second Sasukexsakura fan fic, I've got another one to if you wanna check it out :D

Warning: This is a Mature fanfiction! And it deals with very dark issues, if your sensitive or find offence please do not read, you have been warned

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I am simply a fan :)

Never again would she feel the weight of his body on hers, his heavy breathing against her neck, the ecstasy and raw pleasure of it all. The wonderment of looking into his eyes and seeing herself in them, how delicious her name sounded tumbling out of his mouth. How dirty and sick she felt afterwards, how she cried for hours, how he never cared, how cruel and heartless his eyes looked after the pleasure eroded. Never again, never.

"Stay," He said to her, downing a shot of brandy.

"Go to hell," She would answer him back and he laughed.

"One day, but for now let me enjoy this," He strode over to her and touched her cheek ignoring the way she flinched.

"Remember a time when you used to love me?" He said sounding sorry. She said nothing and looked away from him.

He slammed the door, not telling her what time he would be back.


She stood at the bottom on the lobby recalling those last words he said to her, etching every little detail of that last moment together into her mind. Men in black suits and guns walked into the complex going up the elevator of clear glass, they would see her soon and the chase would be on but she was fast, they would have to kill her before she let them drag her back to that place where he was again.

Gun shots fired and she ran. Faster and faster Until she reached the door, if she could just get past it that was her freedom, she knew that his men would not be able to find her once she was within the city she knew all the back streets, the secret passages and safe heavens from her months of research. She had to be careful he always checked the internet history and the deleted files but she was clever, cunning and brilliant and had made her own programme that copied all her work on a disk which she destroyed each time. She knew if he ever found out what she was planning that, that would be it, game over once he knew there would have been no chance to escape. As she passed the doors her heart leap for a moment her body was full of joy and the overwhelming sense of freedom. God she was free!

A bullet passed her by and she suddenly turned on her heels with a gun in her hand in a second she had spotted who had shot at her and fired. Her aim perfect. Again she ran willing her legs to go faster she was losing them as she climbed up and down buildings, her skills as a street runner had come in handy but she never thought that they would once be a defining feature that granted her freedom.

Almost there, it was on the outskirts of the city in an urban suburb, her legs heavy and aching, her initial adrenaline surge had worn off and now she was just running on pure desperation. Coming up a back ally she reached the thing she had been looking for. To anyone else it was just a normal house, slightly run down but in relevantly good condition, it blended in beautifully and that's why it worked so well. She banged on the door at this point she was breathing hard, sweat had drenched what little clothes she had on, really she would of wanted to wear more, but he hadn't given her much, he didn't like her with too much on what was the point when it was only going to come off again?

The door opened to a pretty girl with dark hair that looked a little purple in the sunlight, for a matter of fact so were her eyes. The girls eyes widened as she took in the girls appearance.

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay? Quick come inside you need to sit down you looking like your about to faint," The pretty girl helped her in. The house was nicely decorated, white walls in paintings on them and a nice hall to the left was the living room where she was made to sit down. On entering the room three other faces were looking at her.

"What the hell Hinata!" A girl with long blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes shouted angrily. The men with her stood up startled and turned their gaze on the strange new girl with wildly pink messy locks and deep fiery emerald eyes.

"I'm sorry but look at her, she looks exhausted," The pink haired girl sat down, her head was beginning to clear and she looked up at them.

"Gosh look at this weather," The strange girl muttered. Suddenly the room seemed tense as the four faces looked at her stunned. Their code, something that was completely normal and everyday their secret code to find out who was a rebel and who wasn't.

"You know about us?" This time it was the boy with the blonde hair and clear blue eyes that spoke to her.

"My name is Sakura, and I'm here to take down the government,"

(2 years later)

"OI! Sakura you making breakfast?" Ino called from upstairs.

"yeah, yeah I am what do you want?" She shouted back.

"Bacon and eggs pretty please,"

"Oh you get an extra egg for saying pretty," She mused and heard a giggle fro her friend. Her long blonde hair was dripping wet and a towel was around body.

"Now why didn't you just tell me all that now instead of having me shout up to you like an idiot?" Sakura asked as she sighed and went back to her breakfast making.

"Any news of Naruto and Shika yet?"

"Yeah their meeting with the other rebel group has gone well they drawing up an alliance agreement today,"

"That's excellent news!" A new softer voice joined in on the conversation. The two girls turned round to see a very sleepy looking Hinata in her pj's.

"Yeah it really is, their group sounds like they have much more weapon supplies than us, but we come into our own on tactics, with this alliance we're pretty much the perfect group." Sakura concluded happily.

"breakfast orders Hinata?" Ino asked.

"Um… its fine I'm not in the mood for bacon right now I'll just pour myself some cereal." She said as she reached for a bowl. The three girls sat down on the sofa and turned the TV on immediately turned it to the news.

News of death, destruction and domination and terror were all that came to the screen all the governments doing. The government called the ONE organisation were a doctorial government ruled by one man Sasuke Unciha, their regime was simple, dominate the world, the ONE organisation had subgroups of all different sorts all over the world which were loyal to them and which they controlled. It was like having the Mafia running the country, in fact they probably were the mafia now, Sakura was in no doubt that he controlled the crime lords somehow.

The screen came up with all the names on the governments most wanted list. Her face came up with the number £100,000,000 under it.

"Whoa Sakura what the hell! Why are you on their! And why is your hair long in that picture?" Ino asked.

Sakura didn't answer though, she was still shocked. He must be getting really pissed off now, it had been 2 years since she escaped him and he still hadn't found her he must be getting pissed by now. The thought brought a smile to her lips, good she thought. She never thought that he would put a bounty on her head though but she supposed he was desperate. This didn't however do her any favours, she hadn't told her friends anything about her past or her intimate relationship with the countries leader.

She could never bring herself to talk about it, they had asked her but she told them very little, it was her skills and vast knowledge of the how the government worked that kept her there, soon she formed friendships and bonds and after a while they just accepted her.

She tired to tell them, she really did but the memories were too painful and the wound was too deep. Every time she saw his face flash in her mind she wanted to cry; in grief, in love, in hatred. That man had taken everything from her, except her own determination and will.

"Sakura? Why are you on the most wanted list?" Ino demanded more than asked.

She sighed, she really couldn't keep this to herself anymore and they deserved the truth.

"Sasuke Unciha is my lover," She said very quietly and let the words sink in.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly dropped a couple of degrees.

He strode the room restlessly it had been 2 years, 2 fucking long years without so much as a whisper of her existence. He remembered the last time they were together:

He walked over to her, ready to hear her pleas and screams for him to get away but there were none. She sat there looking at him perfectly calm as he stalked over to her.

" What no screams? no cried to stop?" He asked he knew his voice sounded cruel but it was the only way to be with her. Ever since he had lost love all tenderness had gone. It killed him, each plea to stop and was like a knife in his back. He didn't know what else to do, if he couldn't have her love then all that was left was to have her body, her lust and passion, all he could do was to make god damn sure that she was tied to him physically. It was easier to pretend not to care.

"What's the point? You will do it anyway," Her voice hard and emotionless. He hated it, he wanted it to stop right now. He pushed her down and tore her clothes his fingers running over her body craving the moans that elicited from her mouth. This was different she was so much more responsive now, her body giving in completely to his, normally she held back, even though her body said yes, her mouth and mind would say no but today was different, she was giving him everything. Her eyes were on his the whole time, it was like before, back when he had all of her, they made love it wasn't just raw sex. Her cried of ecstasy brought his body on fire and a seed of hope rooted itself inside of him. Had she forgiven him? Was too tired of denying him now had she given in? when they finished though she sat there crying silently and his stomach dropped, he knew that face, that face of disgust and self hatred, she wore it every time after they had done it. He reverted back into his cold exterior.


"Go to hell" spat at him," He had to laugh at this in his head. He was deffinatly sure that for all his crimes he was deffinatly going to hell, it was the only fitting place for him. He dreaded the day he would die because he would be torn from her, where he was going she wasn't, she was an angel, something he shouldn't of been allowed to have but did.

"One day, but for now let me enjoy this," He strode over to her and touched her cheek not reacting to the way her flinch made him inside, like a thousand knives were piercing him.

"Remember a time when you used to love me?" The emotion was too much for his voice to hold. He wished he could have it all back, her love, her trust and her smiles. She said nothing and looked away from him, it threw him into a rage.

He slammed the door and once out of sight slumped on the floor his hands in his hair trying to tear the memories out of his mind.

In hind sight now looking back if he had known that, that was the last time he would see her, he would have remembered every perfect detail of her face, her body, the way it moved under his. But he didn't and now only his memory and desperation kept him sane. He had to find her no matter what the cost, she would be brought back to him, no matter if she was kicking and screaming, no matter if she begged for death first, he would have her again.

"I want a house search! Every house, I want a full investigation into any rebel safe houses, now!" He ordered his men.

He would find her. No matter what.

Okay so that was the first chapter, tell me what you think! I'm always grateful for feedback and comments :) Be honest please, i can take it, promise

Thanks for reading :D
