A/N: This is my first RE fan fiction…Sorry if it sucks…Yes, it is based on the fourth movie, and, no, I don't own anything…Although, if I did, Chris would be shirtless A LOT more! Lol…A huge thanks to LithiumReaper for being my beta

Alice never was one for romance, but when she met Chris Redfield, that changed quickly. The only thing is she hasn't told him. She wasn't quite sure what it was that made her like him so much. Was it his smile (even though she rarely saw it)? Was it his eyes, the way they're intense when he's concentrating on killing zombies? She laughed to herself at the last part as Chris walked up.

"What's so funny?"

She quickly stood up and punched him in the arm.

Sighing, she said, "Sorry, you caught me by surprise."

"That's okay. What were you thinking about that had you in such deep thought, anyway?"

Alice opened her mouth to explain, but instead asked, "What did you come up here to tell me?"

"It's my turn for watch," Chris told her, wondering why she didn't answer his question. As Alice got up to leave, he told her, "If you need to talk, let me know." Alice blushed as she walked away, hoping Chris wouldn't notice. The next evening, when Chris came to take his place for watch, he asked Alice, "Are you sure you don't want to talk?"

"Yeah, actually, I do," She said, turning back around to sit down beside the chair in which Chris had stationed himself. For the next four hours, they sat and talked about everything from random things like their favorite colors, to the best gun to kill a zombie. Finally tired of hiding it, Alice looked at Chris and plainly said, "I love you. I have since we first met!" It felt good to finally get all her bottled up feelings out in the open. Chris looked surprised as she proceeded to follow that statement with a kiss. She quickly sat back down. After a slightly awkward pause, he put hiss arm around her shoulder and planted a kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you too."