Strawberry & Cream- Chapter 6

-Attraction & Attention

Disclaimers: I do not own Gravitation, lolz…I wish I did! *gets lost in her own imagination and drooling*

[At Ryuichi's Mansion]

"Hayato-sama, please take care of Tatsuki-sama" Michiko said and bowed.

"Mou.. Michiko-san.. I'm not a little kid anymore" Tatsuki blushed and scratched his head, getting embarrassed at being treated like a kid in front of Hayato.

"Let's go" Hayato said, as he held Tatsuki's hand and led him to the car. Tatsuki could only blush and follow after Hayato. Once inside the car, Hayato put on his "cool" aviator shades and started up the engine.

"Where are we going Hayato-san?" Tatsuki asked. 'He looks so cool' he thought to himself as he stared at the older man.

"I told you, it's a surprise. But I know you'll like it" Hayato replied, as he slowly started driving.

It was a 30 minute ride, Hayato then stops the car and turned off the engine. He put on his black hoodie and turned to Tatsuki.

"We're here" he said. Tatsuki, who fell asleep, instantly woke up and looked outside the window. His eyes widened as his jaw dropped as soon as he saw where they were. It was the newest theme park in the town.

"Oh my gosh! This is Teru Dash Theme park, the coolest place ever. But the tickets get sold out easily here.. Do you think we can get in Hayato-san?" Tatsuki excitedly said. Hayato could only chuckle at the kid's excitement.

"Of course" he replied, as he motioned for both of them to get out of the car.

The place was so crowded. They proceeded to the entrance, where they were blocked by rather large employees.

"Tickets sirs?" they said.

"We don't need tickets to go in" Hayato said. A vein popping out on one of the employees head.

"What did you say, you little punk!" the employee started, but was blocked by the other.

"Sorry sir, no tickets no admission" the employee said. Hayato sighed as he then took off his glasses and glared at the two employees, making their jaws drop.

"Ha-hayato-sama? Oh my! We are sorry. Please come in" the employees stuttered and stepped could only be surprised at how the employees acted when they knew it was Hayato. They slowly entered the amusement park.

"Hayato-san, how did you do that?" Tatsuki asked.

"It's simple, my father owns a lot of places in this town and this is one of them" Hayato explained as he smiled, he slowly took Tatsuki's hand and squeezed them tight.

"So, let's go have some fun" Hayato stated.

"Uhn" Tatsuki replied, his face turning red. 'Oh no, I think I like this guy' he thought to himself.

[In America]

It was already afternoon. Shuichi opened his eyes slowly and saw that he was lying in Ryuichi's arms and Ryuichi looking at him, making him instantly blush.

"Ohayou Shu-chan" Ryuichi greeted.

"Ohayou gozaimasu… I'm sorry I slept on you arm, it must have been unconfortable" Shuichi replied.

"Not at all. Sleeping beside you and seeing your sleeping face, is a dream come true" Ryuichi said, making Shuichi blush more. Ryuichi leaned down and slowly kissed Shuichi's lips, Shuichi was surpised for a minute. Ryuichi held Shuichi gently, as the other kissed back and hugged Ryuichi. The older man released his lips from the other and smiled.

"Now, it's truly a good morning for me" Ryuichi said.

"Mou" Shuichi blushed and pouted, he knew Ryuichi liked teasing him a lot.

"Tonight, we're going to have dinner with Hayato's ex-boyfriend. I tried to decline but he's so pushy. Would that be alright with you?" Ryuichi asked, Shuichi just smiled and nodded in return.

After getting ready, the could hear a car honking from outside the apartment. They made sure everything was clean and doors were locked before they headed outside. They saw a shiny, black BMW m6 parked outside, the window slowly rolled down revealing a very handsome man with red hair and green eyes.

"Hey Ryuichi, how are you?" the man spoke in english.

"Oh hey Michael, I'm good. How bout you?" Ryuichi replied.

"Good, and who is that?" he asked as pointed to Shuichi.

"Haha Sam, stop speaking in English. My friend here looks so confused." Ryuichi laughed.

"Oh…hi" Sam greeted.

"Shu-chan, this is Samuel Patterson. He is Hayato's ex-lover. Sam, this is Shuichi. We work in the same company" Ryuichi introduced.

"Save the chit-chat for later guys, I'm starving.. hurry up and get in" Sam said, the two slowly going inside the car. Ryuichi sitting in the passenger seat, while Shuichi was seated at the back. The restaurant wasn't that far from Hayato's apartment, they parked the car and made their way inside.

"May I help you sir?" the receptionist said.

"Oh, reservation under Samuel Patterson" Sam replied.

"Okay, right this way Mr. Patterson. Everything is already set up for you" the lady replied and showed them to their table.

Shuichi could only be in awe. The restaurant is huge, it looked like one of those fancy places you can see in the movies. They made their way to the VIP section and got seated, food was already pre-ordered so everything came out on perfectly.

"So Shuichi was it?" Sam asked.

"Hai… I am. I'm surprised that you can speak Japanese well Mr. Patterson" Shuichi said.

"Oh please, call me Sam. I learned to speak Japanese because of Hayato" Sam replied.

"Sam is the typical romantic, who would do anything for his lover" Ryuichi teased.

"That is sweet Sam-san, but how come you and Hayato-san broke up?" Shuichi asked.

"Well when me and Hayato were still together, Ryuichi invited him to have a vacation in Japan. I couldn't go since I still had to work. So he went, then this Tatsuha kid, who was obsessed with Ryuichi caught Hayato's interest. A week after, Hayato called me up and told me that he was breaking up with me" Sam explained.

"Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that Sam-san" Shuichi apologized for asking.

"Well, you can take a chance Sam, I think he and Tatsuha are not on good terms these days" Ryuichi started and sipped on his wine. Ryuichi excused himself from the table and went to the lavatory.

Well putting that aside, so you're the Shuichi that this guy always talks to me and Hayato about" Sam said, surprising Shuichi a bit.

"He talks to you guys about me?" Shuichi asked.

"Always. Let me ask you, are you two going out?" Sam asked.

"Not really. I mean he just confessed to me, and I just got out of a relationship" Shuichi replied.

"Oh. Let me just give you one piece of advice. Ryuichi is a really nice person. He is always serious with the one he loves and would do anything for them. So if you're not being serious with him and just stringing him along, you better stop it because you will only hurt him in the end" Sam warned.

"I do feel something for Sakuma-san, but I'm not ready yet. I won't hurt him, he's the only one I have right now" Shuichi said.

"Well, as long as you make him happy. He can be an idiot at times, but he's the best" Sam said, Shuichi could only nod and agree. Ryuichi got out of the lavatory and sat down the table.

"So did I miss anything?" Ryuichi asked.

"Nothing at all" Sam and Shuichi said in unison, making Ryuichi suspicious.

[In Yuki's apartment]

He had just got back from the convenience store, he opened the door to his apartment and was greeted by dead silence. He made his way to the living room and saw that the phone was blinking, indicating that someone just left him a message. He pressed the button and listened to the voicemail.

"Eiri-kun, where are yo-" Tohma's message started but Yuki instantly deleted it. The next message played.

"Eiri-sensei? It's me. Your book signing in America was approved. You will be leaving tomorrow morning. I already have booked your flight, just secure your passport. I will be picking you up around 3am since we have to be there 2 hours prior to the flight for check-in. I will see you later. Have a good day" his editor said and hung up. A smile could only appear from his lips.

'I'm coming Shuichi' he thought to himself.

[Teru Dash Amusement Park]

"Oh my gosh! That was so fun Hayato-san" Tatsuki said.

"I'm glad to see that this made you happy" Hayato replied, holding out a hotdog and soda and giving it to Tatsuki.

"Yeah, we get to ride easily. I hate waiting in long lines, thank you so much Hayato-san" Tatsuki said, getting the food from Hayato.

"We still have to ride that though" Hayato said as he pointed at the ferris wheel, making Tatsuki blush.

"Yo-you want to Hayato-san?"Tatsuki asked nervously.

"Yeah, it would be fun. Haven't rode on one of those since Tat-chan is afraid of heights" Hayato said.

"Tat-chan?" Tatsuki asked.

"He's my lover, but I guess we broke up" Hayato said, a frown appearing on his face.

"Well we're going" Tatsuki said, he didn't like Hayato looking sad at all.

It was almost night time, they slowly made their way to the ferris wheel. Being the son of the owner, they got in quickly and didn't have to wait in line. They got inside and sat themselves opposite to each other, with that the ride started.

They were moving slowly to the top, suddenly they heard a bang and saw lights in the sky. There was a firework display and the lights were so amazing. Tatsuki leaned on the window and stared at awe in the fireworks.

"Hayato-san, look its so pre-" Tatsuki said, but stopped since he saw Hayato's sad expression.

Tatsuki stood up slowly and tried to go near Hayato, when he lost balance. Luckily, Hayato just caught him in time in his arms and making Tatsuki blush.

"Are you crazy? You're not supposed to move around or you'll hurt yourself" Hayato yelled.

"I-I'm sorry. I just couldn't bear to see you look so sad Hayato-san" Tatsuki reasoned.

"It's nothing. I'll be fi-" Hayato started but was cut off when Tatsuki suddenly kissed him making Hayato's eyes widen and blushed, as he then pushed the other back

"W-what was the for kid?" Hayato yelled.

"I am not a kid Hayato-san and I did that because I really like you.I know you're still not over your ex, but I want to be here for you. Always. "Tatsuki said and hugged Hayato tight.

Hayato was at loss for words, he intended to play around with this kid. He was being foolish. He slowly hugged the other back.

"Let's go home,ne?" Hayato said.

"Hai" Tatsuki replied, still not letting go of Hayato until the ride was over.

[In Hayato's apartment]

"Hi, this is Hayato. I can't answer your call right now. Please leave me a message and I might get back to you"-Beep!- goes the voicemail, Tatsuha hung up and threw his phone on the floor.

"Where the hell can you be, you bastard!" Tatsuh yelled.

Tatsuha was too proud to admit it, that he missed having Hayato around. He laid in bed all day, just moping around and wondering where his now "ex-lover" could be.

"Hayato.. I miss you" he whispered as tears started falling from his eyes. He needed Hayato back, he finally realized he needed this man to function.

'I will find you and I will get you back Hayato' he thought to himself as he buried himself with the blanket and prepared for another night alone in bed.

Author's Notes: So how is it? Sorry I haven't been updating that much. Just kind of busy I guess. Well to sum up this chapter: Oh no! Yuki's travel for America got approved? Will he successfully drive Shu and Ryu apart? Tatsuki just confessed, will Hayato take a chance with this kid? Will Tatsuha ever have Hayato back? Please read and review. Thank you guys! I love you all!