Disclaimer: I do not own HP. :-)

A/N: One of the shorty chapters! But I owe you guys this much. :D I will promise you a longer chapter next time! Surprise and enjoy! :D review review review :)

Things progressed very well between Draco and Hermione after that 4am conversation. Hermione would frequently visit the Malfoy Manor and spend time with Scorpius and when he would fall asleep after a long day with his mum, Hermione would carry him to his bedroom and tuck him in his green silk covers with a half-smiling Draco leaning on the doorframe.

"Are the one-hundred retuckings not enough for you?" Draco quipped. "I think he's snug enough, thank you."

"I just want to make sure that he's warm enough," Hermione replied. "It is getting a bit chilly."

"Are you ready to head out?" Draco asked, handing her his trenchcoat.

"Of course," Hermione whispered. "I've had a rough day at work. I need a few drinks to de-stress."

Then she noticed that Draco was handing her his trenchcoat.

"This isn't mine." Hermione said slowly.

"I know," Draco shrugged. "But I figured you needed it."

"But what about—"

"Come now, Granger," Draco replied. "Before I lose the blood circulation in my arm."

Hermione laughed and retrieved the coat from his hand.

"Don't you remember this place?" Draco asked as he took a swig of firewhiskey.

"Refresh my memory please." Hermione replied.

"We were in here a year ago when we wanted to get away from the racket at home," Draco answered, setting his drink on the bar table slowly. "Theo Nott's son was awfully cranky, I couldn't stand it."

"Ah, little Jonathan," she chortled good-naturedly as she sipped her Butterbeer. "He was a handful."

"Yes, he was," Draco nodded. "That was one of the good moments in our marriage actually."

"We had good moments?" Hermione joked.

"Yes, we did," Draco admitted. "Though we had more disagreements than agreements so it's all right if you don't remember any great memories."

"Thanks for reminding me," Hermione put her hand up as she called for another drink. "I wanted some reassurance that our marriage wasn't completely in shambles."

The barman flicked his wand and out came another glass of Butterbeer.

"Thank you." She called out to the barman.

"To our less than perfect marriage." Draco clinked glasses with his ex-wife.

"But at least it wasn't in shambles." Hermione added.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way." Draco voiced.

Hermione blushed.

"I wouldn't have had it any other way either." Hermione replied.

After a few more drinks, Hermione and Draco left the bar and decided to take a long walk back to Hermione's place. Although the heels were a bother for Hermione, she had forgotten the pain for a while because of the meaningful conversation she was sharing with her ex-husband.

"How's work by the way?" Draco glanced at Hermione who was walking beside him.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Well, I'd actually like to hear if you're as boring as your friends," Draco admitted. "I'm doing a comparison study."

"You are sick!" Hermione smacked his arm.

"Easy, Granger," Draco smiled. "I jest. You are quite interesting to talk to."

"And you're trying to butter up your snide remark with that?"

"No, it's true," Draco protested. "I've never enjoyed a conversation with a woman before, not that I'm implying any sexism here…"

"And I'm flattered? Is that what you want me to say?" Hermione giggled.

"Well, yes."

"Well, I'm flattered, Mr. Malfoy." Hermione curtsied.

Draco laughed, bent his head down, and looked at a smiling Hermione. Ringlets of hair were falling on her face again and he felt his eyes watch again as Hermione tucked them all in perfectly.

"You look decent for someone who's supposed to be overworked." Draco commented as they arrived at Hermione's doorstep.

"Thank you." Hermione crinkled her eyebrows, wondering if that was a compliment.

"Are you still going to welcome me in?" Draco smiled as Hermione fumbled for her keys.

"If you want to," Hermione nodded. "But I have a good load of boxes around so watch out…"

"Boxes?" Draco suddenly felt his stomach sink. "Already? You've still got a good six weeks left."

"But you know me," Hermione glanced absentmindedly at the splayed boxes surrounding her living area. "I like to pack meticulously."

"Of course."

As Draco settled onto the couch, he watched Hermione pack some dishes into the box atop the dinner table and he then took notice of her tamed brown curly mane, her porcelain skin, her toned arms, her yellow dress that stopped short at her knees, her long legs…

Draco suddenly found it hard to breathe.


"Hmm?" she was looking directly at him, clutching a plate.

"I was just wondering why you aren't using magic for this packing thing," Draco avoided her magnetic gaze. "Don't you have a wand?"

"That was the first thing I thought of," Hermione replied immediately and then turned away to pack the plate in. "But my Accio charm puts too much distance when it throws objects at me so I pack the Muggle way. Avoids accidents."

She turned around and smiled briefly.

"What time is it?"

Hermione murmured, "Accio time!" and green numbers flashed in front of her.

"Ah," she smiled. "We're miraculously early today. Two AM."

"Big improvement."

"Yes, it is." Hermione replied.

"I should be heading out."

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked. "Let's wait until four again. Maybe you'll have another epiphany."

"Must you jest?" Draco laughed as Hermione walked him to the door.

He opened it and stepped outside while Hermione's head stuck out.

He was about to step off the porch step when he turned around.

"I'm just curious," Draco asked and Hermione flushed again as hair fell on his grey eyes. "Who's Alexandre Lefevre?"

Hermione could have sworn she heard her heart break.

"A French lover?" Draco continued jokingly although he felt a brief, numbing pain in his stomach.

"No," Hermione shook her head and she looked down. "Nothing like that."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier," Hermione inhaled. "I have to be in France for two weeks."

Draco suddenly felt dizzy and he heard clanging noises in his ears.

"You what?"