Pairings: Ichigo Kuroski X Uryuu Ishida - latter Renji X Uryuu

Summary: Uryu is in an abusive relationship with Ichigo.

Rated 'MA' or in most cases 'R'!

Warning: Yaoi! And MATURE CONTENT! Don't like don't read! Take responsibly for what you read!


It had been four mouths since Uryuu told Ichigo how he felt for him, and to his shock Ichigo confessed he had the same feelings for him too-but was also to scared to tell him.

It was only a matter of time before Ichigo slowly moved in with him.

No one knew they were a couple, just best friends wanting to live on there own as roommates.

Life went on as normal for them, which they were thankful for. Weeks of pure bliss for them both.

But lately Uryuu noticed that was changing. It happened about a week ago; as long as they were together, they never once had sex, but Ichigo was starting to demand it, in very 'rough' ways. From shoving Uryuu to the wall, to dragging him into the bedroom trying to strip him of his clothes.

Uryuu had comforted Ichigo about this when he was in a more 'stable' mind set.

Ichigo had apologized, and Uryuu, and to him, it was a sun shining thou a dark stormy night.

But once Uryuu agreed they could in fact 'do it' Ichigo was never the same.

At least around Uryuu.

-End of prolong-

Uryuu was cooking breakfast for both him and Ichigo, who was still in the shower.

As he was placing the eggs on the plates he felt a pair of arms around his waist, making him freeze for a moment but then relaxed. "Morning." he heard the greeting in his ear.

"Morning, I made you some eggs." he handed him the plate.

Sitting down Ichigo began to eat; Uryuu did the same, seated across from him.

After a few moments Ichigo seemed to recall something. "Oh ya, did you sew up my pants like I asked you to, yesterday?"

Uryuu just about dropped his fork, a look that read 'oh crap' written on his face. "I...I'm sorry Ichigo, I'll get to it right away." but as he got up Ichigo reached over and grabbed his wrist.

Uryuu glanced down at Ichigo, who had his eyes narrowed in anger.

"I thought I told you yesterday I needed them done TODAY, I can't go to my scorer game without them."

"I know-I'm sorry, I'll do it now- it wont take long." he went to pull free, but Ichigo kept his grip, hurting Uryuu.

Standing up, Ichigo backhanded him letting him fall.

"You have one hour to fix them." then went back to eating.

Uryuu nodded and quickly crawled over to his sewing spot.

As he got out of Ichigo's sight, he put a hand to his cheek. It stung but just a little, after all, everything he'd been though in his life, and smack was nothing, it was who delivered it that hurt the most. Course he was use to it by now, but it didn't mean it still didn't hurt. Uryuu knew if it was anyone else who had struck him, besides maybe his father, he would have an arrow though him in a heartbeat…this was Ichigo, the man he loved more then life it self; he never had the will to fight back.

Sitting down at his sewing table he got to work, he didn't want to find out what Ichigo would do if he didn't have it fixed by the time the hour was up.

In no time he had the ripe fixed. Standing up to take it to Ichigo he heard the door open and turned to see Ichigo looking at him, a smile on his lips.

"Its fixed?" he asked closing the door behind him.

Uryuu nodded and handed them over. "thank you love." he said softly. He then lifted up his hand to stroke Uryuu's cheek. "sorry."

Uryuu understood Ichigo was apologizing for hitting him. This as well as the hits was normal. "Its fine." he answered putting his hand in Ichigos.

The rest of the day went without event.

Uryuu was in the kitchen cooking dinner, waiting for Ichigo to get home from his soccer game.

Soon the door opened. "Your home? Dinner with be done shortly." Uryuu called out never taking his eyes off the food on the stove.

"What are you making?" Ichigo's voice rang out from the living room, divided by a wall.

"I made pot-roast, hope that's okay."

Ichigo came walking into the kitchen without a shirt. "Yeah, sure-whatever." he went looking for a glass to pure a drink.

"So how was the game?"

"Humm-it was good I guess, our team won, but one of the members broke his arm." he stated pulling down a glass and filling it with milk.

Uryuu just nodded. "Well dinners done."

"Nah, I'm not hungry." he answered.

"Well I am." Uryuu stated fixing a bowl and getting ready to sit down when suddenly he was lifted up and placed over Ichigo's shoulder. "Hey! Wait! What are doing? Put me down!"

Ichigo was heading to the bed room. "Just because I said I wasn't hungry, didn't mean I wasn't hungry for something else."

Uryuu's eyes got wide as he realized what Ichigo meant. The door slowly shut behind them and the sound of it locking echoed.

Uryuu was timbering trying to cover up his nekkid body. Tears were rolling down his face he thought would never stop. As for Ichigo, he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Jezz, you act like we've never done it before."

Uryuu felt more tears, 'Ichigo raped me' was the only thing running thou his mind. Sure they had made love many times, but never like this! Never without his consult!

"I...I didn't want to...I wasn't ready-" he still sobbed as he spoke.

Ichigo rubbed his head as if annoyed, "I don't see the big deal-so hurry up and get dressed, didn't you say you were hungry?" with that he got up slipped on some boxers and pants and headed to the kitchen to eat his dinner.

Uryuu just laid there, his body hurt, the bed was mixed with both red and white, and he was sure he was still bleeding, but not bad.

Trying to calm down he slowly made his way to the edge of the bed, but upon getting there he felt pain flood over him again and fell to the floor.

"ICHIGO!" he hated this, but he needed help.

Shortly after hearing his name Ichigo walked in. "Oh man, you really are pathetic, come here." he swiftly lifted Uryuu up making him cry out. "There now go get cleaned up so you can eat something." then walked out again.

Uryuu carefully walked to the bathroom and proceeded to clean off.

It took a while be at least he was clean and walked out to the kitchen to eat he forgotten meal.

Sitting down, still with pain, he slowly took a bite of his now cold dinner. But Uryuu found he just didn't have the same apiteat. He pushed the food away and put his head down.

'Why..why did he do that?'

Ichigo was sitting on the couch watching TV and when he heard soft sobs from the other room he got up to check it out.


The other didn't answer, just kept his head down in his arms.

"Hey," he put an arm around him gently, "Whats wrong?"

At that Uryuu lifted his head up and snapped. "Whats wrong? You flipp'n RAPED me!"

Ichigo frowned and brought Uryuu closer to him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tied you down like that."

"You think!" Uryuu snapped back again.

Ichigo lifted Uryuu gently this time and carried him to the couch sitting him on his lap. "I really am sorry love-I don't know what came over me...I shouldn't have done that-and I shouldn't have left you alone after words like I did." he spoke softly and licked at his neck sweetly.

Uryuu couldn't help the moan that left his lips.

"I'll try to control myself better next time." he whispered.

He didn't know when, but Uryuu felt himself happily drift off to sleep, warped in Ichigo's arms.

A/N: To be continued...

This idea hit me and I just had to write it. :)

It was on DA but for one reason or another it got deleted-so its on here now.

As a bit of insightful thought; I couldn't for the life of me understand why people stay in 'bad' relationships, but the more I thought about it, I started to understand. It is true with people say 'love is blind' and for so many reasons, but in this case the reason is they can't see the other doing wrong-or even just forgive the never believing they will do it again, because they are 'truly' sorry. I think one sad thing is am writing this from life experience, but not from what 'I went though' I have been blessed to never go though something like this, but from what I have seen from others; and somewhat still do. (Not rape-I just thought that would be more damaging) an abusive relationship can happen to 'ANYONE' even if you think it can't (I'm one of these people who have this mind set) but it can-and I have to understand this too. Even YOU yourself can be abusive and not know it. Its not just actions, its words too.

Just as a heads up Ichigo will get worse. You have been warned!

If you stick around I hope you enjoy all that is left to come.