Uryuu was to shocked to do anything as he suddenly found himself in soul society , compliments of Rejin.

"What the hell Abarai!" He snapped ripping himself from the others arms.

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean any of that earlier. I just..." he took a deep breath to settle himself, "I had a plan to take you out for a while, somewhere away from Ichigo for a while-"

"So you bring me here?" Uryuu asked, venom clear in his voice.

"I wasn't planing on it, but things just...look Uryuu. I just want to talk." Rejin slowly grabbed Uryuu's hand. "Come on, we'll talk in my room. I don't think anyone will be happy I brought a Quincy here."

Uryuu just glared but followed. He was already aware he was not very much welcome here-but being brought here by force he felt shouldn't count against him. But then soul reapers could be messed up that way.

Once in Renji's berk, Uryuu was dragged to the bed where he sat down ready to get this 'talk' over with and go home.

Renji sat next to him. "Uryuu-please, just...hear me out, alright?"

Uryuu sighed but other wise said nothing.

"I didn't mean to be so blunt-but what I was really meaning to say was, Ichigo has love and control confused. I don't know exactly-I know maybe some part of him does love you but he doesn't know how to show it. And honestly-I think your too good for him." Renji tried from a smile but Uryuu seemed dead on giving him a irritated glare.

"Is this talk over? I would really like to go back home."

"Your not listening! Uryuu-I love you. Okay there I said it! And I'm sorry but-"

"NO." Renji stopped as he heard the word come out of Uryuu's mouth.


"I said No. I'm not leaving Ichigo just because you think you love me...I know who holds my heart and that's never going to change. Besides-your wrong, I don't care if he loves me or not-in fact I know maybe he doesn't-but someday he will-and I'll be damned if I"m going to sit here and be told what to do!"

Renji looked like a deer stuck in the head lights, but soon his face softened. Maybe...just maybe...

"What are yo-" Uryuu was suddenly lifted up and placed in Renji's lap where he taller of the two held him.

"Please Uryuu-I just can't bare to see you hurt anymore...just one chance-that's all I ask. Ichigo will never know...I promise."

"What are you asking?"

"Stay the night with me-we wont do anything, I would never make you cheat on Ichigo-but just...stay here-please." If he could just maybe show Uryuu more love-real love, then maybe...just-maybe.

Uryuu sighed, but before he was able to give any kind of answer the head captain's voice boomed over the intercoms.

'Vice Captains report to HQ's now!'

"Please-don't move stay right here, I'll be back." And with that ran out of the room.

Once in HQ everyone stared at him-this couldn't be good.

"Lieutenant Abarai, you have brought an unwelcomed guest into our society. Why?" The head captain questioned.

"Forgive me Head Master, but there is a personal manner at-"

"Personal!? Personal matters are to be held at there own time, not mine-do you understand the danger of him being here is?"

"Yes Head Captain, I understand. But if I could just-"

"You will take him home immediately."

Before Renji could say more another Captain broke in. "Oh no, by all means, let him stay, I would love to snatch him from you in the night." Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi mocked, but it was his eyes that screamed it was also a promise.

Uryuu had been through hell with Ichigo-how dare Captain Mayuri make such a jester.

"You will not touch him!" Renji snapped.

"Watch your tongue before you lose it. You heard the head captain-take him home, or I WILL snatch him from you."

Renji felt he was being ganged up on...he couldn't win no matter what, it seemed.

"The choice is yours" the head captain began, "either you take him home, or I can't promise Captain Mayuri won't take him...you know we can not have Quincy's hanging around here."

"If I may-please, just tonight. I'll take him home in the morning, just let him stay for one night." Renji asked, almost-almost begged.

The head captain seemed to be giving it some thought, "Fine-but Abarai, you take him home and you come right back-I believe you have wore out your welcome to the human world for a while."

Renji nodded and left.

Uryuu was laying on the bed waiting for Renji-he had thought about his offer and the more he thought the more he realized if he went home now Ichigo would see just where and who he was with and would get the living hell knocked out of him. But if he stayed and went home tomorrow- who was he kidding, he was going to be beat either way-why not get it over with sooner. He just prayed Ichigo wouldn't break his other arm.

"Uryuu?" Ishida's head snapped up. "Will you stay?"

A very small part did want to stay-wasn't ready to face Ichigo's wrath, but it would be worse by morning...but...

Uryuu looked down at his broken arm and gave a heavy sigh.

"I'll stay." he said looking anywhere but the soul reaper.

Renji could have jumped for joy, but refrained. Instead he climbed into the bed next to Uryuu and pulled him close.

"I promise I wont do anything...I just want to hold you-" 'to show you real love', he added in his head.

Uryuu rolled his eyes, but he had to admit this didn't feel half bad...even if it wasn't Ichigo.

The sun was set and Uryuu found himself drifting off, he couldn't place it, but he felt...safe?

Safe as the first time Ichigo held him before the beatings started...it was a nice feeling and one he missed-he just didn't notice how much until now.

Renji was fast asleep but not to long after passing out he felt-empty-something...Uryuu was missing!


A/N: sorry, this chapter kinda sucks-but if I didn't write it soon I would go into writer block all over again, and I hate it! Also I felt I really did owe you guys some more-I mean, yeah I'm such a slow updater and all-anyways-REVIEW!