Hello! As you may already know, this is the last chapter of the story. I'm sorry that it has to come to an end. But please enjoy!

P.S. - I own nothing, except for the story plot!

Five months had passed since the Chipmunks' and Chipettes' arrival in America. It was a bit of a rough start – especially when the boys told Dave what happened. He wasn't thrilled to begin with – but once the boys had talked him around, he was fine. He could only agree to be civil towards them, but deep down Alvin knew he felt betrayed. The Chipmunks moved out of the apartment, and got their own places with their counterparts, due to the financial help from said counterparts, and money saved up doing long, gruelling shifts at work. This was when the better days began. The sun would eventually shine for them.

As for the Chipettes' careers, they accepted that their lives in Australia had to end. It was difficult, almost like a throw in the deep end for all of them. Everything felt foreign again. Jeanette had to come to terms with the loss of her career, and start anew. It took weeks for her to feel complete again - after many reassuring conversations with Simon - and she strived to gain a teaching career, preferably in literature. Slowly but surely her new life had been built.

Eleanor never wanted to leave Theodore's side, and hence Theodore decided that working alongside him at the restaurant may be ideal for her - something she loves, with someone she loves. He only wanted to protect her, for both knew a long road was still ahead of them. More than anything the green-clad chipmunk wanted to help nurse her wounds and get Eleanor back. It would take a while. He knew this. Before they could begin procedures such as divorce or court-cases for domestic abuse, they had to help bridge the emotional gap betweem them, and strengthen their love to fight together.

Brittany remained unemployed. It wasn't because she couldn't find a job - she wasn't ready. Nothing could have been more fine than living with Alvin in their apartment - both were unemployed, but full of love. They would do something one day, but for now, all they wanted to do was embrace the present, and never let go of what they had now. The past would be long forgotten, and together they could start the future.

But of course, the main thing for the Chipmunks was that they found their true loves and in fact, now live with them happily – just like some sort of urban fairytale. They set out on an adventure to find their counterparts, and after a long, bumpy road, found them. It couldn't have been a sweeter story to tell. Here's to what the future holds...

As for Alvin, well, every night before he goes to bed, he thanks the skies up above for granting his wish. He wished for happiness, not for him, but for his brothers... and that wish came true – with added bonuses. He hasn't been forgiven for his deeds, he accepts that. But now, he can live in peace knowing that everything was going to be alright. The financial trouble was going to lift, his life would get back on track, his brothers would be happy. It was like living normally again. It wasn't selfish, and it wasn't too much to ask for - happiness. The kind of happiness that can't be explained. And when that future comes, they may look back, and remember the mountains they climbed to reach where they are now. Nobody can deny it. This was where their hearts belonged.

Nothing else had happened in those five months for the six, apart from settling down into jobs moving into their homes - some temporary, some permanent. Marriage was a certain prospect, and possibly kids, but those little trouble-makers were planning something else. Something that they hadn't done in years. This would give all of them the closure they needed after years of separation. This would truly bring them together again.

Thick smoke floated through the arena. It was a familiar sight. How odd it felt to be reacquainted with these surroundings. They could hear the crowds calling their names. Hearts were racing. Six chipmunks were waiting in the wings.

"Oh I'm so nervous, I don't know if I can do this..."

"It's okay Jeanette, you'll do great." A blue-clad chipmunk placed a hand on the purple-clad chipette's shoulder.

"I can't contain my excitement!" A blonde chipette beamed, jumping up and down.

"Me neither!" A green-clad chipmunk replied, joined her.

A red-clad chipmunk was leaning against the wall, trying to act cool. A pink-clad chipette joined him. He inhaled the air deeply, then exhaled, smiling. "Well, it's certainly been a while since we did this. Are you sure you can do this?"

"Am I sure?" His counterpart scoffed. "Alvin, I was born ready!"

"If you say so. Come on gang, it's time to shine!" Then with that, the chipmunks and chipettes took deep breaths and made their way into the light. All six were mildly surprised with the crowd they saw. Why, there could be millions in that crowd! A dazzling array on lights were shining brightly on them, exposing them to the world. The chipmunks took their positions next to their counterparts, feeling the heat already. They looked at each other, and then joined hands, forming a line. Their microphones were attached to them. Alvin began to speak.

"Erm... hello... ladies and gentlemen." His speech was interrupted with loud cheering from the audience. It was making him feel more at ease. "It's been a while, since we performed as a group. We had some tough times, and we had to grow up. Some things got lost along the way, some people had to change their ways. But in the end, we found what we were looking for. And now, we're back. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: The Chipmunks, and the Chipettes!"

Alvin took a step back and gestured for the music to begin. As soon as those first notes played, all six got into the groove. It was like nothing had changed.


Lying in my bed I hear the clock and think of you


Caught up in circles, confusion is nothing new?


Flashback, warm night, almost left behind

Suitcase of memories – time after –


Sometimes you picture me

I'm walking too far ahead


You're calling to me

I can't hear what you've said.


Then you say go slow. I fall behind.

The second hand unwinds

(Alvin and Brittany)

If you're lost you can look and you will find me

Time after time

(Simon and Jeanette)

If you fall I will catch you – I'll be waiting

Time after time

(Eleanor and Theodore)

If you're lost you can look and you will find me

Time after time

(Chipmunks and Chipettes)

If you fall I will catch you – I'll be waiting

Time after time


After my picture fades and darkness has turned to grey


Watching through windows you're wondering if I'm okay


Secrets stolen from deep inside.

The drum beats out of time.


If you're lost you can look and you will find me

Time after time


If you fall I will catch you – I'll be waiting

Time after time


You said go slow – I fall behind

The second hand unwinds

(Chipmunks and Chipettes)

If you're lost you can look and you will find me

Time after time

If you fall I will catch you – I'll be waiting

Time after time

If you're lost you can look and you will find me

Time after time

If you fall I will catch you – I'll be waiting

Time after time

(Alvin and Brittany)

Time after time

(Simon and Jeanette)

Time after time

(Theodore and Eleanor)

Time after time

(Chipmunks and Chipettes)

Time after time

The crowd cheered with all their might as the group took their bows. Lights were flashing, and roses were thrown to them. Never had they felt more alive, than to be up on stage with the people they love, doing what they love most – singing. Yes, it could finally be confirmed – The Chipmunks and Chipettes were back.

Is it really the end? I can't believe it! It's been such a journey for me! I had so much fun writing this story and I cannot thank you enough for your kind reviews that only made me stronger and what I hope is a better writer. Your reviews and ongoing support during this story has been immense, and I cannot thank you enough for it.

Peace, love, and COOKIES! ~ MissSteph22 x :)