The Child
Chapter One: The Flashback

It'd been five years since they, the sisters, had vanquished Cole Turner, the love of Phoebe Halliwell's life. She was devastated after she found out the news, her husband, her soul mate, was the new Source...she knew right from the beginning after she learned the news, their marriage was over. She just didn't want to admit it. Nothing can save their marriage now that he's back in the game. How could she have been so blind? Paige had warned her and Piper so many times! How could she have been so stupid? All the signs were just under her nose. The wedding, it was a total fraud, a chapel in a mausoleum? What are the odds of that happening? The Lazarus demon, the job, the car, the constant fighting between her and her sisters, the penthouse! It was so obvious that he tried to separate her and her sisters up! But after all they were having a child...a baby...their baby.

She was over excited about the discovery, by the doctor's call. She has to admit; she was scared and worried at first. She thought it was just too soon; after all they had only been married for about what? One month at the time, and she had just started a new job, she wasn't ready for motherhood, and she barely qualified for a wife. However, that wasn't it, she was afraid of what his reaction would be... would he freak out? Would he stop loving her, because in a next few months she'll be looking like a cow? But that all went out the window, after she saw his reaction to the news. He'd taken it pretty well...better then she had expected!

There was no word to describe how he felt or the expression on his face. He was thrilled, happy, excited! He was going to be a father! A father! The thought floated through his mind.

That day for unforgettable to Phoebe, he had picked her up that every moment, after acknowledging the news, and swung her around the room. It still hasn't soaked into Phoebe's mind that she was going to a mother, but she was. It couldn't get any better than this---or so she thought. Then again, life doesn't always go the way you plan.

After they killed, is the word she would use, her husband, she went through a painful labour, followed by an abduction of her baby, Cole Jr. She remembers it vividly; she was on the hospital bed, she was only two months pregnant, but she could pass for nine months. Her stomach was swollen. She was having contractions and her water broke. Her fetus was now full grown. She remembers screaming out "I need my sisters!" but the doctor replied, " There's no time, the baby is coming." She was alone there, in the Operation Room. She was having a C-section. She was all alone, her baby was in trouble, and there wasn't anything she could do, and only time will tell. Thankfully the procedure went smoothly. She remembers the first glimpse of her baby he was beautiful. It was the happiest day of her life. But it all shattered in a matter of seconds, when the Seer flamed in. "Give the baby to me." She demanded in her husky voice, still echoed in Phoebe's mind. "No, she's evil!" She cries reaching for her baby. "Give me the baby!" The Seer repeated herself in a cold hard tone. The doctor looked horrified and slowly handed the Seer the baby, not just any baby, the most powerful, the Underworld's and the Charmed Ones prophecy. He quickly stepped back as the Seer flamed out.

"NOOO!" Phoebe screamed, out of reach. Her baby, her son, he was gone, lost to evil.

However, she wasn't going to give up on her son, not to evil at least, not that easily! Although she did have a hard time pleading Leo to orb her down there, but the same old excuses was once again brought up.

"It's too dangerous." He exclaimed. "It's against the rule and you know that, and if something happens up here, while we're down there, I wouldn't be able to hear their call!

"Rules, rules, rules, Leo. Screw the damn rules! I want my baby back, I've already lost so many people I love in my life to evil, but I'm not losing my son too!" She screamed in between cries, "So either you orb me down there or I'll just find some other way."

" Phoebe! Listen to me, you can't go alone, you're still weak from your labour. They'll kill you." Leo tries to stop her.

"Leo, if you're not going to help me, you just might as well get out of my fucken way!" She raised her voice and pushed him out of the way, which sent him flying across the room. "And you must have forgotten, I have an active power now, and I can take care of myself. I don't need your petty concern."

"Phoebe, you're making a huge mistake!" He calls after her.

Oh, the old Underground life, nothing but darkness. Leo had finally made up his mind and orbed her to the Underworld. With only under one condition, her sisters have to come along.

As quiet as a mouse, they slowly creep inside the cave. There it was! The cradle! Which only means the baby is in there! Her son!

She just wanted to run over to the side of the cradle and grab her baby and just shower him with kisses. She wants to hold on to him forever. And so she did...

"Oh, my baby!" She cried, racing to the cradle and picked up her son for the first time.

" Phoebe no!" Leo rushed to her side, one second later the Seer flamed in.

"Behind you!" Paige yelled to Leo and Phoebe.

"Now!" Leo ordered as he grabs Phoebe and orbed out, and Paige with Piper.

The wailing of the baby had awakened the motherly spirit inside of her. She felt that she was needed, wanted... gently and slowly rocked the baby in her motherly way. It felt wonderful.

"Paige get the potion, the Seer will be here any second. Leo, you orb the baby up there, until we're done!" Piper instructed.

Seconds later, the Seer intruded. It's hard to imagine how the powerful Seer didn't see it coming. She's not as clever as she looks, after all. Piper, Phoebe, and Paige took their positions as she flamed in. They stand in all angles to form a triangular shape to block her, and then smashed the potions down to her feet, the fume rises up as the sisters chant:

"Evil is what you are
Goodness is I
I call witches of all sides
I here vanquish you, out of my sight"

The Seer blazed up, all left of her was smokes...

Stay tune for the next chapter "Growing Up", will be post next week. For now, review, review, review!