Chapter 29 EPOV

"So do you think you're ready for this?" My dad asked shoveling another bite of mountain oyster into his mouth. Charlie was on plate three and Carlisle was finishing up his second. I didn't answer right away and that caused both men to stop what they were doing anticipating my answer.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," I replied determinedly. Both men satisfied with my answer proceeded to go about their bet.

The rest of us stayed away from the Rocky Mountain Oysters, which proved to be a great idea twenty four hours later.



Vacation... this was no fucking vacation.

They were supposed to be spent relaxing in some tropical getaway, laying butt ass naked with your girl, not babysitting and force feeding Pepto to two grown ass men who tried to test their stomach capacity by eating goat balls.

Alaska can suck my frozen nuts.

"Carlisle, I say we shoot the cook." Charlie groaned sucking down of another shot of the pink shit


"Too easy for him," Carlisle replied. "He should be shot in the knees and the place lit on fire. He should have to crawl in agony to get to the exit like we have to when we have to run to shit.

"Its not his fault. He cooked our steak just fine." Jasper said as he added another log to the fire.

"Maybe you got some tainted balls," Emmett declared, which sent the rest of us in a fit of laughter

By Wednesday I had gone stir crazy and decided to check up on the girls in Hilton Head. They had their heart set on Vegas, but it was a no go until we found who helped Brandon Marino back to the states.

Thursday. Charlie and Dad were well enough to go Ice Fishing with us. My nuts still frozen. I get enough of this shit in Chicago. Next trip will require a boat and swim trunks. We talked more about the packed up and flew home on Friday, I got told not only by Bella's father but by my own that they will have no problem putting a .50 cal through my dick if I ever hurt her. I laughed it off but I am pretty sure Dad meant it.

I was relieved when Bella walked in the door on Sunday. That would be the most we saw one another during the next week. It was a chaos of out of town guests. Some I liked, some I didn't, but had to put up with anyway. I wasn't too crazy about this Jacob character coming. I know the history with him and Bella is ancient history. I know there are other people that were in her life before me but it doesn't have to mean I like it and it damn sure doesn't mean I have to see it at my wedding. He wasn't invited but he is coming as a guest of one of her friends. I'll make sure he doesn't have much time with her. Our guest list was nearing a thousand, the odds were in my favor.

We also started to feel some heat from the cops during the week. The more associates that came into town, the more law enforcement presence from various agencies were seen.

I wasn't surprised at all.

This wedding was important not just for our family but for others, showing up and showing respect goes along way when they need something later.

"God Dammit, stick me with that pin again. You're gonna need it to hold up your jaw and not my damn suit," I shouted at Vincent our tailor.

He is pushing seventy and has custom fitted everyone in my Family. Edward senior and Anthony got their first suits here. We consider him family.

"I'm sorry Mr. Cullen, we are almost done," Vincent apologized.

"You need to relax some. We still have four days until the wedding at this rate you're gonna snap or have a stroke," Carlisle said adjusting his tie in the mirror.

"I can't relax! Its not the wedding that has me anxious," I explained.

"Then what has you on edge. We have plenty of security and check points. We are pulling crews all over for the man power. Nothing will happen at you wedding Edward, I assure you" Carlisle said confidently still making adjustments to his own Armani Suit.

"Its not the wedding I am so worried about, It's…"

"Stop! Right there. I gave you that talk ages ago and besides that's my God daughter and I don't want to hear anything about you being with Bella intimately" Carlisle interrupted alarmingly.

" No! No! I'm not going to discuss my sex life with you old man. Its just I want the day to be special for Bella. Our family. Just worry with so many others packed together civilians and otherwise tempers flare and people get hurt," I confessed my fear.

"No one is going to mess up that day. They have all been told any disturbance is a direct disrespect to me and to our family. Any problems can and will be handled another day," Carlisle reassured me.

I nodded in acceptance

I didn't get to see much of Bella over the course of the next few days. She had showers, fittings and last minute details to attend too. We did go for our final taste test with the caterer together and I tried for a quickie in the bathroom but I was shot down. She complained that she had just returned from a waxing appointment and was still very sensitive.

I was becoming a desperate man. Once the honeymoon starts I don't give a shit if she has a ingrown toenail I'm getting laid.

There are moments that take your breath away and the sight of My Bella standing at the end of the aisle, was one of them.

My Mother clad in Emerald green silk, had her arm wrapped around Bella's. I looked up into the balcony above to the hear the violins play the wedding march. My breath hitched in anticipation watching my future walk towards me.

She was a vision is her full length white gown Irish Lace lightly touching her shoulders. Her neck bare except for a small Diamond and pearl necklace that once belonged to her my mother Esme, Carlisle had given it to her. The veil was the same one that her grandmother and mother had worn during their weddings. The emerald drop earrings were a Swan heirloom.

My mother placed Bellas hand in mine, she kissed me on the cheek and gave me a pointed serious look.

"With your Life," she whispered so that only I could hear.

I nodded in understanding and repeated the words back to her. My promise to her that I would take care of Bella with my life.

"Who gives this woman away?" The priest asked.

Every member of our Family combined, rose and said, "We Do."

Author note:

I know it has been one hellva wait. I am so deeply sorry and thankyou for all the messages and concern of what i went through this past year. I am getting better. I started nursing school in August. I met.. fell in love and engaged to a wonderful man. He taught me how to shoot, which was one of the best thrills ever. I am learning what it will means to be a army wife soon. so you never know what future stories will pick at the brain. Next Chapter will be up soon...

Thank you for sticking with me