Forbidden Love of the Jedi

A/N this is set during the clone wars, it starts with a battle on a planet in the outer rims (yet to be named) whihc has led to the deaths of many clones. It contains anakin*Padme and also Obi Wan*Satin because the couple fit so well together and why does anakin have to be the bad Jedi? So anyway please read and review to tell me if worth continueing

Anakin and his former master were crouched behind some speeders left behind by the locals in a desperate attempt to flee the planets main urban area as war had, almost inevitably come. All around were the screams of dying or injured men. Yes, men Anakin though grimly, other generals and Jedi might consider them clones- devoid of any real though, programmed only to follow orders. But, as you got to know them, in a way a general could possibly know his troops it was clear that this so called programming had failed on an epic scale.

"Master?" Anakin asked he could practically here the cogs whirring in Obi-Wan's brain as he tried to figure something out- he got no reply. "Master" he all but yelled at him wrenching him around to face him. "We have to go" Anakin screamed, leaping to his feet and running out of the safety the abandoned speeders promised, dragging Obi-Wan with him and running parallel to the front formed where the armies of clones finished and no man's land begun. Behind them, where they had been nearly seconds before a bomb, or grenade Anakin couldn't tell which, exploded lifting them off their feet and throwing them towards the cover Anakin had been heading to. They landed hard about half a foot away when Obi-Wan, sensing danger had come out of deep meditation, a state which nearly always forced Anakin to risk his own life to protect him.

"Anakin we can win this" he said triumphantly as if he was still a padiwan being the first to answer a particularly difficult question. However instead of being rewarded with praise he got Anakin's 'look'. This look had been employed ever since he had been the little child just starting Jedi training. Its meaning was a clear today had it had been all those years ago: Anakin thought that this time his master had really lost it, still Anakin was happy to go along with the plan, not because of a bond of trust but because he desperately wanted this battle over before it took anymore lives. It was the worst he and his regiment the 501st had been in since Christophis. He nodded once and beckoned two clones over who had been gallantly fire away from the two generals as the spoke tactics. Dropping to the ground they dove for the cover, behind them another two clones took over. Everyone in the regiment knew that if the generals stopped fighting it was never a good sign and everything must be done to ensure the tactical planning happened and ensured that the regiment as a whole would live to fight another. This was meant in a very literal sense.

"Yes General" they responded in unison.

"General Kenobi thinks we can win this" he shouted as the sound of heavy artillery became insistently louder and the chatter of machine guns answered that of the other sides. The two clones looked at each other and Obi-Wan smiled- they didn't think he could do it either. The glance, for that was all it was, was quick and the clones, forever the soldiers, or maybe just desperate men clutching and straws, stiffened and threw their laser weapons across their chest. "What do you want us to do?" Cody asked.

"We need to fall the men back as if retreating" stated obi-wan. Suddenly, as if a light switch had been thrown on in his head Anakin realised what Obi-Wan was planning. Oh dear he thought quietly please Force he begged not let it be what I think it is. He knew it would work, but, the jokey part of Anakin, the piece of the 9 year-old slave boy that forgot to grow up really didn't think that the plan was cause for celebration.

"With due respects General" Rex interrupted and then stopped, this was the first time he had even questioned an order- it just wasn't done by clones but these generals made him feel more human. they almost expected this of him, it was just a question of when Rex was, as the clone leader of the 501st ready to throw away everything the clones had been made for: to obey orders. He was now ready, he now understood the need for the generals to be questioned, it didn't disrupt the battle, didn't slow down decision making, and yet it did save troops lives. . "We fought all day for this few feet of ground and now you expect us to throw it away? Troops have died today, good honest troops" his voice had started off as meek but had grown stronger. Obi-Wan smiled the smile of a general giving promise to his men- it was silent and the in the situation both officer and man found themselves in forced it to be brief. Beside Rex, the other prominent, almost deputy leader of the 501st was flabbergasted at the way Rex was challenging the commands of the general, even though he entirely understood where Rex was coming from; he just wasn't ready to admit to it yet.

"Yes" Obi-Wan replied acknowledging the point, he glance at Anakin to see if he too had worked out what he had though out- he nodded in affirmation, there was no need to ask what the glance meant, they were so close that they knew automatically without thinking what the other was saying. Anakin took over the briefing, it was in his nature to be much better at giving orders to the troops primarily because he could manipulate the atmosphere around him to his likening, giving worn out battle weary troops fire in their belly to carry on. It had been because of this why he had been so valuable to Watto, as a young slave boy he frequently was able to rip other dealers off for products by 'convincing' them that actually it was a good deal. Around the small group huddled begin what used to be a house the battle raged the droids cutting down clones and clones firing down droids. It was stalemate. It had been since the previous mornings advances were halted by reinforcements on the enemies' part and the lack of republic air cover.

"This street is narrow" Anakin stated "Which is why we chose it for one to one combat?" this time it was a question directed at the clones to see if, thus far they agreed with him. They nodded, Cody muttering a 'Yes sir' under his breath. "Well if we pull troops back and load this street with grenades..." he trailed off sensing understanding from the troops, Cody continued.

"They will chase us and get blown up" he said sighing happily at the prospect of the battle being over soon, beside him hung his head in shame.

"Rex" Obi-Wan said calmly "We always need people to question our orders for us to reconsider" he warmly put a hand on the trooper's shoulder Rex nodded brightening a little "Good now all agreed it is a good plan?" The troopers nodded and they quickly set about putting the plan into action.