Hey so this is the first chapter revised! Hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I don't feel like making anyone say it, Sorry I Just Did doesn't own anything!

Also, I would really appreciate it if you guys went to my profile and read the notice I put up for the death of a fellow classmate of mine, it's been really hard on everyone in my school. Thank you.

Two years and thirty-five days.

Well and give or take a few hours but who's counting? Not me.

But it had been little over two years and a month since I had seen my Flock. It changes someone to be away from loved ones for so long. And here I go sounding a homesick spineless fool.

Oh wait . . . I kind of am. Bleh, stupid self, why must you be so damn proud!

And now you're wondering what the feathers I'm talking about, well probably since the beginning of this little story.

So let's back up and explain what I'm saying and not leave you thinking I'm losing my sanity.

It all started two years ago, when the Flock and I found Fang after he left. You all think I would be ecstatic and run into his arms right and that he would realize he was an idiot for leaving and beg (Or as close to begging you can get with Fang) for us to forgive him?

Well the latter is right but the former is wrong.

Yeah, Fang realized he was an idiot for leaving and tried to rejoin the Flock. The Flock reluctantly agreed to let him back in, but I, on the other hand, was too hurt by what he had done to even think about letting him back in, closer to me. I shunned him, those first few days we spent together after he came back, I refused to talk to him, look at him or be in the same room as him. Well, within twenty feet of him, we were still in the wilderness after all.

I was perfectly fine with the Flock, I would talk to them like Fang had never come back, and at first Fang was hurt and he tried to talk to me but I wouldn't have any of it. Finally he gave up and started treating me like I treated him, non-existent.

I'll swallow my pride for a moment and say that it stung at first, but I got over it.

This had gone on for about a month, the tension started growing, forming into an ugly monster that would destroy our somewhat peaceful yet dysfunctional arrangement.

Then exactly 23 days after he came back (So I counted the days, what are you going to do about it?) it all fell apart.

I won't get into the details only because it's fuzzy around the edges and I don't want to give you misinformation. But it was a terrible fight and lots of things were said that shouldn't have been said.

That night, I couldn't take it anymore and I fled, I gathered my little belongings and took off into the night.

I felt bad while I was flying away, because this was exactly what Fang had done (Minus the note) and now the Flock would have to feel the loss over again, but I was too hurt and angry to think clearly.

After three days, I landed in Colorado. I made my way back to the remains of the E house and wandered around the charred remains.

I remember I had gotten so angry at the School, the whitecoats because it was their fault I was going through all this shit. I remember falling down onto my knees by a piece of Iggy's old bed and sobbing, finally letting all my frustrations.

I fell asleep on the remains of the couch that night, my sobs echoing in the mountain valley. I rose early that next morning and watched the sun rise; I washed my face in the nearby river and set off, heading for the remains of iTex.

I was fueled by anger and revenge, and with those two emotions swirling inside of me, I destroyed iTex, with the help of a few good mutants along the way.

After that, I set off for Arizona to find Dr. M. I found her easily, first heading to the cliff by the hawks (Nudge told me about them) and found my way from there.

Fortunately, they hadn't moved and they took me in. I explained what had happened and after adjusting to the fact they now had a winged bird kid living under their roof, I started to slowly adjust.

At first, I had frequent nightmares, about my time saving the world, about my fight with Fang, about leaving the Flock, realizing what I had done and becoming filled with a feeling of regret. My first few months there were haunted with memories, but they, as well, slowly faded into the background, just like everything in life, as I learned.

I started school the next year, taking an extra year to catch up on all that I missed on the run. There I met Sunnah Parekh and Tara Remmington. They're my closest friends at Downtry High School, along with Ella who is two grades beneath us.

But before I forget, along the way to Arizona and before I saved the world, I gained two more abilities. The ability to change my appearance completely to anything I wanted and heat vision. It took sometime for Dr. M and Ella to get used to, because as I entered high school, I took on a new identity, just to be safe.

I became Violet Martinez, Vy for short, the adopted daughter of Dr. M whose parents were abusive and thrown in jail. She wasn't the tallest in her class but she was pale skinned, had sleek raven black hair and stunning violet eyes.

Yes, violet, why do else do you think I'm named Violet?

I slowly adjusted to life in Arizona and now we get to the part about my two best friends.

Sunnah Parekh is an Indian girl with black hair that reaches under her shoulder blades, her eyes are a deep brown, almost black but becoming browner each day as she says. She has light brown skin and is average height. She's . . . something, she speaks her mind and is a great listener, and she's funny and really weird. She likes all kinds of music and books (She's really smart) and is hard to dislike but hard to like at the same time.

You get what I'm saying?

Now Tara is of Irish descent and had red hair (Shocking I know) and green eyes with a few freckles splattered across her face as I like to say to her dismay. She's the gossipy type but is totally nice and not a bitch. She is very understanding and fun to hang around. But the only downside about her was that she had a thing for make-up and clothes, but other than that she was awesome.

Another thing about those two is that they know about the wings, the School, iTex, Fang, the Flock, everything. We grew so close that I knew I could trust them with the secret, plus it was a pain to keep lying to them about my past and well, everything.

They were pretty shocked at first; they were in denial for a bit, I mean who wouldn't be? Your best friend suddenly tells you they have wings and superhuman abilities? You'd be in denial for a bit, too. But they got over it eventually, and what was great they didn't treat me any differently afterwards. It took a while to get used to, but they did and that's why I love them.

Well now you're pretty much caught up, let's go back to the present where I'm lying in my bed, fingering the necklace Fang gave me a long time ago waiting for my mom to say . . .

"Max! Get out of bed; you're going to be late for school!" Ah, there it is. I smiled slightly and shrugged off the covers. I yawned and stretched and made my way t my dresser where I picked a black top with vineyard designs on it and white shorts.

I got ready and transformed (A feeling which I really can't describe) and pulled my hair into a high ponytail. I checked myself in the mirror once more before heading downstairs.

"Morning Mom, Ella," I said, grabbing a banana from the bowl and then I saw the two others sitting by the table, "Tara, Sunnah, don't you have food at your place?" I asked, sitting down next to Tara.

"Yeah, but you're mom's breakfast is amazing!" Sunnah, said holding up a piece of waffle on her fork. I shook my head.

"Why aren't you eating?" Tara asked, shoving a piece of waffle in her mouth.

I shrugged, "Not hungry." I said, taking a bite of my banana.

"Max, you should eat." Mom said, placing a sandwich in front of me.

I pushed it back, "No thanks Mom, I'm not really hungry today. I'll eat a big lunch okay?" I said, getting up and kissing her on the cheek.

"Come on guys, we got to bounce, we're going to be late! Ms. Higgrey is going to have my hide if I'm late again." I said, heading to the door. Tara, Sunnah and Ella (who had been busy eating) nodded and quickly finished off their food and got up.

"Bye mom!" Ella called as we left.

"Bye kids, don't get lost!" She called back. We chuckled and left.

"So Vy, did you hear, Josh Summers asked out Felicity Fitzgerald last week." Tara gushed as we walked to school, which was a mile away from our house, convenient isn't it?

"Tara, how many times do I have to tell you? I really don't care?" I said, exasperated.

Tara pouted but smiled when Ella said, "I care, now explain in detail exactly what happened." She ordered and Tara happily complied.

Sunnah sighed, "Those two are off in la-la land again."

"I know, I say we ditch them and make a run for it. They're so absorbed in their conversation, they'll never notice." I said, looking around cautiously to see if anyone was looking as a joke. Sunnah chuckled and we headed towards school.

. . .

Fang's POV

Two years.

Two years.

Two frigging years.

And a month, give or take a few hours, but I'm not counting.

Max has been gone for that long and we still haven't been able to find her. Plus, with her gone I was expected to be the substitute leader of the Flock. I honestly don't know how Max does it. The Flock is insane.

Iggy and Nudge constantly get into trivial arguments that are sisterly/brotherly but trememdously annoying, Gazzy and Iggy always try to blow something up, and Angel likes to experiments with her powers too often for my liking, or anyone else's.

But I've somehow managed to keep them together. There must be a God up there somewhere looking out for me otherwise I might've jumped off a cliff with my wings tucked in because of their insanity and the fact that I missed Max like hell.

We've searched in 33 states, and we haven't found her. The only reason that we haven't searched in Arizona yet it because my helpful voice (I think it runs in the family, and by family I mean Flock) told me to try other sates first, Arizona might be too obvious.

Some help that advice that turned out to be.

'Well thank you for the appreciation, Nicholas' My ever so helpful voice chimed in. I mentally groaned.

I told you not to call me Nicholas. And you're not appreciated. By anyone. At all. Not after all the helpful advice you've given us. I snapped.

'Me? Give bad advice? When have I ever given bad advice?' My voice exclaimed shocked.

When you said it was okay to sleep at that cabin for the night but then people came in two hours later, when you said that the sushi was okay to eat and all of us ended up hunched over the toilet for three days straight, or that time when you said there were no bears near the clearing when there clearly was, I said, pointing out the various times my voice's advice had led us awry.

My voice was silent.

Ha, thought so.

Now we were presently flying over Arizona trying to find a hotel to stay at for the night because we had been flying for over eight hours and the sun had already risen.

And if I am to be correct Nudge should speak in five . . . four . . . three . . . two . . .

"Fang can we land now? I'm tired and my wings hurt a lot. Plus, its daylight already and people might see us, though they might take us for birds but the chance is still there. Plus, I'm really hungry and I have to use the bathroom. Do you think we could find one of those hotels where you get the complimentary breakfast and they have those nice little bar soaps? Plus the beds are really comfy. I could just sink into one of them and not really car-"Iggy flew over to Nudge and clamped his hand on her mouth.

"Nudge, we are all tired, hungry and in need of a bathroom. So please, be quiet." Iggy said desperately.

Even after flying through the whole night, Nudge manages to continue The Nudge Channel 24/6. Sundays she chooses to sleep the whole day. We all silently celebrate while she snores away like an elephant.

Nudge shot Iggy a glare which he somehow sensed and shot her a tired cheeky smile. I shook my head. I looked over my wings and saw Angel glaring at me slightly (She still quiet hadn't forgiven me yet for leaving) and Gazzy struggling to stay away (He also quiet hadn't forgiven me yet but he accepted me more quickly than Angel).

I sighed, "Okay guys, let's hand and find someplace nice to sleep." I said and they all nodded. We swooped down and searched for a hotel and stopped by a local Marriot. We checked into a double bed room with a pull out couch for one week (Max was kind enough to leave us the Max Ride card so we were living in luxury . . . not really).

The receptionist looked about the same age as Iggy and I and had beach blonde hair. She explained to us that breakfast was complimentary and that it was served from 6-10 on weekdays and 7-11 on weekends.

She gave us our room keys and as we were leaving she called out, "Call me!" I sighed and looked on the little envelope that had our keys, sure enough there was a phone number written in girly handwriting.

I frowned and ripped the number off and threw it in the trash.

"Geez man, harsh much?" Iggy said, putting his hand on my shoulder, which I shoved off.

I shrugged and we walked on to our rooms. Once everyone was settled in, I decided to look around.

I walked to Iggy and Gazzy's room and knocked on the door. I heard frantic shuffling of feet and sighed, what were they hiding now?

Iggy opened the door a few minutes later, breathless, "Hey man, what's up? We were just about to sleep." He lied. Yeah right.

"Uh huh, I'm going to look around for a while. You're in charge, don't make me regret it." I said.

Iggy flashed me a sleepy grin and turned to head back into his room but before he closed the door I called, "Oh and go to sleep and stop messing around. I'm searching your room tomorrow." Iggy froze and sent me a hesitant thumbs up. I smirked and headed for Nudge and Angels' room.

I said the same thing to them, who just nodded and went back to sleep.

I walked out the back door of the hall and walked down the road. I walked along the sidewalk, hands shoved in my pockets, my head in the clouds.

I wonder what Max is up to right now, if she's alright. I missed her like hell. Wait, I said that already . . .

I was about to walk passed some woods when I froze in my tracks. The woods looked extremely familiar. My eyebrows knit together as I cautiously turned and walked into the woods. As soon as I was in deep enough I opened my wings and leaped into the air.

Of course, I wouldn't remember the woods for a worm's view, a bird's eye view would be sure to ring a bell in my memory. There was a red flag going up in my head, something had happened here.

I burst out of the treetops and flew higher. I stopped at about 43 feet above the tree tops and looked down.

Suddenly the memory hit me like a bucket of cold water. This was the same wood where Max went down to save that girl, and where she also got shot at.

My blood began to boil; if I saw those blockheads again they would pay for sh-

'Nicholas, stay on track here. We don't need you running into a tree or anything. That would hurt' My voice chimed in.

I rolled my eyes, Thank you for telling me the obvious.

'No problem Nicholas' My voice replied, I could hear the amusement in it's snide voice.

Call me Nicholas one more time and I'll call you Muriel. I threatened.

'Very scary Nicholas' It replied.

Fine, from now on your name in Muriel I shot at it, it remained quiet. Ha, take that you little . . .she/he demon!

I continued flying over the local area and decided to land as I neared a school. You never know who could see me.

I landed in the nearby woods and tucked in my wings. I straightened my shirt and walked out. I saw teenagers spilling into the parking, joking around and laughing. A lot of people (Specifically girls) stopped to stare as I walked by. What? It was 90 degrees and I was in all black, with dirt and grass stains all over me, that was bound to get some stares. At least that is why I hope they were staring.

I strolled out of the parking lot and ducked into some nearby bushes and carefully walked through the bushes. I stopped moving when I heard some girls walking close to the bushes. I carefully peaked out and I swear my jaw met the fl- What? No it didn't, pfft. I'm Fang, I don't drop my jaw.

But there were four girls walking by and something caught my attention.

That something was Ella.

Yes Ella, as in Max's little sister. She was walking with three other girls who looked older than her.

The first was an Indian (?) girl with long-ish black hair and brown eyes. She wore a loose grey long sleeve shirt that said 'Paramore' on it, dark blue skinny jeans and black high top converses. The second was a redhead who wore a yellow and blue plaid button up and dark blue skinny jeans as well with black flats.

The third was the one who shocked me. She had medium length black hair and the prettiest (Did I just say 'prettiest'? That's not manly) violet eyes. Yeah, violet, I'm just as shocked as you are.

She had on a black shirt with vine patterns on it and short white shorts with black and white high top DC shoes. She was really and I mean really beautiful.

But not as much as Max. Nope, no one has Max beat at least in my book. Though Iggy could probably offer a good agreement on that in which would end up with me locking him in his room which wouldn't go so well since he would just pick the lock to annoy me.

But Max is still beautiful.

But back to the three girls and Ella, I turned invisible and followed them silently through the bushes (I had mastered my invisibility) and watched them until they entered the high school.

Let's just say after my little discovery, I was pretty fast to rush back to the hotel and call a emergency meeting, though the rest of the Flock wasn't so joyous about it.

"Dude, I'm tired. There's nothing else to it. Let me sleep for god's sake!" Iggy complained as he slouched on the bed, continuing his whining which he had been doing for the past five minutes.

"Iggy. Shut. Up." I growled. He sent me a sightless glare my direction but I just turned towards the Flock, "Okay guys, I know you guys are all tired but I found something extremely useful in our search." I said, looking at each of them.

"What?" Gazzy asked sleepily.

I took a deep breath, "I found Ella," I said and held my hand up before they could bombard me with questions, "Let me continue. I found Ella; she was with three other girls who were older than her. They were walking together and I think they're friends and one of them has some kind of familiarity to them." I explained.

"Fang the last time you felt something like that about a girl, she ended being a juvenile delinquent with bad hair." Nudge said pointedly.

"Thank you for reminding me of that Nudge." Fang said sarcastically.

"You're welcome!" Nudge offered perkily.

"Anyway, I think we should stay here for a while, you know talk to Ella and see if she knows anything?" I explained.

"And how exactly are we going to do that?" Iggy piped in, who had been silent so far.

Angel, who had read my mind as usual, nodded in agreement to my plan, "Fang that's a good idea. It'll be nice to make some new friends again." She said.

Everyone just looked confused.

"Guys, we're going back to school."

So aha! There is the first re-written chapter! I wasn't a fan of the ending, but I needed to wrap it up and give you guys what you've been waiting for, so now I have to go work on the other chapters and the new one and other things I have to do so yeah!

Me: Man you guys are hard to kidnap.

Max: What do you expect? We're like freaking super humans!

Me: You don't need to rub it in . . . No bacon for you!

All but me: You have bacon!

Me: Yeah and only Fang and Iggy get some!

Iggy: Ha take that bitch!

Max: Excuse me!

Iggy: -pale- Uh nothing!

Max: That's what I thought.

Fang: Dude, you better run.

Iggy: -nervous- Uh, h-hehe, I-I'm going to g-go hide n-now. RnR?