This is my first story, ive been planning it for ages and i wrote it and edited it and everythinggg! pleasee give me your honest answers about it! btw im having some trouble about what i shall call this, i called it blood roots but i mite change it to; Chaos, Cold Blooded Love, Blood Love, Blood Cravings, Blood runs deep, Immortals, Dead Blood... when you review tell me what you think i should call it or send me a message or something! i want a name with blood it in seeing as alyxandra havrey has blood in all of her books :L :L


365.242199 days ago the drakes left me. ( that is actually how many days there are in a year)

3 days later, my parents were attacked. They had finally finished their 'pilgrimage' around India and were making their way back to Violet Hill when a lorry slammed into the back of their taxi, the lorry kept slamming into them until they were forced to break and ended up skidding of a road, the taxi didn't break on time so they ended up flipping upside down, you know on those thriller or action movies where the car gets rammed by another car and they fall of a cliff or they end up rolling over and over again and then suddenly it bursts into flames... yeah well that's what happened to my parents, well expect the whole falling off a cliff. The bad thing about it was it may seem that I was there when it all happened but I wasn't, it was videoed, whoever was in the van videoed it all happening but the worse thing was hearing my parents screams and cry for help and then hearing those evil bastards laugh...

They were lucky that a car was driving pass stopped (well they had to stop the road was blocked) and called an ambulance on time, just a few minutes later and both my parents could of been in the ground. Hey, at least only one is. They were both in critical conditions just on the edge of death both of them holding in on the last line of life. The day after they were brought it the driver of the taxi passed away. I spent every day in the hospital by their bed side refusing to move or to eat, basically doing what I did when the drakes left. Every night I stayed awake until my body started screaming at me to sleep, a few days later when I was dozing off I heard the cardiopulmonary bypass machine thingy (you know the heart machine) started beeping little did I know that it meant I would lose one of my parents..


I felt my head moving to the side, I felt myself drifting come on Lucy! Stay awake what if your parents wake u, but I couldn't, I had eaten properly for days, I hadn't talked to anybody for days I hadn't slept for days and now everything was taking its toll... then I heard a smooth beeping noise and then I heard gasping. My eyes flung open to see my dad's head raised and gasping. I rushed to his side.

He looked up at me with lifeless eyes, his whole face pale and dead. (Because of me)...

"Lucy..." my dad choked.

I grabbed a hold of his hand "Dad! Your okay... you're okay. God, I'm so sorry! This if my fault..."

"Lucy, this isn't-" he started coughing. I ran over to the sink at the back of the room, grabbed a glass of water and was back at my dad's side in a second "Thank you" he whispered as he drank.

"Sweetie...I'm sorry this is my fault..." I stared at my dad in confusion, he had got hit by a truck and nearly died how could he think it was his fault, it was mine... and the drakes...

"Dad, this isn't your fault"

"It is Lucky!" as soon as he said my full name I knew that what he was saying was serious "I should of listened to your mother, I should of never let you stay with the drakes for as long as you did...ever since you met them you were in danger, we all were, but it was our fault.. My fault, mine and your mother always left you alone so of course you would go to the drakes..."

"Dad, what are you trying to say?" I was reeeallly confused.

He sighed "I knew one day that something like this would kill me..."

"Like what?"

"This... Lucky, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that we always left you, that we never gave you much attention that we always talked about stuff you didn't like and now I'm sorry the drakes are gone...I really am" I didn't really understand what he was talking about but so what. He had just come out of a critical condition.

"Dad, I don't really understand what you're talking about but still if you think this is your fault or mums it isn't!

"But it is, lucky. The drakes always knew that one day this would happen, that they would have to leave because everybody they knew would be in danger, they knew. I knew your mother knew, of course deep down inside of you, you knew to but you didn't want to acknowledge it. Maybe... maybe if me and your mother stayed at home instead of always going away or if we stopped you going to the drakes when you were younger this wouldn't of happened... do you see what I mean?"

It all came clear to me what he was talking about, but before I could say anything my dad started coughing again, this time coughing blood..

"Dad" I got another glass of water and gave it to him, he laid back down on his bed and then suddenly his breathing became funny all wheezy like a smokers "dad..."

"Lucky...I...I...I think it's my time..." What was he chatting about...? Oh. No!

"Dad. No! I'll get help! I ran out the room and started screaming like a banshee "HELP! HELP PLEASE!" it was quite late so there were only a few nurses, but they heard me... some of them ran straight into the room one of them asked what had happened and that's when I started stuttering.." I..I don't know, he was fine he woke up and was talking and then...he started coughing, coughing blood and he..." then me, Lucky Hamilton burst into tears. 2 doctors ran down the hall and into the room i followed after them even though they told me to go "Lucky...Lucky..." my dad mumbled.

"Dad! It's going to be okay! Hang in there okay? For me!" I shouted, the heart machine started beeping vigorously.

He smiled, well he tried to "Lucky, I don't think I was meant to survive this...I love you okay?" and then he looked off to left, I looked at what he was looking at... mum...

"Tell her I love her too, you two were the best thing that ever happened to me, I love you, and I'll always be with you in here..." he pointed to his heart

"Dad, please, please..." the tears started coming out. Dad started to close his eyes, I felt one of the nurses grab me but I shook her off, dad's eyes were closed and he had a faint smile on his pale lips "Dad please..Please don't go..." his lips mouthed the words ''im sorry' and then he was gone, the smile disappeared, the heart machine stopped beeping, I looked up to see a red line... He was gone"

(End of flashback)

A week after my dad died, my mum woke up. When she found out that dad was gone she cried and cried, she didn't let anyone touch her not the nurses or doctors, not even me. 2 weeks later she was released, she had been lucky out of the 3, whilst my dad had a 50% survival rate and the taxi driver 35% survival rate; my mother had had a 85% survival rate. We went home and we pretended everything was okay until the next day my uncle and auntie were attacked too... yes Christabel's parents. I wouldn't really say attacked seeing as they were in the shop when the whole isle collapsed on them, Auntie Clarissa managed to get away quickly but Uncle Ric ended up getting a few cuts and bruises but they were okay. After that my mum just broke down she would cry to sleep every night she wouldn't let anyone see or talk to her not even me or her own brother (Uncle Ric) and then that's when she turned her anger towards me, she started blaming me for everything, if I hadn't met the drakes this wouldn't of happened if I never met the drakes if I acted more like the daughter they wanted if I cared more about chi and stuff this wouldn't of happened I never knew it was that bad until she tried to kill herself I found her lying in the bath tub with pills around her but luckily I called 911 on time, but she was in a coma even to this day she still is because of me, because of the drakes...

2 months later, Hunter and Kieran were ambushed during a helios-ra mission, they were beaten up very badly, if it wasn't for Hart going to help them later on, on their mission they could have been seriously hurt even possibly dead. Then me and Christabel were attacked, we were lucky the first time we decided to not get the school bus home which was lucky seeing as the brakes got cut off and the bus smashed into a river and vampires attacked them (of course none of them knew it was vampires or the people that 'think they saw vampires' were just classed as crazy, they thought they were attacked by animals) but the second time we weren't lucky(hence why my name should be 'un'lucky) we were walking to my house when out of nowhere hands grabbed us from behind, we managed to escape by using my 'great-nose-punches' and Christabel's 'amazing-heel-kicking'. Yet again, this all happened because of the drakes...

You properly want to know how I know this is the drakes fault. Well, the day after they left I got sent a letter, saying all kinds of stuff, saying how the drakes never really saw me as a sister or friend how they were using me and Kieran, Hunter and Christabel and so on, and how that seeing as we became involved with them that we should pay for what they had done (what the drakes had done to the person who sent this letter) and seeing as I knew them the longest and I was the closest friendship wise and family wise, that me and my family would pay for this, and I guess they did. My dad is gone; my mum even after about 9 nine months is still in a coma. We all lost something, I lost my parents and nearly lost myself.. Christabel nearly died twice and her parents left her because they couldn't stand her anymore. Hunter nearly died too and she also lost her Grandfather he was kidnapped and supposedly was dead. Kieran also nearly died to, but he also gained something he found his mother or well she found him it was all happy happy until she disappeared and her body was found dead when a few Helios-Ra agents were on a mission...

But it doesn't matter now. Because now I've grown up, I don't need the drakes, I never did, and I never will.

None of us needed them, they caused us pain, grief and death, a lot of death and there's only so much a teenager could handle... but also they were holding us all back from are true abilities.

I'm happier now than I have ever been. Now, I have everything I wanted. I used to think the drakes were everything, but not being able to even be in the same room with your best friend or not being able to make out with your boyfriend for more than 5 minutes because you were human is not everything. What I have now is everything what would make it complete would be if I could have my parents back and if I could kill the drakes. I know the first thing isn't possible but the second is...

Yeah, but your thinking how the hell can I, the loud-mouth-talkative-girl who punches everything, kill a royal family who have dealt with assassinations and everything possibly possible!

Well I can because, I've changed. I've changed a lot. I'm not the old Lucy, the sweet but loud girl, the one who used to dress crazy and always go a bit OTT with her jewellery and who used to love dressing up in Aunt Hyacinth gowns and corsets, who pretended to not know what really bothered Solange and Nicholas (me, or well my blood) the girl who always had to be protected. Now, I'm different.

Because, now I'm...

Lucy Hamilton, one of the best agents in X Academy.

Lucy Hamilton, one of the best young assassins ever.

Lucy Hamilton... half vampire..