My dearest readers,

I'm truly disappointed to say that I cannot continue this story that lack the inspiration from the readers it needs, what I'm about to say is not meant to hurt you in any way.

You see, no one seem to appreciate this story as much as the other stories I have, and I feel as though that this story did not capture the hearts of readers, and they are some reviews who are names I will not mention want to know when will I update the other stories who made strong influence.

I am so sorry if I let you down but rest assured that I am not going to remove it from the website, instead I will put it in adoption, but I'm not the kind of person who give it away right away to the first person who said I WILL TAKE IT! I will give it away to the one person whose truly deserve to have it by giving me ONE good reason. Yes, I know it sounded cliche but I'm being me.

If you are here to adopt then please send me by PM and give me one reason why should I give it to you, and another thing you have the right to change it the way you please.

Thank you all.