A/N: This story begins after Edward leaves Bella in New Moon (I seem to be awfully fond of starting stories there, don't I?) and somewhere in the second season of Vampire Diaries.

The Other

He was gone in a matter of seconds and I knew he wouldn't be back. Yet, this understanding did nothing to stall my pursuit, which had been rendered more of an aimless wandering as darkness enveloped the forest.

The brief flash of lightning became my sole source of light and despite the realization that the situation was utterly hopeless, I just couldn't stop.

I pressed forward until I could no longer, falling to my knees in a mixture of physical and emotional exhaustion. The light rain had grown to a steady pour and had quickly soaked through my light clothing, allowing the cold to spread over my skin.

I could barely breathe as sobs finally choked their way up my throat, my mouth stuttering open to release my anguish in horrible cries.

Without him, there was nothing.

My heart gave a jolt at the sudden sound of rustling in some nearby trees and I had one dangerously hopeful thought that it was him.

Before I could do little more than shift slightly toward the movement, my world crumbled for the second time that night.

Standing among the trees was a middle-aged man I didn't recognize, but the way he was staring down at me was unsettling, as if he could see everything and it meant nothing to him.

I didn't try to back away as he approached because regardless of whoever this man was, I couldn't imagine anything worse than what had transpired earlier that night.

I made two mistakes that night.

The first was following Edward into the forest.

The second was allowing that strange man to touch me.


"Don't you think this is a little cruel?"

"Luka, we must do whatever it takes. You know that."

"But couldn't we make her a little more...comfortable?"

The voices slowly filtered in as I gained consciousness. A groan of pain tried to escape, but I kept it in, unsure if I wanted these people to know I was awake just yet. Despite the ache of my body, I remained still.

"We owe her nothing," one of the voices spoke seriously.

"I know, but she's human. She isn't one of them—" another voice, younger than the first, argued before he was cut off.

"She might as well be," the older male voice said coldly.

"What do you mean?" the younger voice asked.

"She's awake."

A silence fell as a new voice spoke and I tensed, realizing that it was time to face whoever had taken me. Blinking at the sudden light, I squinted around at my surroundings. The room was small and consisted of four stone walls, complete with a cement floor. Florescent lights cast a lifeless glow and filled the silence with its humming.

It took another moment to realize that my right wrist was chained to the wall behind me, the metal just shy of cutting into my skin.

Standing off to the side, near the door, were three men. Two of them—most likely the owners of the voices I had listened to initially—were dressed casually and their similar dark skin and eyes suggested they were related.

The third man stood apart from them and unlike their faded jeans and worn jackets, he was dressed immaculately in an obviously expensive suit. Apart from his light skin, everything about this man was dark—from his hair and his eyes to his very stare.

A stare which he directed stoically at me.

"Where am I?" I rasped, unnerved by his gaze but unable to look away.

"Where you are is of no consequence," he replied simply. "However, who you are is another matter entirely."

"It is her," the older man answered the indirect question. "I'm sure of it."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, bewildered. "I'm nobody."

"Assuming Jonas is correct, I would beg to differ, Isabella."

"How do you know my name?" I could feel my heart begin to race. "Who are you?"

"I am Elijah. This is Jonas and his son Luka. They will be your caretakers for the duration of your stay."

I was surprised he had answered my questions so easily, but I knew that despite the polite conversation, I was far from safety. There was no telling what these people were planning.

"What do you want with me?"

I didn't even bother asking them to let me go. The manner in which they had taken me and the area I was now being contained made it obvious that my escape wouldn't be that easy.

"We want you alive and safe, Miss Swan," he smiled.

"Why? What do you want from me?" I asked, confused as to what they could possibly need me for.

He neglected to answer me this time and I realized that to him, the conversation was over.

"You will carry out everything as previously instructed?" Elijah questioned Jonas, although he continued to stare at me.


"Very well. We shall see each other soon, Miss Swan," he directed at me before exiting out of the sole door.

"Why am I here? What do you want from me?" I repeated the question to the remaining occupants, hoping that one of them might answer me with Elijah gone.

I didn't know any of these men, but from the way they spoke to each other, it seemed that Elijah was the leader, followed by Jonas.

Once again, my question went unanswered and I began to panic as they too backed toward the door.

"Wait! You can't just leave me here!" I pleaded desperately.

The younger one who had been silent since Elijah showed up—Luka—seemed to want to say something, but a look from his father stopped him. Instead, he looked back at me with pity.

"I'm sorry."

"No! Please!" I cried out as the door closed behind them.

A swift turn of a lock and the sliding of metal were my only answer, before their steps faded.

I yanked on my chains uselessly as the panic began to build. I had no idea where I was. These people I had never met seemed to know everything about me.

How long had I been here? Had anyone realized I was missing? Would they be able to find me?

The last thing I remembered before waking up here was being in the forest and—

That last thought brought my breathing to halt.

Edward had left me and he wasn't coming back. He was done pretending.

This realization finally broke the strange calm I had adopted during the entire conversation with my captors, allowing the painful sobs to escape.

Edward was gone. The Cullens were gone.

There was no one left to come looking for me—at least, no one with the kind of resources that would make a difference.

I was trapped down here, wherever here is and there was a good chance I would die in this small, cold room.

I was alone.


I am going insane from the lack of good crossovers in this world (not that I presume to be adding to the list of good ones). I actually have three other Twilight/Vampire Diaries crossovers in the works.


(Cough) Sorry, had to get that out there. Now, if you would please review, I would be so very happy.