A/N: I love Bade, and I love Bat (so this was the outcome) :)

The First

Beck and Jade hungrily pressed their lips to each other like magnets the moment they made it inside Beck's RV. His hands were swimming across her body while she cupped his face with her lips glued to his as they walked backwards giggling every few kisses. Beck moaned fumbling with the zipper of her leather jacket before lazily flinging it across the room not bothering to come up for air.

Jade laughed when Beck lost footing, and clumsily toppling to the ground lying on top of her.

"No laughing West", he teased gripping her waist while planting teasing kisses from her jaw-line to her neck. Every couple of kisses he'd nibble and suck small circles on her skin.

Jade rolled her eyes to the top of her head bitting her bottom lip when she felt the familiar electrifying thrills shoot up her spine, and leave a tingling sensation through her toes.

Being with Beck always left her feeling airy, like butterflies were shooting up through her stomach. Not that she would ever admit such thing, though.

Admitting she had feelings would be too girly, sweet and... Tori- like.

"Aye, Aye Captain", she suppressed a giggle saluting her boyfriend before she buried her head into her smooth, sun-kissed shoulder inhaling is familiar Polo Blue cologne.

Beck smirked kissing her gently and reached for the leather belt buckle of her jeans.

Jade playfully swatted his lingering hand and placed it back on her hips. Beck knew she was a virgin, it wasn't like she was celibate or anything but she'd never found the right guy until Beck, and she never really imagined he loosing it on the shag carpet of his RV.

Beck obliged and moved back to her neck while his hand laid flatly against her stomach.

Jade ran her fingers through his silky dark tresses feeling warm and comfortable with Beck pressed against her. His weight alone was enough to put her in a deep slumber.

When he kissed her he was always good.

Too good, like he'd done the same thing thousands of times before her.

Jade wasn't naive, she knew Beck was Hollywood Art's IT boy, and girls through themselves at him willingly- teacher's sometimes too. But, the little insecure girl inside of her told her that there were plenty of other pretty girls that had come before her.

"Beck", Jade heard herself ask as she tore her lips away from Beck's leaving her mouth tingling.

"Hmm", he answered muffled before moving back to her lips.

She planted a gentle kiss on his heart shaped mouth before continuing.

"How many girlfriends have you had?"

"What?" he laughed positioning himself upward on his knees to relieve Jade from the weight of his 6'1 frame.

"You heard me", she countered.

Beck smiled and patted his index finger against her perfectly chiseled chin as if in deep thought.

"One", he finally answered. " Jadelyn West, you may have heard of her".

Jade smirked satisfied with his answer and allowed her doubts to drift away until something hard pricked her in the back.

She screamed belting upward causing her bra strap to fall down her pale shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Beck asked worriedly.

Jade reached beneath her and pulled out Beck's buzzing pear phone.

He casually plucked it out of her hand, and ran his fingers through his perfectly tousled hair out of habbit.

"Hey", Beck smiled into the phone. " Nothing chilling with Jade", he laughed slapping his thigh".

Jade rolled her eyes annoyed as the conversation continued.

"Alright i'll call you later Tori", he said before ending the phone call before tossing it across his bed.

Beck turned back to his girlfriend and smirked cupping the side of her face, and leaned foward to continue their kiss but she retorted back like his breath smelled like rotten eggs, or Robbie's stinky gym socks.

"Why was Tori Vega calling you?" Jade demanded to know arching her right eyebrow waiting his response.

Beck shook his head dismissively. " To tell me about the movie Andre and Trina made on The Slap. Want to check it out?"

Jade rolled her eyes and pursed her lips to let him know just how interested she was.

"Alright less talking more kissing", he joked planting a kiss on her forehead while pulling her upward and onto his bed.

"No", she playfully shoved him away. " Less kissing more talking", she countered.

Beck moved over a few paces and smiled patting her shoulder. " Talk".

"Well... how many girls have you been with?"

Beck opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off knowingly.

"I know", she leaned foward planting a sweet kiss on his lips. " I'm the only one that matters ".

"Its true", Beck agreed.

"Besides I don't have the patience to listen about your countless conquests".

Beck shook his head laughing as he fumbled with the shoes strings of his vintage boots.

" Its not countless".

Jade waved her hand dismissively. "That's okay", she tucked her legs underneath each other. "Your first is all that matters anyway", she continued waiting for him to give a tell-all response.

It felt good to finally ask the question that had been ringing through her ears since they'd first started dating.

Beck just shrugged in response not divulging into the conversation.

"So, who was your first?"

Beck suddenly rose off the bed slightly uncomfortable at her statement, but rubbed his neck laughing it off. He hadn't thought about his first like that in ages, the mention of her suddenly sent him back to freshmen year. He shook his head focusing back on the present, namely his girlfriend Jade.

"What's with the twenty questions?"

Jade shrugged innocently. " Just curious".

Beck smiled walking over toward the sink in the small vicinity of the RV to wash his hands to distract himself. He leaned against it after his hands were dry.

"What makes you think I have such a past?" he asked in the same innocent tone she'd used with him.

Jade laughed balling up a stray t-shirt on from his bed and flung it at Beck's head.

"Oh come on Oliver, everyone knows you're not a virgin".

Beck put his hand on his chest dramatically feigning shock. He shook his head, " Who is everyone?"

"I told Billy not to tell anyone", He joked in a high-pitched voice.

"Shut up", Jade giggled standing up to look Beck directly in the eye. " Your name is all over the girl's bathroom stall".

"Mmm", he grinned planting his hands on her hips pulling her closer to him, even though his mind kept going back to the question she'd asked him earlier about his first. " Guess I am good", he flirted squeezing her sides.

"Dream on", she teased.

"No need to dream, wanna find out?"

"No", she grinned shoving him away. " Now stop changing the subject".

Beck dropped his hands off her waist. " I'll answer anything by that", he stated. That part of his life was safe, and innocent and he didn't feel like sharing it with Jade.. or anyone else for that matter.

Jade crossed her arms frowning, as her anger bubbled inside. She was already jealous of all his ex-girlfriends, but now she had to worry about his ex- who apparently had a special freaking place in his heart?


Whoever the girl was, she had to find out. Jade didn't even know who the mystery girl was, and already she was jealous of her.

"Was it Tinsley?"she suddenly snapped, remembering that picture in Glossip magazine of him and the slutty socialite with her bleached blond extensions. Beck said they were old friends, but still.

"No", he answered simply. " And it wouldn't matter Jade, because you're the one i'm with", Beck smiled trying to reassure her with a hand gesture but she snatched away from his grasp like he'd burned her.

Any other girl would've said it was sweet but not Jade. Jade smelt bullshit.

"You're seriously mad?" he asked only irritating her more.

"I sure ain't happy", she remarked sarcastically, rolling her hunter green eyes at him.

"Who is she?" Jade repeated. " Alison".



"No", Beck groaned agitatedly. " Are you gonna name every girl at HA?"

"I might", Jade bluffed. " Why... do i know her?" she asked casually watching Beck's every move. In improv class she'd learned a person's body language said everything they weren't.

Beck looked up suddenly at her question, and quickly regretted it when Jade took notice. Around her, he'd learned it was always best to keep on a good poker face.

"Oh my god!" she suddenly exclaimed, a smile spreading across her face. " I do know her, don't I?" Jade teased satisfied.

"Tell me who she is", Jade demanded crossing her arms.

"No", Beck repeated. Sometimes it amazed him how truly insecure she could be when it came to other girls. It was one of the things that he disliked about her most.

"Fine", Jade picked up her canvas messenger bag. " I'll just ask every girl I know", she retorted. " Don't bother calling me tonight".

"Do you know how ridiculous you sound?" Beck wondered.

Jade spun around exhaustedly from the handle of the metal door exhaustedly. " Then just tell me", she asked hoarsely.

Beck could tell that she would never let this whole 'first' thing go, and he really didn't feel like arguing with her. It was getting old, and it was becoming excruciatingly painful going back and forth with her. It wasn't like that freshmen year when he had a completely other girlfriend, who was the complete opposite of Jade.

Jade smirked inwardly feeling his resolve, thinking at least he was considering telling her.

"Do you really wanna know?" Beck squinted his almond brown eyes.

"Yes", Jade answered stepping closer toward him letting her bag sling back to her ankles.

"And you promise you won't get mad?" he pressed on.

Jade nodded, " I promise", she lied. Honestly, she didn't know how she'd react but calm wasn't one of them.

Beck sat perched on his bed and patted the spot next to him. " You might want to sit down".

Jade followed instructions and sat down with a loud flop, and sighed motioning for him to continue.

Beck scratched his neck uncomfortably and ran his fingers through his silken mane. " I can't believe i'm doing this...".

"Beck!", she insisted.

"Ok",he nodded as if convincing himself to continue.

His reluctance was Jade nervous, and she hated being nervous. If he didn't hurry she swore she'd passed out from anticipation.

"My first was csdhagahhh" he mumbled the last part into his shoulder.

"What?" Jade demanded irritate.

Beck sighed and finally found the nerve to continue. " My first was... Cat,okay?"

Bet you weren't expecting that one, huh? :) should i continue? review and let me know what you think!