And here's another chapter for you. Hopefully there's still people reading it.

This chapter explores the friendship between Laura and Federico.

Laura looked at Giovanni confused. She didn't like where this was going one bit. She kept silent and waited for the older man to continue.

"Laura" Giovanni began "Your father never made it to Venice." She looked at him worriedly. She began shaking.

"Is he dead?" she asked quietly. A lump was forming in her throat.

"That could be one possibility" he answered back softly "Hey may have gotten lost or he decided to change his mind." Laura kept quiet. She didn't know what to say. She was confused and scared.

"I'm sorry Laura" Giovanni apologised. Laura kept silent. She got up slowly from her seat and walked towards the door.

"We will find him" Giovanni assured her "I promise." Laura nodded once before leaving. She closed the door gently behind her. She walked back to the kitchen area, ignoring both Ezio and Petruccio. Laura felt her eyes start to water. Ezio looked at her and could see that tears were starting to form in her beautiful hazel eyes. She quickly walked to her room, closing the door behind her. Ezio looked down and frowned.

Claudia and Maria returned home from their trip to the market. Petruccio quickly tried hiding what he was doing.

"Where is Laura?" Claudia asked. Ezio looked at his young sister and shook his head.

"I don't think she wants to be disturbed" he answered. Claudia glared at her brother. She helped her mother unpack and put the shopping items away.

"Did something happen while we were away?" Claudia questioned, narrowing her eyes at Ezio "Did you hurt her?" Ezio shook his head once more.

"Then why can't I go see her?" Claudia demanded an answer. Ezio sighed.

"She... Her father is missing" he looked down. Claudia gasped. Maria stopped what she was doing and looked at her son, wanting more detail.

"Father said Signor Farina never made it to Venice" he sighed "That is all I know." Maria nodded and began making lunch for the Auditore family. Claudia frowned and turned away from Ezio. Ezio stood up and helped Petruccio pack everything away. He kept silent. He wanted to talk to Laura but he didn't know what she was going through. He helped his younger brother to his room.

"Ezio" Petruccio spoke softly "Do you think Laura will be okay?" Ezio shrugged and turned away from his brother.

"I do not know" he answered "Only time will tell." He left Petruccio's room and walked back to the kitchen area. His mother and sister had finished preparing lunch.

"Ezio please go get your father and your two brothers" she ordered "Claudia go get Laura please." The children did as they were told.

Claudia walked to Laura's bedroom and knocked on her door softly. She opened the door slowly, looking around for Laura.

"Lunch is ready" she said cheerfully. Laura looked at her but kept silent. She sat on her bed, holding a book on her lap. She didn't feel like eating. There were too many thoughts plaguing her mind. Claudia sighed and left her alone, closing the door behind her. She made her way back to the kitchen table and took her seat. Everyone else was already there and had taken their seats. There was one seat with nobody on it. It felt quite strange to the family. Giovanni's eyes fell to the empty spot.

"She is not eating with us?" he looked at his daughter.

"I went up and told her it was ready" she explained "But I received no response." She shook her head. Giovanni sighed and placed his hand in his hands. It was a difficult time for him and Laura. Signor Farina had been his good friend for many years. He didn't want to lose a friend as good as him.

"Shall we begin?" Maria said quickly trying to change the topic and noticing her husband's distress. Everyone nodded and began filling their plates.

It was a quiet lunch. There was no yelling. No arguments. No one even muttered a word. It was silent in the Auditore household. It was a strange silence. Ezio finished quickly and volunteered to clean up. Giovanni returned to his office in haste. Claudia helped Petruccio up to his room. She sat down with him and helped her brother with his art piece.

"Shall I bring a plate to Laura?" Federico looked at his mother for a response. Maria nodded and handed him one. Federico filled it with some bread and some salad. He walked to her room slowly and knocked on her door. There was no response. He walked in slowly and noticed Laura standing by her window. She turned around to see who it was and saw the oldest Auditore child holding a plate of food. Federico smiled at her. He could see the hurt in her eyes. He walked over to her and stood next to her. Laura returned her gaze to the window and began staring at it once again.

"I bought you some lunch" Federico placed the plate of food on a nearby table. She looked at him and nodded. Federico looked at her face once again. It was beautiful. He hazel eyes were glossy because of the tears. Her brown hair was tied into a messy bun. Federico smiled.

"You know" he looked into her eyes "Someone as pretty as you shouldn't cry." Laura looked away from him.

"I do not know what you are going through" he lifted her face gently towards his own "But I am here for you. We all are." He kissed her head. Laura smiled slightly.

"Thank you" she turned to him and hugged him gently. Federico hugged her back and kissed her head again. She let go of him and moved away. She looked back out the window, sighing softly to herself. Federico took it as his cue to leave. He started towards the bedroom door. He stopped and turned to face Laura.

"Do not hesitate to ask for any help" he said softly, smiling at her once again. Laura looked at him and smiled.

"I won't" she nodded. Federico left her room and walked to the kitchen.

Laura turned away from her bedroom door and stared out her window once again. Please father… Please be okay…