Guys! This is my first fanfic so please enjoy and bear with me if there are any errors on the grammar or spelling in this fanfic. Please go easy on me. And just so you know, I LOVE SASUHINA! And I've read lots of other fanfics that inspired me to make my own, so there you go. ENJOY!


You Promised

"Sasuke, you should be kind to her especially now you'll mostly spend your entire time together, okay?" said the woman to her 8 years old son. "But okaa-san! She's really weird! She keeps on blushing and stutters around me! I don't like it! It's annoying. "Said the boy. " Sasuke! That's not very polite. You should apologize to Hinata-chan for hurting her feelings" said the woman. "Fine." said the boy irritated running off.

'Where is that weird girl now?' wondered the boy. 'Maybe I'll check the garden, the maids says she's always there'. The boy wondered around the huge Hyuuga Mansion for several minutes searching for the girl when he saw something that literally took his breath away.

He saw the girl he's searching for in the garden near the pond looking at the different flowers mostly lilacs, her lavender kimono so beautiful against her pale skin and dark bluish hair that framed her round but adorable face, her beautiful white eyes shining against the sunlight and her skin so pale that it matches with her surroundings elegant yet simple beauty. What he saw was an….

"Angel…" said the boy still standing, mesmerized by the view before him.

The "angel" hearing someone's voice searched for the person and what she saw made her blush numerous shades of red. Standing still in the door near the garden was none other than Uchiha Sasuke, her crush, staring at her. The girl didn't know what to do under the intense gaze of the person across from her and so she started fidgeting with her kimono sleeves and said "K-k-konnichiwa, U-uchiha-san…"

Sasuke, having recovered from his stupor quickly changed his emotions to being indifferent but failed terribly and decided to just look away to hide his very evident blush and responded to the girl, "Hyuuga."

Hinata, not knowing what to do just said, "U-uchiha-san, wh-what b-brings you h-here?."

"Hn. Okaa-san said I should be nice to you and spend more time with you. If you ask me it's very annoying and a waste of time. I should be practicing my jutsus" replied Sasuke.

Hinata, hearing his reply felt sad and dejected by her crush and said in a voice a little lower than a whisper, "U-uchiha-san, you sh-shouldn't f-force yourself to be k-kind to me, I-" Sasuke, despite the low voice heard her and immediately said, "Shut up, I wouldn't do something that I don't want to do so quit your stuttering cause it's driving me insane." The baffled girl didn't know how to reply from the sudden outburst of her crush that she just remained shock and speechless until Sasuke noticing that she was shocked, smirked and then quickly took her hand and practically dragged her to the training grounds to train. The same routine continued on and on and on, until the incident…

Sasuke and Hinata were already close with each other, meaning Sasuke a little more nice and open to Hinata and Hinata not stuttering around Sasuke. Both are currently at the training grounds practicing their techniques to impress there fathers until both are too exhausted to continue. Sasuke sitting with one of his legs up starring at Hinata while Hinata was lying down on the grass looking at the sky. Both were resting from their practice a little while ago.

"Sasu-chan, do you think otou-san will ever be proud of me?" asked Hinata still looking at the sky. "Hinata" started Sasuke making Hinata look at him and him at her neither breaking eye contact. "I know you'll be a great kunoichi and I know someday you'll make your father proud" said Sasuke. Hinata was so overwhelmed by what Sasuke said that she didn't notice that she was already hugging Sasuke and kept saying thank you over and over again while Sasuke returned the hug. Still in each others embrace, Hinata didn't know what came over her to suddenly admit "I love you, Sasuke" Sasuke was shocked by the confession that he wasn't able to respond to Hinata. Hinata noticed the continuous silence and realized what she said. She started to tremble and water were quickly forming under her eyes, she then tried to break the embrace and run away as far as possible for fear of rejection from her long time crush but Sasuke wouldn't let her go, he mumbled something but Hinata wasn't able to catch what he said. "Wh-what was that, S-sasuke kun?" 'Oh great, I'm stuttering again. Now Sasuke kun would definitely reject me' thought Hinata.

"I said me too" replied Sasuke looking at her straight in the eyes.

What? What? What? The same question keeps popping up in her head. "What was that?" said the girl. "I said, me too" replied the boy a little louder than the first time. "I'm sorry, wha-""I said I love you too!" yelled Sasuke irritated.

Hinata was definitely shocked. Her blush level was so extreme and she couldn't help but look away from Sasuke to prevent her heart from exploding. Meanwhile Sasuke on the other hand was starring at Hinata amused by her reaction and Sasuke couldn't help but tease her more so he did the unexpected, he took Hinata's chin and then her lips. The kiss was light and innocent for the both eight year olds. Sasuke was surprised at how soft Hinata's lips were and decided he loved the feel of Hinata's lips with his. Hinata on the other hand was still shocked to register what was happening until she closed her eyes and feel Sasuke's lip on her. Hinata was starting to get dizzy from the contact and felt something new in her body. Both then separated at the same time in need of air, looking in each others eyes.

Sasuke was the first to break the contact. He placed his forehead in her forehead. Both were panting from the ordeal they experienced. "Hina…" started Sasuke, "I love you". "Sasuke kun, I love you too" said Hinata smiling warmly and full of love to Sasuke.

Before both exited the training grounds Hinata asked Sasuke, "Sasuke kun, uhm…wh-what are we now?" "Isn't it obvious? Were both in love with each other." Said Sasuke.

"Oh, H-hai, Sasuke kun, we'll always stay together, won't we?" asked Hinata.

Sasuke stared at Hinata for a moment and said, "Yeah, you're the only cry baby for me." Hinata smiled at his answer before saying, " yup, and you're the only jerk for me." Both were laughing as they left the training grounds.

As both were heading home, they said their goodbyes to each other after Hinata took Sasuke's pinky finger and intertwined hers with it. "You promise Sasuke kun, right? No leaving each other." Said Hinata. "Fine. I promise. Goodbye Hinata." said Sasuke.

Then both went their separate ways not knowing that something terrible was about to happen to the both of them that will change their lives.

Then it happened. The famous Uchiha Massacre. Wherein the one and only survivor was none other than Uchiha Sasuke. The killer, his brother Uchiha Itachi.

After the incident, nothing was the same anymore. Sasuke was depressed, scared and most of all alone. He tried several times to visit Hinata and ask for her comfort but he was shunned away by the Hyuugas saying that he has no more rights to visit Hinata since he was no longer engaged to her. Sasuke felt worse than worst if that was even possible after hearing what the Hyuugas said. He felt that nothing was going right with his life that everything was all a lie. He felt that he couldn't trust anyone anymore that nothing was real. Then he decided. He would never let anyone near him nor his heart anymore. He had enough of people trying to fool him, and that includes Hyuuga Hinata.

After that fateful day, Hinata wanted to go to Sasuke and comfort him, reassure him, anything just to see if he was okay. But her father didn't allow her. She was kept under surveillance by her father everyday just to make sure she doesn't do anything wrong. She tried various times to escape her guards but she was too weak compared to them and so she was always caught.

By the time Hinata saw Sasuke, they were already in the academy. Hinata saw Sasuke in his usual seat in their homeroom not looking particularly at anyone. His fan girls were surrounding him as usual and the class as noisy as before. Hinata then planned to try and talk to him after class.

Their sensei was none other than Iruka Umino. Teaching them basic ninja techniques that Hinata already knew. By the time the bell rang Hinata was startled, she felt nervous about her plan to talk to Sasuke but decided that it was now or never so she gathered all her courage, stood up and followed the Uchiha who was now leaving the room.

Hinata tried to catch up to Sasuke but he was so fast, she then saw him stop at their usual training grounds. Sasuke's back was facing her; she couldn't help but feel nervous at the tense atmosphere. Still, using her courage she spoke up.

"S-s-sasuke kun" she started. But the Uchiha didn't show any signs of acknowledgement. Thinking Sasuke didn't hear her, she tried a little louder than the first. "S-sasuke kun" still no reaction. Hinata feeling ignored tried louder, "S-sasuke! I-"before she could even finish her sentence Sasuke pinned her on the ground, one hand is holding both her wrist above her while the other was covering her mouth. "I don't give a shit on what you're about to say Hyuuga. All I know is that I fucking don't wanna be near you, or else…I'll kill you" said Sasuke with so much hatred in his cold eyes and voice that Hinata wasn't able to neither move nor respond. He let go of Hinata and stood up then went further down the forest before saying, "I don't care about you or anyone else other than myself, so stay out of my way from now on if you don't want to get hurt, because if you do…I WILL KILL YOU" said Sasuke finally out of sight. Hinata was still shocked that she kept standing there for almost half an hour staring at the place Sasuke disappeared to before falling in the ground. Hinata couldn't hold it in anymore. She cried. She left the training grounds taking in, in her mind and heart, what Sasuke said to her. She felt hurt, sad, depressed but she understood. Her pain could never compete with the pain Sasuke felt when he lost his family, his everything. But still, she couldn't help but say, "But you promised…" new tears forming in her eyes.

Four years after their confrontation, Hinata never dared to talk to Sasuke again or confront him again but she didn't stop loving him. She continued to look at him from a distance silently wishing that she was the one with Sasuke rather than Sakura; people even thought that she liked the blond haired, Uzumaki Naruto. As much as she wanted to deny it, she wouldn't. She felt that it was better that people think she likes him instead of Sasuke, for it will make things easier for Sasuke. Even if she tries, she could never stop loving Sasuke, he means so much to her that it seemed impossible to do so even if she knows it was hard. He took her heart the moment he took her hand that day in the garden and she could never take it back.

Hinata remembered that day. The day that started everything for them, in that garden and Hinata couldn't help the tears falling from her eyes. She wanted Sasuke back but she can't. He wouldn't let her.

And so life moved on, the rookie nine entered the chuunin exam. They faced several hard challenges until finally the last battle. It was then Sasuke was facing the evil jinjuriki Gaara of the Sand and the fight went on, orochimaru attacked the village, orochimaru and the fourth hokage fought each other, gaara fought Sasuke then Naruto, Naruto won. Sasuke was angry at the possibility of Naruto getting stronger than him. So he left the village to go to Orochimaru to get stronger and to learn how to control the cursed seal so that he could kill his brother and avenge his family and so on and so forth.

Sasuke's teammates, Naruto and Sakura tried all their might even as to sacrifice their lives just to get Sasuke back. And so they did. Naruto fought with Sasuke till the end. Every last bit of chakra used, all their strength gone. They almost died if not for Sakura's medical abilities and the Kyuubi inside of Naruto.

It was four months after Sakura brought Sasuke back to konoha and he was fully healed except that Tsunade forced him to stay there under supervision for another month until they were sure of his condition and until they made up their minds on what to do with him.

Sasuke's POV

Tch. I'm back in this wretched place. I don't care what they do to me; I'd even prefer it that they'd kill me so that this pathetic life of mine be gone already.

There's nothing left for me here.

His mind then drifted to a certain pale eyed girl always beside him.

Argh…why did I even remember that girl. She meant nothing to me. I wonder what she looks like now…STOP thinking about her!

Just then, Sasuke heard his hospital door open and the person who came in is none other than the person he was thinking about, Hyuuga Hinata. Both were staring into each other's eyes, neither breaking eye contact. It was their first meeting after a long time.