Title: The Firsts (of SuFin)

Summary: A list of Firsts in the lives of Sweden and Finland, told from the latter's perspective. Drabbles.

Chapter Title: The First Realization


Tino wasn't sure when he first realized it. For all that the taller nation was frightening, he was surprisingly gentle, and had yet to stop referring to Tino as his 'wife', despite all protests to the contrary. Sweden was a contradiction, joking with his serious words, and his personality completely different from what his looks would suggest.

It might've been the first time he got sick around the other; not a nation-sickness, of course, but he had caught the human flu. The entire time Tino was sick, Sweden was there, and probably stayed there while he drifted to sleep, for when he awoke, the smaller nation was still clutching his large hand.

Or maybe it was the time when they welcomed Hanatamago into their home, and Tino held the small dog on his lap while Sweden pet the dog ever so carefully, and the Finnish nation could've sworn he saw a smile on the scary nation's face.

Either way, at some point he realized it. And, when they had England over once, and Tino was introduced as Sweden's wife, he made no protests. The taller nation seemed surprised, at least as far as Tino could tell, but he didn't say anything, much like usual. When the Brit finally left, Tino turned to his 'husband'. "You haven't been joking, have you?" he asked, and, at the question practically radiating from Sweden, the Finn clarified. "About me being your wife."

If he hadn't been looking so closely and waiting so carefully for the Swede's answer, Tino might have dismissed the light dusting of pink that spread over the taller nation's cheeks. "N'," Sweden finally answered, after a lengthy pause, his answer unintelligible except to the nation (to his surprise, if he was informed) who knew him best.

"Oh," was the only thing that managed to get past Tino's lips, and he fled the room, cheeks aflame.


Word Count: 314 words

A/N: So how was it? This was my first try at writing drabbles, or SuFin, so I wasn't sure. Hopefully Finland was too OOC? Sweden is pretty easy to write, actually. XD Oh, and the names are important in this fic, how I'm referring to Finland as Tino, but Sweden is still referred to by his country name. That will come up later. Currently, I have 14 firsts (so 14 chapters) planned, but if I think of any more that I want to write, I'll slip them in. Reviews are love!