A/N: Okay TT fans, I'm back! And this time...IT'S NOT A ONESHOT. HALLELUJAH! Haha, but it's not going to be very long. Probably three chapters at most. I hope you enjoy this. :)

Little Guy sighed as the warm stream of water pounded against his back, relaxing his tense muscles. Work had been so stressful lately, and he had been staying at Dr. Kimishima's house so frequently that he hadn't been back to his own house in a while. All the food in his refrigerator had probably gone bad.

He leaned his head back and let the water soak his hair. Steam rose around him, swirling around the bathroom and clinging to the mirror. He finished his shower and stepped out, grabbing the towel off of the rack and wrapping it around his waist. He leaned against the sink, his hands gripping the counter, and looked at himself in the mirror.

Three months ago, he never would have thought that he'd be getting laid three times a week, with his boss of all people. But he loved it, every minute of it.

Little Guy smiled at himself in the mirror and started to dry off. Just as he was about to step into his pajama pants, a small note slipped into the bathroom through the crack under the door. He raised an eyebrow and kneeled down, picking up the note.

I nead to talk to you its emportent

Little Guy chuckled at the bad spelling and messy handwriting. This could only have been written by one person.


He put on his pajama pants and flicked off the lights as he stepped out of the bathroom. Suddenly gentle hands grabbed his shoulders, pushing him against the wall and attacking his lips. His arms looped around Dr. Kimishima, slowly sliding down her back and stopping to rest on her hips. Her hands squeezed his shoulders and his fingers slipped under her shirt, caressing her sides. She thrust her tongue into his mouth, rubbing hers against his.

Dr. Kimishima pulled back from the kiss, running a hand through his damp hair and sliding a finger down his naked chest.

"Meet me in the bedroom," she whispered in a sultry voice, smiling sexily at him before turning on her heel and walking away. Little Guy's eyes followed her as she disappeared into their bedroom and he expelled a breath.

Damn his boss was sexy.

He made his way down the hall and to Alyssa's room, knocking softly at the door before stepping inside. Alyssa looked up from her dolls and smiled at Little Guy. He went over and sat down next to her on her bed, ruffling her hair. She stuck her tongue out at him and he smiled.

"You're not wearing a shirt," she said as he poked his abs with a finger. He laughed.

"Yeah, I'm not. Sorry." Alyssa shook her head.

"It's okay. I know Naomi likes it when you don't wear a shirt." Little Guy smiled devilishly.

"Is that so?" Alyssa's small fist punched his abs.

"I have to talk to you," she whined.

"Okay okay," he murmured, rubbing his abs.

"I think you should take Naomi out on a nice date." Little Guy raised an eyebrow.

"I should?" Alyssa nodded eagerly.

"You and Naomi have been so busy with work that you guys haven't had a nice night together in a while." Little Guy looked away awkwardly for a moment.

There have already been two nice nights this week.

"That's a good idea Alyssa. But I don't know what to do." Alyssa grabbed his arm and tugged him down to her level, whispering into his ear.

"I have an idea."

Reviews would be awesome! Also, I'm letting you guys take part in this story. What do you guys think Alyssa should tell Little Guy to do for Dr. Kimishima? Let me know in a review!