A/N: YAY! Finally done! Sorry it took so long to get here, I just wanted to make sure I wrote the game as realistically as possible-I've never been paintballing. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this last chapter. :D

Little Guy sighed, taking another right turn. He and Dr. Kimishima had just dropped off Alyssa to play with Joshua, Gabe's son. Now they were heading to Paint-Nation to go paintballing.

"Agent," Dr. Kimishima said, sounding slightly impatient. "Where are we going? And why am I wearing this blindfold?" Little Guy had insisted that Dr. Kimishima was blindfolded and he had also advised her to wear comfortable clothing, as opposed to her usual crisp suit and heels.

"You'll see Doctor." She sighed a little, clasping her hands together in her lap. He took another left turn and pulled into the parking lot of Paint-Nation.

"The car has stopped. Can I take off this blindfold now?" Little Guy shook his head and then remembered that Naomi couldn't see him.

"I'll help you out." He pulled the keys out of the ignition, pocketing them and stepping out of his black Ford Mustang, going over to the passengers' side and opening the door. He took Dr. Kimishima's hand and gently tugged her out of her seat. She tripped as she stepped out, stumbling into Little Guy's arms. He smiled.

"You're a little clumsy today Doctor. Something wrong?" He asked smugly. Naomi rolled her eyes beneath the blindfold.

"Yes Agent. Your handsomeness caused me to lose consciousness for a moment there." Her silky voice was laced with sarcasm. Little Guy chuckled, his arms tightening around her waist.

"Well, if you didn't think I was so attractive, you wouldn't make love to me the way you do." Dr. Kimishima smiled softly and Little Guy leaned forward, pressing his lips to her briefly before slipping the blindfold off of her face.

"Mm, yes, handsome indeed," Naomi whispered. She slid her hand up his chest and stopped at his shoulder, kissing the corner of his lips and teasing him. He groaned, his fingers slipping under her shirt, dancing along her waist. She wrapped her arms around him, bringing her lips to his neck and kissing it.

"Doctor," he breathed huskily into her ear.

Suddenly, Little Guy was pushed backwards after someone roughly bumped his shoulder with their own.

"This is paintballing," a deep voice said. "There's no room for sex in the arena." The two saw a group of college boys walk past, smirking at them.

"Women can't play paintball anyway, no matter how sexy they are." The dark haired boy reached out to touch her. Little Guy grabbed his wrist.

"Don't touch her," he growled. The boy yanked his wrist away, glaring at the FBI agent. Another guy in the group placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Come on Riley. We'll destroy them in the arena." Riley spat at Little Guy's feet, glaring at him with cold, hard eyes before he and his crew stalked off.

Dr. Kimishima looked over at Little Guy, who had his jaw set and his fists clenched at his sides, and began laughing. Little Guy's hard expression melted away and he raised an eyebrow, looking at his boss.

"What?" He asked. She leaned on him as she laughed and he waited patiently for her to finish.

"It's just funny how you try to appear so tough." His mouth dropped open.

"'Appear tough?' Doctor, I'll have you know— " Dr. Kimishima placed a finger to his lips, silencing him, shaking her head.

"No time for that. Let's go." She took his hand, intertwining their fingers, and led them inside the building.

Little Guy pulled on his equipment quickly, eager to get into the indoor arena. Once he had the heavy clothing on, which would protect his body from getting injured, he put on the mask that would cover his face, sliding the visor up.

"Ready Agent?" Little Guy turned to Dr. Kimishima. Her clothing was a bit more fitting, but would still be able to protect her. She held the gun in both hands and her visor was up, so he could see her icy blue eyes. He could tell she was itching for a fight.

The referee came into the vesting room after they all had on their equipment and explained to them that they'd be playing elimination mode; try to hit someone else before they hit you. If you get marked with paint, you're out. There was to be no physical contact or unsportsmanlike conduct. Masks were to stay on at all times.

The ref looked between the two teams.

"Someone's going to have to go over to their side." He nodded to Little Guy and Naomi. The group of college boys exchanged glanced and one of them shrugged, stepping over to the other side. The ref nodded.

"Alright. Be fair and have fun."

Little Guy dived behind one of the inflatable paintball bunkers, sliding on the turf and narrowly avoiding getting hit. He saw Dr. Kimishima to his left, crouching behind one of the bunkers, waiting for one of the opposing members to make a wrong move before she shot.

He smiled. She was always so analytical.

A paintball hit the bunker, the noise startling him. He poked his head over the bunker just in time to see one of the other players darting to another bunker. Little Guy fired a few shots, one of them nailing the guy in the chest. The player looked down at himself, realizing he had been marked. Throwing his gun down, he stalked off the field and into the safe zone.

All three of Little Guy's team members were still on the field. The guy who came with the group sprinted over to him, diving behind the bunker.

"Hey," he said breathlessly. Little Guy could barely hear him through his mask. The surrounding sound of paintballs being fired didn't help either. "I can sacrifice myself and take out David. You and your girlfriend are going to have to double team Riley. He's an expert."

"Are you sure?" Little Guy asked. The guy nodded.

"Yeah. Riley's an asshole anyway. By the way, I'm Campbell." Little Guy nodded his head towards the other side of the field and he saw Campbell take a deep breath before standing up, hurdling over the bunker and firing rapidly at the player behind the bunk nearest him. He shot him, but only a split second afterwards, Riley marked him. Campbell saluted Little Guy as he walked off the field.

It was now only him, Dr. Kimishima and Riley.

They had to win.

Even when Little Guy looked over his bunker, Riley was completely hidden by his. The FBI agent decided to run to another bunker and try to get a better vantage point.

Bad idea.

He had nearly made it behind the vertical bunker when he heard a shot go off. He thought that maybe he got lucky and it missed him. However, he realized that wasn't the truth when he looked down at his arm and saw that he was marked. He cursed, waving to Dr. Kimishima before jogging off the field.

"You guys aren't going to win," one of the players said as soon as he had taken shelter in the safe house. "There's no way your girlfriend can beat Riley." Little Guy slid up his visor.

"We'll see." He sat down on the bench and watched the match. Riley and Dr. Kimishima were on the far ends of the field, and the game would never end unless they got closer to each other. Dr. Kimishima realized this when he did. She sprinted for the nearest bunker, shots whizzing past her, and took cover behind it before Riley could hit her. Little Guy sighed.

From here on, it came down to whoever was the better shot. They exchanged fire for a few minutes, the only thing getting marked was the bunkers.

Then Dr. Kimishima ran out of paintballs. She pulled a refill off of her hip, popping it and the gun open, and trying to pour them in quickly. Riley was taking advantage of this moment. He ran over to her bunker, no more than five feet away, and fired.

Time seemed to go in slow motion. Dr. Kimishima had just closed her gun when the paintball hit her in the chest.

It didn't burst. She wasn't out.

But Riley was.

Dr. Kimishima aimed and fired, hitting Riley in the shoulder and marking him.

The game was over. They had won.

Little Guy jumped off the bench, running onto the field to Dr. Kimishima and hugging her.

"You did amazing!" He chattered excitedly.

"Navel, I expected you to do better than that."

"I…uh…Doctor, that wasn't my fault." She jabbed her gun into the small of his back, prodding him.

"Come on, let's go."


"Don't make me pull the trigger."

Little Guy got going.

The good guys always prevail! Reviews? :)