A/N: My first ever attempt at writing a PoT fic. Hope I won't disappoint. [:

Disclaimer: PoT and its characters belong to its respective owners. I own nothing aside from the idea for this story. xD

WARNING: This fic contains yaoi/ boyXboy loving, with occasional swear words in-between. Rating may go up as the story progresses.

Pairing: EijiXOishi (in this order) xD, with possible mentions and even scenes of other smaller pairings that I love from PoT. :3



Oishi Shuichiro was what most people would consider to be a kind-hearted, smart young man with an average disposition. He was not eye-catchingly attractive, heart-stoppingly handsome, but neither was he bad-looking.

Some would argue that it was mostly caused by the large, old-fashioned lenses that he never failed to wear along with the stiff, formal clothing that never suited him in their design.

Oishi never thought about his looks. His concentration was always fully taken by his studies, to keep that scholarship of his running. He also filled the rest of his time with his work.

Until this day, he never understood what had possessed him to apply for a job as an assistant for celebrities' managers. But he somehow got the job, and had been helping different people every week.

When he received the news about his move to work with the current big hit singer Kikumaru Eiji, Oishi was left dumbstruck.

He didn't understand how he ended up doing something that all of his colleagues dreamed to do. Jealous looks were shot towards him often during his last week working at his current place; but there were also congratulations from his other, nicer colleagues and bosses.

He left feeling a mixture of relief and sadness. He'd been working with these people for the past two years and he knew he would miss their kind jokes and afternoon gossips.

He was also rather worried about his new job. He had never need to permanently move workplace, as he was usually only needed for a few days or weeks, but this time, he was needed for a year.

He seriously didn't know how he was going to survive.

He knew from past experience that the more busy the actor or model is, the busier he himself gets. Eiji Kikumaru was the number one hit in Japan, and even in some foreign countries; he was going to be buried under with work.

He was really lucky that the first three months of his job would be spent during his long summer break.

No uni work means more rest for him. He was eternally grateful for this coincidence.

Oishi decided to dress himself less plainly. It wasn't that he thought himself as being too handsome and had to dress in an ugly manner to hide this fact, but rather because he never wanted to attract any attention to himself.

It was better for to remain plain and dull. He also had a gut feeling that this was the reason they chose him for this particular job. He knew how this superficial world of upper-class people works.

These people would never employ anyone attractive to look after their main, top star to prevent him taking interest in that person. Eiji has the choice of either not dating anyone or to date a gorgeous girl from their society level.

There had been rumours going around about him dating another singer, Ann. This rumour was quickly quelled though when Momoshiro Takeshi, a member from the infamous Seigaku band, a circle in which Eiji associated himself with, admitted as to going out with the aforementioned girl.

Oishi himself felt himself breathed a sigh of relief secretly. He had, for a lack of better word, been holding a huge crush with the male top star.

He wouldn't be feeling so bad if it wasn't for the fact that 'male' was also a word that he associated himself with. He had accepted this forever unrequited love of his, if he can even call it love when all he knew about the red-haired teen was based on newspapers and magazines, but the news of his new work had given him a god-forsaken hope of ever catching the interest of the gorgeous male.

He had promptly squashed the hope as one would do with an unsightly insect; without any mercy or second thought.

He was thankful for this job though. Not only did it pay him higher rates –something that he was eternally grateful for, due to his need to feed himself– but he also get to be able to see his first ever crush close-up. If Oishi was any less calm, he might've squealed like a fan-girl. Thankfully, he wasn't.

Oishi stepped into the entry walk in awe. The whole place screamed luxury; from the entryway with small fountain adorning the front yard, to the mansion-like size of the beautiful red-brick building. It was hard to believe that everything that he was seeing was owned by someone who was the same age as him; merely nineteen.

He was extremely nervous when he got closer to the door; but to his relief, Sumire-sensei was already standing at the entry door, waiting for him. He nodded towards her, his usual smile appearing on his face unconsciously.

Ryuzaki Sumire-sensei had been the manager for Eiji and the other singers within the Seigaku circle ever since their start-up. Seigaku had been a band – and still is – but they were different from others due to the fact that their singers and musicians all took up different jobs elsewhere.

Most of them, just like Eiji, took up modeling and singing solo as their other jobs. To the surprise of every fans of Seigaku, the band members had confessed as to seeing their other jobs as past-times, despite the fact that those past-times were extremely time consuming.

Sumire, as their manager, had been having trouble looking after everyone's needs. With their different jobs, she had found it difficult to cope with everything. She and Echizen's cousin Meino Nanako were not enough as the only two people who looked after seven people. This was where Oishi came into the picture.

Oishi's jobs was to help her handle everything, as well as acting as Eiji's manager when she wasn't able to accompany the red-haired superstar. During his interview with the strong-willed but kind lady, he was finally able to get a clear picture as to what was to be expected of him.

Waking up early everyday at six; preparing and double checking Eiji's schedule before making sure that Eiji was ready for every single appointments were all to be his new responsibilities. He was also expected to aid Sumire in keeping mostly Tezuka Kunimitsu and Fuji Shusuke's schedule in order; with Sumire having looked after Inui Sadaharu and Kaidoh Kaoru's schedules and Meino Nanako looking after Echizen Ryoma and Momoshiro Takeshi's appointments.

He was somewhat ecstatic over the fact that he was able to spend regular time looking after Eiji. Even if the red-haired didn't notice his existence, he was still glad to be near the cheerful young man's presence on a daily basis.

Oishi was a realist, not a dreamer; therefore he knew that this whole setting was only temporary; and that he was not to get distracted by his personal thoughts. He was chosen due to this reason. While other people may get distracted by the model or famous person they looked after, Oishi had always been strongly responsible; being able to keep his personal and professional lives and thoughts separately. It was this trait that made his colleagues respect and admire him despite his much younger age and shorter experience.

While he was needed to look after this whole thing, Eiji, being the easy-going person that he was, had decided to let Oishi stay inside one of the rooms within his mansion-like home. At the young age of fifteen, Eiji had moved out of his childhood home that was located far from Tokyo. When Seigaku and he became the best-hits of every tracks and magazine pages, Eiji was able to purchase the house that he was now living in.

Most people may find this lavished living place to be Eiji's way of showing off; but despite his lack of proper knowledge on the singer, Oishi somehow felt like there was another reason to the decision rather than a simple petty wish.

Walking into the house felt like he was walking into a magazine cover. The house was tastily decorated without it being over-stated. He was able to see the big living room that occupy most of the base floor, with the view of the back garden complete with its pool through the glass doors making up as the back wall of the base level of the building.

He instantly felt the unquestionable inferiority in his cheap suit and worn carry bag. Knowing that there was little to be done about it, he continued his trek deeper into the house following Sumire.

Quick footsteps could suddenly be heard coming from the direction of the stairs. Oishi turned and found himself face to face with Kikumaru Eiji for the first time.


So? What do you think? Review, please! [: