Much shorter than my other one-shot, I know, but this idea popped into my head and wouldn't leave me alone!

I might continue it, if you all like it. :)

One-shot or chapter story? You decide, just leave me a review telling me if you want me to continue.

Love always,


W. I. F. E.

That must stand for 'Wow, I'm fucked, everyone.'

It least, for her, anyway.

After the defeat of Voldemort, the Ministry panicked.

They decided that the casualties were so great that they needed people to replentish the population, and they needed to do it now.

Their answer to that was, what else, a marriage law.

'All eligible bachelors and bachlorettes shall be bonded at the soonest opportunity.'


Immediately, there was a flurry of weddings from those who were dating or engaged.

In fact, Harry and Ginny married a week after the law was passed.

Ron and Lavender followed two weeks after.

Hermione, however, had no one to marry.

She had no one who was even interested, so she calmly continued on with her life.

She hadn't taken them seriously enough, that was for sure.

Ministry officials came knocking at her door in mid-June.

"Afternoon, Miss Granger. You are doing well, I trust?"

"I'm fine, thank you. Why are you here?"

She knew it sounded rude, but this man was making her nervous.

Tall, tan, and muscular, but with very dark, unfeeling eyes.

"I am here to inform you that you will be required to meet us, at the Ministry, at twelve noon tomorrow."

"Why, whatever for?"

"To meet your husband and be bonded, ma'am."

"Husband? Bonded? Tomorrow? Have you all gone mad?"

"He has already paid the fees that were due, for our services pairing and bonding you."

"Paid? Fees?"

"Yes, ma'am. We'll be requiring your presence at the ministry tomorrow."


"Tomorrow. I'm sorry, ma'am."

The look on his face told her that he clearly wasn't sorry at all.

"Get the hell out of my house," she growled, whipping out her wand menacingly.

Her reputation as a brilliant, skilled, war hero preceded her, and he disapparated at once.

The next day she had arrived at the Ministry, only to be promptly escorted into a private room.

Two men stood before her.

One, a short, frail looking old wizard in bright gold robes.

The other a tall, strong looking man who appeared to be in his late thirties, possibly early forties.

She froze when she recognized the short, greasy hair and sharp, pointed features of Severus Snape.

Their eyes met and they studied each other.

He couldn't possibly be her chosen husband, could he?

Another glance around the room confirmed that yes, he must be.

She skimmed over his features as she noticed for the first time that his features were more chiseled, less sharp, and his hair was simply shiny and smooth, not greasy.

He was actually quite attractive.

Oh dear, the small room must be getting to her.

Claustrophobia, perhaps?

She could not have possibly just thought that Severus Snape was attractive.

She needed some fresh air.

His eyes roamed up and over Hermione's body before scanning her face and capturing her chocolate colored eyes with his own onyx orbs.

The corner of his mouth turned up as he smirked at her, then turned to the old man.

"She'll do nicely," he said quietly.

'She'll do?'

What was she, some whore to be paraded and sold?

"He's already paid the fees..."

Oh my God.

That's exactly what she was.

Someone for a man to have sex with, impregnate, and bear children, nothing more.

She was indignant, unwilling, furious, irate...

She had no choice in the matter whatsoever.

She slowly walked forward, features drawn tight over her guarded face, resigned to her fate.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" She had growled at the old man.

Less than five minutes later, a pair of warm, soft lips had claimed hers and she was no longer free.

She belonged to him now.

They had come in as two people.

Ex-teacher, ex-student.

Ex-Death Eater, ex-Golden Girl.

Ex-Potions master, ex-school bookworm.

Ex-Slytherin, ex-Gryffindor.

They had left as one couple.

Husband and wife.

Never to be the same.

Never to be anything close to normal again.

A full year later, it still wasn't normal. It wasn'tanything like she thought that married life would be.

Severus Snape, he had been the king of Slytherin, very eligible bachelor.

Now he was a married man, expected to be warm and cuddly with a woman who he had no real affections for, only obligations.

Besides, Severus Snape was not warm and cuddly.

Hermione Granger was formerly the Golden Girl, beautiful bachelorette.

Now she was a married woman, expected to be a doting, obedient, submissive housewife to a man to whom she was little more than a five-cent whore.

Besides, Hermione Granger was never obedient and submissive.

The words 'I love you' were never spoken. No terms of endearment were ever employed. They were strictly Severus and Hermione.

Still, even though Hermione felt like little more than a whore, Severus never treated her as such. From their wedding night he was perfectly gentle and respectful. Caring, even. He was never rough or disrespectful, not even impolite.

Over their first year of marriage, they went from being strangers to being friends.

Friends who protected each other, cared for each other as friends do, but not lovers.

No, Severus and Hermione were not lovers.

Their life together was full of many things, but love was not one of them.

They didn't speak very much about personal things. She didnt catch him up on the latest gossip from Ginny, and he didn't tell her...well...much of anything.

They conversed instead of potions, dark magic, and children.

Severus hated teaching children, certainly, but Hermione knew that he'd had a rough childhood and an unloving father. Severus wanted children so that he could be everything that his father wasn't.

That was one of the few things that they agreed on. They both wanted children, and they wanted to be the most wonderful parents.

Only, Hermione was not pregnant.

So parenthood would have to wait.

They went to bed together every night, with only the thoughts of a child in mind.

Except, Hermione couldn't help but think that bringing a child into a loveless marriage might not be the healthiest environment.

That thought wasn't one she wanted to dwell on, so she pushed it to the back of her mind.

It wasn't like they despised each other, nothing like that, they simply didn't love each other.

Every night they would have sex.

It was satisfying.

Actually, it was quite good.

Unlike other couples, however, they didn't curl up together in the afterglow and sleep in each others arms.

No, Hermione would roll over onto her side and Severus would tuck his arms under his head. The only part of them that would remain touching would be her foot, hooked around his ankle.

She had been doing this since their wedding night. It was a comfort to her for some reason that even she didn't know. He seemed to understand, however, and never tried to dissuade her.

It was rather sweet, in a way, she supposed.

She was content in her life.

Not happy, but content.

That is, until she received a phone call.

Ring! Ring!

"I'll get it," Hermione said.

Her husband nodded, returning to his book.




"Yes! Oh, Hermione, I have the best news ever!"

"What's that, Gin?"

"I'm pregnant! Oh, Hermione, isn't it wonderful?"

Hermione swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly dry.

"Of course it is, dear! Congratulations to you and Harry! I have to go, but let me know when the shower is! Goodbye."

She dropped the phone back onto the receiver with a click before walking into the bedroom.

Silently, she stood there, staring out the window, fighting back the wave of emotion that threatened to overcome her.

Soft footsteps were heard behind her behind her before a warm hand gripped her forearm.

She whirled around and stared at her husband.

"What's happened?"

She shook her head, swallowing hard before kissing him firmly and leading him to the bed.

He took the hint and before long, they were having sex, just like they did every night. Only tonight, it was driven by Hermione's jealousy of Ginny. With every passing moment she wished more and more for what Ginny had...a child.

When they had both been satisfied, Hermione rolled onto her side as always.

Even in bed with her husband, she couldn't help but feel small and alone.

Cared for but not loved.

She unhooked her foot from around Severus' ankle and drew her knees up to her chest as the tears began to run down her cheeks, dripping onto her pillow.

Severus propped himself up on one elbow and lightly rested his hand on her arm.

"What's wrong?"

She shook her head, sniffing lightly and swiping at her eyes.

"You're crying, and I know you don't cry over nothing. Hermione, what's wrong?"

"Ginny's pregnant," Hermione finally replied, her voice breaking. Severus tightened his grip on her arm. "She's pregnant, Severus. She's going to have a baby."

She finally broke down completely, burying her face in her hands as she cried aloud. Then news was painful to him, as well, but clearly not as emotional as it was for her.

"Shh..." he soothed her, gently pulling her into his arms and stroking her hair. Hermione was too upset to even notice this unusual act, and continued to sob into his chest. "We'll have a baby too, someday. It's just not our time yet, I suppose."

He kissed her forehead almost tenderly before turning off the lights with a flick of his wand.

"It'll be us, someday," he whispered to her as her sobs quieted. "I promise."

He knew that there was no guarantee that he could keep that promise, but it was what his wife needed to hear.

They lay there together until sleep finally claimed them.

The next morning, Hermione woke, surprised to find herself wrapped in her husbands arms.

Then she remembered what had happened and understood.

Ginny was having a baby, and Hermione was not.

Gently, she wiggled out of her husbands grasp and pulled on her robe and slipper before padding into the kitchen. She fought back her emotions as she prepared breakfast, trying not to think of Ginny and Harry or the baby.

"Alright there?" Asked a deep voice behind her.

"I'm fine, Severus, thank you."

He replied with a sharp nod.

She set the plates on the table and they sat down to their meal without another word.

Suddenly, a revelation struck her.

This man, sitting across the table from her, did not love her.

He had merely held her last night because it was the right thing to do.

Hermione was simply a marriage law bride.

They were married because they were required to be, and that was it.

They both wanted children, yes, but that's all this was.

A union for the sake of children.

"She'll do nicely,"he had said.

To him, she was just a convinient companion, someone to have sex with.

Someone to bear his children.

Little more than a five-cent whore.

She was married to him, but she didnt feel like a wife, a bride.

No, she was an owned body for sex and childbearing.

A body that had been purchased.

A body that couldn't not be taken away from him.

She was his forever whore.