Title: Remarkable Encounters

Chapter One: A swift rescue

Pairing: Janto

Rating: T

Summary: Ianto is rescued by an unlikely friend, but now that he's off traveling will he be able to settle back down with a normal life? And what about Jack?

Disclaimer: If I owned Torchwood, would I have really ended season 3 like it did? I think not! So no, I don't own Torchwood or any of the wonderful(and horrible) characters in it.

Silence hung around the toxic gas filled room. Two bodies lied lifeless on the pavement, tear stains still on the slackened face of one of the two whose features, seconds before, had been morphed into those of a mourning man whose heart had just been ripped out of his chest. The camera that had been recorded continued its task, the red light blinking on and off as it focused on the still forms on the ground as if waiting for what would come next, ignorant of the viewers on the other side.

A flash of light appeared from the far end of the room, away from the chambers that contained the creature known to the humans as the 456. The faint light became clearer and brighter as the black police box materialized in the room. With a click the door swung open and a soft whirring sound filled the room and instantly anything electronic died, giving way to the sonic screw drier held in the woman's hands.

Heaving a sigh of relief the girl tutted and hurried over to the fallen figure of her friend. Ignoring the man she knew would reawaken later on she knelt beside the man dressed to impress and stroked his face lovingly, a small smile appearing on her lips.

"Oh Jones, Ianto Jones. Won't you be glad to see me." Grinning like mad she instantly searched her pocket and pulled out a syringe that contained a golden fluid within, tiny micro sized organisms moving about the golden liquid, specks of red floating around in globs. Rearing her hand back she slammed the pointed needle into her friends neck, silently hoping for the best.

Once the contents within the syringe were emptied she placed the empty flask back in her pants and lid her arms under the undrfed welshman. Pushing herself up, the man in her arms, she hurried to her spaceship and closed the door behind her. Placing Ianto on the soft bed she had arranged for him she went to work on getting her and him out of there as quickly as possible.

"As unfortunate as it may be, you need to be dead. Well," she drawled stopping in her steps. "assumed dead and missing." she corrected with a grin that resembled that of her father's and slammed down a leaver.

The ship took instant action and made a soundless retreat from the Thames House leaving no indication that it had ever been there.

All things accounted for the blond took a step back from the control pannel and went over to check on Ianto. Peering down at him she found herself smiling in relief as the color began to seep back into his face. No longer was his skin pale with death. No longer was it cold under her touch. Instead it was warm and soft, flushing with life.

A laugh escaped her as the welshman gasped back to life, eyes flying open as a flash of gold dissapeared from his eyes, replaced by the beautiful blue they had been. Blue orbs darted around the strange room, focusing on her and frowning, cofusion and doubt swirling in his eyes.
