Chapter #4

It was all Good.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all of the characters in the HP book series is owned by JKR. This story is for fun and no money is derived from it.

"Do you ever regret not being with Ginny or Cho, or someone prettier than me?" Hermione queried reluctantly while snuggling into Harry's chest and tightening her arms around him.

"Mione, how could you even ask that?" Harry admonished. "After all of the years, and all of the memories that we have together I wouldn't trade a minute of our time together. When I do think back about the way that the situation played out, I am glad that it happened the way that it did. I couldn't imagine going one day without you by my side. You are extremely beautiful, and have always been, and I love you more each day that we are together."

"You are so good for my ego Harry, and I wouldn't have changed anything in our lives either."

"When you think about our accomplishments we have had a wonderful life a blessed life. Fate wanted us to meet, it was destined. Hell, destiny even sent us a mountain troll to make sure that we got together! We couldn't help but have a happy life."

"It was a happy life wasn't it? I made you happy didn't I Harry? I've always tried to."

"Look at all of things that you gave me: A wonderful home to come home to, one that I was proud to be part of and bring people to. It is a home so full of love that it made raising our family easy and enjoyable. It was the home that I had dreamt of my whole life." Harry went on, "then there are our children. You had six children and didn't complain once. You knew that I had always wanted a large family and you made that possible. And just think of how smart they all were, they got that from you, not from me. You supported everything that I wanted to do no matter how crazy. Look at your rise through the ministry, all on your merits to perform the job not cashing in on the fame. Even when running as the first witch to be Minister of Magic, and that also had to be on your own abilities to do a better job than anyone else you made me so very proud. Then after you retired from the ministry you came to help me out at Hogwarts. You were the best transfiguration teacher they have had; I believe you were even better that Albus, and Minerva."

"It was easy to be good with such a wonderful headmaster, and you were the best. You were much better than Albus. You were there the longest and you were responsible for most of the new curriculum and almost all of the renovations. We now have much better qualified witches and wizards because of you."

"Now wait just a minute, as deputy headmaster you were responsible for some of those changes, and then as my wife you were responsible for more of them and then as Minister of Magic you were responsible for even more. And then there is that primary school that you got started, it increased the knowledge of the first years more than anything else. So don't go trying to blow smoke up my pant leg.

"There is just no way that I could have been happier. You gave me the only two things that I had ever wanted, love and a family, and I've had more than my fair share. Mione, you are my life. As much as I love the children and grandchildren, I live for you and you alone."

Then they were quiet while they watched the sun set behind the mountains in each other's arms as they have done daily for the past year and a half.

Then Hermione said, "I sometimes wish that we hadn't lived quite as long we haveā€¦ wait a minute, today is December 10, isn't it?"

"Yah I think son, why?"

"That's why you have been so nostalgic all of the sudden, Harry, it has been 200 years today that we have been together. Ron walked out on us on December 10, 1997, 200 years ago. Happy anniversary Harry, I you Love so very much."

"I love you too, my Mione" they sat there quietly until they fell asleep in each other's arms out on the patio on a cool winter's night never to wake again.

The End