After the theme park incident no one really knew what to do. Admire Matt for the amount of trouble he caused or stop resisting the urge to strangle him because of said trouble he caused. The biggest surprise was that Kira, Raito and Light all had differing opinions it to the point you knew who was out just by how they treated Matt.

Kira was of the opinion Matt was having fun and often joined in the pranking happily. Raito fell under neutral territory, not minding what he did so long as no one was hurt and Light felt Matt was out of control.

And he was.

No one could control Matt.

Then again, no one could control BB and no one was complaining about him.

Not like it would help, you'd disappear one night and never be seen again.

That was how the personalities somehow stopped talking to one another whenever possible. Matsuda had been beside himself during the argument over whose body it actually was and BB had been laughing until Light quite simply dumped him saying 'it's my body damn it'.

BB was now at odds with Light on top of anything else.

And L, when he heard over the phone, dragged Mello and Near back immediately. Thus; everyone was back home and they had a war going on in someone's head. Roger had been phoned in desperation only to have him hang up on them the moment BB explained Mello running the mafia in threats if he didn't help. Three weeks later Roger found himself an inmate in his own hospital which had a new owner named Bubbles, but moving on.

"Mello!" Kira crowed happily hugging Mello tightly. The blonde froze, hugged him back after a moment's thought for a second and then let go again quickly. Near looked around the building critically.

"You've let it become dusty." Near muttered running a finger over a picture and looking at his suddenly grey finger. Near shuddered wiping his finger with his hand quickly.

"Sorry, we've had problems." Light smiled tightly.

Oh no you did not snatch control! It's my body. Light, Kira? Please be nice. When he agrees on how to deal with Matt. He's fine! He's out of control! ...I'm staying out of this. Good. Light sighed out loud. "I'm avoiding BB, he's still annoyed I dumped him."

"You dumped him." Mello repeated dully. "Not Kira, you." Light nodded.

"It's my body!"

"You have two other personalities in your head, get over it." Mello glared as Light gaped at him in shock. "Try listening to one another for once and you might actually get along." Mello added in mock wisdom that had Light lunge forward with a snarl. He felt his fist connect with Mello's face. And again. And again. And then he froze.

"Wow! You actually made Light punch you... stop throwing things Light!" Kira added in worry as Light yelled in fury kicking the wall in his mind. Raito was, once again, in his room reading quietly. Kira looked at Mello who was nursing a bleeding nose glaring and swallowed fearfully. Light blinked.

"Damn it Kira!" Poor unfortunate souls. Kira began to sing loudly. Light froze. In pain, in need. "You aren't." Light whispered in horror. Mello blinked. This one longing to be thinner, that one wants to get the girl. And do I help them? Yes indeed. Kira sounded horrible, like hamsters on helium and completely out of tune. He had to be TRYING to be this bad. Those poor unfortunate... "SHUT UP!" Light screamed holding his ears.

"Yeah... avoiding that one." Mello drawled with a sigh. Near followed his when he went to find Matsuda. Light continued screaming at the wall. "Well, nice to see nothing's changed." He paused as BB ran past then continued walking. Yup, insanity at its finest. Mello paused at a mirror and gasped, he'd been SEEN with his hair like this?! He pulled out a comb and brushed it straight again as Near sighed and looked around.

"They haven't been cleaning." Near muttered. Well, they had... but they weren't very good at it. Near wondered how the building had fallen apart so quickly in their absence (In truth Matsuda had refused to be the group's maid and if Matsuda didn't have to do it no one else was). Mello was still combing his hair as a shadow appeared over him.

"MELLO!" BB cheered hugging the blonde and ruffling the finely combed, perfectly parted hair. Mello nearly screamed in horror of his slightly messy hair.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Mello screeched jumping at BB, hands wrapping around his neck. BB giggled madly as Mello snarled down at him. You know, I'm starting to think Matt's not the only one with issues. Kira thought watching in awe. True. True. Peace? NEVAAAA! ...Kira Fine, fine. Peace... I wont sing anymore... Good. What were we fighting about again?... ...Who wants cake? Me. I love it when the family comes together. ^^

It was the most anticlimactic ending to an argument ever.


"So... how's Russia?" Matsuda asked smiling at Mello who scoffed. The group who'd bothered to come to the meeting were all sitting around the dining room table talking. Mello had insisted on sitting at the head of the table ("I am the most important person here." "Mello..." "I own the mafia Matsuda. Beat that." "And Russia...?" "Is the fact I run Russia meant to mean something to me?")

"Cold." Mello finally commented after a moments silence. "Very cold."

"Are you coming back?" BB cut in, eyes .

"No." Mello narrowed his eyes. "I'm meant to be on holiday right now so you'd better not think of kidnapping me." BB pouted, sliding the rope back into the backpack at his feet. Mello looked under the table and sighed at the sight of Matt gnawing on his boot. "Matt, I like these boots." Mello deadpanned glaring at the red head who barely looked at him.

"My jerky!" Matt hissed. Mello looked up.

"I need new shoes." Mello sighed finally as Kira slid in grinning.

"I found cake!" He yelled holding up the chocolate cake before running out again.

"That's my cake!" Mello snarled as Light ran out again, jerking his boot away from Matt after a moments thought. Near watched as Matt lay on the floor tearfully at the loss of his precious jerky... boot. His precious boot. Then he looked at Matsuda.

"Has Matsuda given up on leaving?" The older man nodded sadly.

"I'm still working on my course though!" Matsuda added happily. "I'm writing an essay on Light and his DID for extra credit." Near nodded attempting to return Matsuda's happy look. It came off as a grimace but Matsuda understood and instead launched into a tale of drinking with university buddy's not noticing (or ignoring) BB's sudden note book and pen as he wrote. Conveniently, Matsuda never mentioned names.

Unfortunately he'd mentioned bar names so BB was going to disappear for a few days (to check the bars security of course, how else would they prevent crime if the CCTV wasn't clear enough? That BB was making notes as he watched wasn't at all suspicious) but moving on.

The group fell silent after a few moments having run out of conversation. BB had no horror tales left to share, Near had given up stating he was terrible at conversation and Mello had left to go to bed because of what he claimed to be jetlag.

Matt finally poked his head over the table. "So why's everyone upset?"

"It's nothing Matt." Near reassured. "Go back to... whatever you were doing." Matt pouted but complied. They all sat as Matt hugged Near's leg happily.