Sorry for the delay, my sis was supposed to give me her computer so I was waiting for that before I started to type this chapter up, but she still hasn't so I had to do it on the family computer. You guys will get the next chapter when I get the laptop. Girl Scouts honor. Any ways, thanks to the 6 people who fav'd this story, the 6 people who put this on alert, and the 5 reviewers, penguincrazy, thejooky13 (who I haven't seen in a while), , JediGreenGirl, and Pruedence E. Sol. THANKS! So this goes to you all! I hope you enjoy this (short...sorry) chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own this! I may have a wild imagination….but not an imagination that makes sense…lol…I just don't make sense at all.

-Chapter 2: In the Wrong Hands-

Teddy sighed and got ready to tell the story of Harry Potter, the Marauders, the Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore, and Severus Snape. Two ideas hit Teddy at the same time. He grabbed his quill and charmed it so that it would copy the conversation going on between him and the Marauders. He would get to know them better and send it to Harry. His second idea would be amazing if it could really happen. Again Teddy sighed and talked to the Map.

"Map, you did what I asked once…is it possible to send me back to 1997 so I can meet them in person? Maybe even take them through the story as it happens, I could save their lives, or at least let them see what they missed out…"

Teddy fell back onto his bed, but hap the feeling that he was going to be sick, so he left the room for a moment to go to the bathroom. When he left his private bathroom, he wasn't in the heads dormitory; he was leaving the room or requirement. He was very confused.

The Marauders, minus Peter, sat in their dorm waiting for SonOfAwerewolf (whose name they still couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing) to start with the 'story.' It was taking him a very long time to start, and Sirius was starting to get impatient.

"Relax Pads, maybe he had to go to the loo." James laughed trying to relieve some of the tension in the room, but failing miserably. They say for a few moments before Remus said, "SonOfAwerewolf has joined you in front of the Room of Requirement.' What is that supposed to mean, 'he has joined you?' That doesn't make sense!"

James seemed to have an idea on what the Map meant, so he snatched it out of Remus' hands, causing Sirius and Remus to stare at him quizzically. James studied the Map (the only thing he will ever really study) before letting out a loud gasp.

"Guys! I know why he calls himself SonOfAwerewolf! Look!" He pushed the Map in front of Sirius and Remus, and pointed to a dot located in a hall way which they knew was leading to the RoR. The tiny dot was labeled; "Teddy R. Lupin" and they all looked at each other before grabbing the map and running to meet Mr. Teddy R. Lupin.

Teddy was standing in the middle of the corridor, trying to figure out what the hell just happened, when he heard movement down the hall, and his Head Boy instincts kicked in. He reached towards his pocket to get his wand, but when he grabbed his wand, it wasn't the only thing in his pocket. He took the item out of his pocket and instantly recognized it as The Marauder's Map. Teddy could've sworn he left it on his bed, how did it get in his pocket? Teddy quickly dismissed the thought and decided that he probably put it in his pocket and then he forgot that he did.

Now, Teddy could hear the voices coming closer to him. Seizing the opportunity, Teddy took his wand and tapped the blank parchment and said. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" and looked for the people heading towards him. He quickly spotted his name, and a few hallways over, he saw the name James Potter moving quickly in his direction.

"James?" Teddy thought, "He isn't in Hogwarts yet, I must've read wrong. Teddy looked at The Map, and then noticed two other dots following in his wake. Teddy couldn't believe what he was seeing. The Map had done what he asked for once again!

"This map could be very bad in the wrong hands," Teddy thought to himself. "But then again…it was made by the wrong hands."

-End Chapter-

A/N: So this has turned into a time travel story! Anyway Reviews make me go faster!