Thanks to xVentressx, black dragon & DarkBloodyWerewolf for your reviws. I hope that you all have a good summer. :) Again, all errors are mine.

"Najla?!" the others reacted as her body lay partly on Altaïr's horse.

Altaïr hurried and removed her scarf, only to see her face was white as a sheet, her eyes closed and lips slightly parted. "Hold her Samir!" Altaïr ordered firmly, got down from his horse and grabbed Elizabeth. "I got her…! Take the horses over to those threes." Altaïr ordered as he laid her on the ground and examined her. She was partly unconscious so he called her name as Kazim hurried over. "Bring me some water!"

"Yes Master…!" Samir shouted and began to look for water.

"What is it Altaïr?" asked Kazim breathing hard.

"She must be dehydrated…" he mumbled and very slowly Elizabeth began to open and close her eyes. Her sight was completely out of focus and even hearing became a problem. "Elizabeth? Can you hear me?" He placed a hand on her forehead, trying to trace a possible fever, but there was none. She slowly moved her hand to her face, taking Altaïr's hand and placed it on her cheek as a tear showed itself in the corner of her eye. She was scared out of her mind for not being able to communicate, trying say something but it didn't make any sense.

"Master…! Here…" Samir came with a bottle of water, opened it and gave it to Kazim.

"Elizabeth, here drink this." Kazim said and tried but she didn't swallow it. The water just ran down her cheeks and Altaïr realized that he had to think fast. He had travelled in the deserts for a long time and knew that dehydration was dangerous. He took the bottle from Kazim and took a fair amount in his mouth. He then lifted Elizabeth's head more up and kissed her, trying to help her drink the water. She coughed a little at first, but Altaïr continued.

'Please Elizabeth…' Altaïr whispered in his head and tried the method a second and this time it went better. After some rounds Elizabeth began to come to her senses, hearing better and her vision were improving, but it had taking a couple of hours and night had started to fall.

"Altaïr…?" she mumbled as she saw a man sitting next to her under the pitch blank sky with his face turned towards a little bonfire but she got his attention and he smiled in relief as he turned his head. "What happened?" she asked confused. The last thing she remembered was that she was on a horse.

"You were dehydrated…" he answered. She realized that it had become night since everything around her was dark except for the bonfire about ten meters away. He placed a hand on her forehead to check for fever.

"Yeah… I guess I forgot to drink… Silly me…" She felt embarrassed.

"But you are better now?"

"I feel a lot better. Thank you." She answered and smiled as Altaïr stroked her hair and kissed her on her forehead after removing his hand to her cheek.

"You scared me…" he whispered.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She felt so stupid. She had forgotten to drink water in this heat and now her body was highly dehydrated… and she had sacred Altaïr. All in one day, this couldn't get any worse… or could it?

"Master?" Samir's voice sounded. She turned her gaze up and saw the young man approaching. "Oh Najla you are awake? Are you okay?" he asked and Elizabeth nodded.

"Yes?" Altaïr responded.

"Kazim came with the idea to travel through the night instead of the day. It may be colder but it is better due to health and the horses and then we can seek hide when the sun is to strong. If we leave now we can be in Masayf in five days' time." Samir said and Altaïr looked at Elizabeth. It was clear to her that it was a hard decision for him, but she took his hand and kissed it.

"Let's go home…" she whispered and Altaïr gave her a little smile and then he nodded to Samir who went to the others.

"Are you sure you can make the trip?"

"I have you by my side Altaïr… I feel like I can do anything as long as I have you." She slowly raised herself with the help of her partner. "Can I ride with you?" she asked with a little smile and he nodded. They exchanged a little, sweet kiss and walked over to the others. Elizabeth's ankle was a little sore so Altaïr raised her on to his stallion. "I don't think that he likes me better than he did the last time Altaïr." She said as Altaïr jumped on to the horse, however the stallion remained calm. "Well I be darned…" she mumbled to herself.

"What?" the man behind her asked as she whispered and turned her head around.

"Nothing." She answered and Altaïr could hear the smile in her voice. He swung his arms around her waist and grabbed the line that was attached to the horse.

"Ready?" he whispered and she kissed him on the cheek as an answer of yes. "Let's go!" Altaïr yelled and they were finally on their way home. The idea to travel through the night instead of the day was a brilliant one however the nights were shorter than the day. The next morning they raised their tents to relax and placed their horses in the shadows of some of the trees. Samir had the first watch and the others went into their tents to relax.

Altaïr and Elizabeth shared a tent that in reality only had room for one person. Altaïr placed himself on his back and Elizabeth crawled up to his side. He pulled his hood down and took her into his embrace as she moved a little to lie comfortably. She placed her arm across his chest and relaxed her head in the crock of his shoulder as he swung his arm around her back and waist. A moment later she looked at Altaïr and saw that he was already asleep. He had a peaceful expression on his face and Elizabeth moved a little closer and kissed him gently on his chin. He opened his eyes, raised his head and met her lips.

"I'm sorry…" Elizabeth whispered. "I just couldn't resist…" Altaïr moved a little so he and Elizabeth in a way switched places so he was on top of her.

"I forgive you." He whispered and kissed her, first gently and slowly but after a little while with an unknown passion and they looked in the eyes of one other knowing that they couldn't live without each other ever again.

"Altaïr…" she gasped a little with a smile on her lips. "Thank you for finding me."

"We are never going to be separated again. We are going to be together… for good." He whispered as he stroked her hair.

"I know… Let us make up for everything…" she whispered smiling and kissed Altaïr gently again. Altaïr placed his head on her chest and to the rhythm of her heartbeat he fell asleep as Elizabeth stroked her finger tips through his hair. Hours passed and when darkness began fell Elizabeth woke up alone in the tent. "Altaïr?" she mumbled as rubbed her eyes. She crawled out of the tent and saw a bonfire where a man sat with a white hood over his head, sitting like a chief with his legs crossed over the one another. She smiled as she stood up and brushed the dirt of her dress. The man with the white hood turned his face to the sounds and smiled at her.

"Not tired anymore?" he asked as she came closer and she shocked her head. "Come over here." He suggested and she placed herself on his crossing legs.

"Am I too heavy?" she asked nervous but he just kissed her on the neck. She enjoyed it a lot as she looked around. "The others are still asleep?"

The man nodded as he kissed her throat and whispered in her ear: "I finally got you all to myself. The tent doesn't count… I was too tired…" Elizabeth grinned a little at the last comment and felt a sudden need to turn her head as much as possible. She swung her one arm over his shoulder, pulling his hood down in the progress.

"You look a lot prettier without that hood." She grinned in a low voice. They sat there, in the mercy of the light the bonfire gave them and looked at each other as Elizabeth stroked Altaïr's cheek and he placed his arm around her back and the other one on her thigh. Elizabeth rested her head in the crock of his neck as she hummed the little melody she so often before had hummed in his present, but this time in a slower version where the whispering of the wind in the trees around them became the voice of the song.

Altaïr closed his eyes and leaned his cheek against her head. "I ones had a dream like this."

"Really?" she asked and looked at him, placing her free hand on his chest. His heart was racing like a horse in gallop and the way he looked at her told her that he didn't believe reality. "Altaïr…" she whispered as he leaned forward, kissed her and she accepted it without questioning. Without realizing it before was too late Elizabeth noticed a few moments later that Altaïr's hand had travelled from her ankles to her hip, but under her dress. He started to touch her bottom with the face of his palm and she could clearly feel that he was missing a finger, but she didn't think that much about it. Not until his hand travelled further thigh and in between her legs. "Altaïr…!" she gasped as she felt him touching her private parts gently through her underwear with his index finger. "Ahh..!" she panted in a low voice which made him smile. "No… Altaïr… The others… They will hear us..!"

"Let them… You are so wet Elizabeth…." He whispered as he seemed satisfied with his activities. The small strokes made her body completely paralyzed and as he kissed her neck she couldn't do anything but to clench her fist around the loose fabric of his clothes. There was still no sign of their travelling companies but Elizabeth could almost figure out that Altaïr would be hard to stop once he got started.

"Altaïr… The others…! They might hear us…!" she gasped poorly into hid ear, almost without air in her lungs.

"Elizabeth…?" a whisper sounded.

She smiled gently. "Yes…? Altaïr…?"

"Tell me that this isn't a dream…"

"It is not a dream my dearest…" she whispered as she grabbed his head and kissed him on his forehead. His existent was so strong. She felt his small strokes becoming more powerful by the second and she felt something that she had never felt before on that kind of scale. To be so close to someone like that.

"Does it feel good…?" he asked as he licked her ear. She nodded with clenched teeth then gasped, almost hissed when Altaïr entered her with a finger using his other hand to massage her breast. She tried to control her moans as much as she could and realized that she couldn't resist him. He licked down her jawline and reached her ear again. "There hasn't been a day where I hadn't thought of you. Longing for you… needed you... wanting you my love." Altaïr whispered as he moved his finger inside of her.

"Altaïr…!" she gasped as he made one powerful thrust inside of her and he hissed when she pierced his neck with her finger nails. It felt like he wanted to split her in two but as the two lovers suddenly heard some noise from the tents Altaïr smirked to Elizabeth and withdrew his finger. "You were always on my mind…" Elizabeth panted as the feeling of having him inside of her stayed even after he had left. She kissed his cheek as Altaïr took the finger he had had inside of her into his mouth and started to lick it completely.

"You taste so good Elizabeth…" he moaned in a low voice and Elizabeth started to blush at his actions but there was something very erotic about it. "You make me hungry for you…" he whispered as he placed his hand on her thigh.

"Altaïr…" she whispered as she pulled her dress down her legs and the first person came out of the tents.

Kazim yawned as he came out from his tent. "Good evening…"

"Good evening…" Elizabeth responded as she sat on Altaïr's lap. "Did you sleep well?"

"Like a stone… Even if you had kicked me I would still have been asleep." Kazim said as he rubbed his eyes to wake up and Elizabeth grinned a little. "Are we the only one up?" Elizabeth nodded and Kazim looked around. "I will go and wake the others. We have to be on our way soon."

"Thank you Kazim." Altaïr said with a clear sign of gratitude in his voice. As Kazim started to wake the others Elizabeth stood up, followed by Altaïr as they started to turn off the bonfire with sand and dirt. About an hour later sat everyone on their horses and ones again were they on their way home to Masyaf. The night was cold, but compared to the warmness of the day this was more comfortable to travel in. Not long after taking off Elizabeth adjusted the way she sat on Altaïr's stallion so she became closer to him. She then grinned a little and asked:



"Is that your sword I feel in my back?" she asked with a cheeky smirk on her lips well knowing it was his manhood that had responded to their little game. He raised an eyebrow and shocked his head when he heard her grin. "Because if that is the case…" she whispered as her hand travelled down her back and further to his crotch. She grabbed as much as she could of his member and he hissed as he realized her actions. "You really didn't think that I didn't know how to tease you back did you?" she whispered teasingly.

"Elizabeth… If you don't want me to do anything stupid in front of the others then…" he whispered back with sense of ice falling down his back as he tried to act cool.

"Then what my love?" she grinned like she didn't know what he meant and started to massage his member. "I might as well return the favor, wouldn't you agreed?" She clearly couldn't stop smiling.

"Oww Elizabeth… I could take you right now… and you know it…" he hissed in a low but sweet voice and kissed the back of her neck.

"Well you started… But yes I know but you just have to control yourself and learn what happens if you tease your woman." She whispered in a sexy voice.

"My woman…? He whispered smiling and kissed her neck gently again as he enjoyed her touching him. "I really like the sound of that."

"You should… because it is the truth…" she turned her face and kissed him deeply. "I belong to you now Altaïr… and in a way… I have always belonged to you."

"I'm glad…" he whispered and kissed her ear. They small talked all the way through the night about absolutely nothing but they were together and that was that fact that mattered to them. Little did Altaïr know that Elizabeth hid her doubt very well and as they reached the gates of Masyaf some days later she felt that something terrifying was about to happen.

To have a spiritual continue...

Don't ever forget to drink if you are travelling in a dessert... I have tried it, and it is close to hell. See you guys soon :)