New story! how exciting, hope you like it. It was inspired by the book Go Ask Malice.

My life is amazing! Truly fantastic.

I woke up this morning to my iPhone blaring out my favourite song of all time and I couldn't help but jump out of bed and start dancing around my room, singing along at the top of my lungs. I got dressed into my new dress I bought on a shopping trip with my best friends and headed down stairs for breakfast.

Mom and Dad were both sitting round the table laughing together. I loved my parents, and one day I hope I can have a relationship like theirs. As soon as my mum sees me she gives me a big hug and starts making my favourite breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes. Yum! We all sit at the table together talking about what we are doing today. I think it is really important to spend quality time together as a family. After a while I have to leave for school as I don't want to be late, school is a priority after all.

When I arrived at school, everyone said hi to me and told me that my dress looked beautiful. This made me blush as I am a very shy person.

After cheerleading practice, one of the most popular guys in school, Mike, asked me out! I almost fainted right there and then. I couldn't believe my luck. But I played in cool and said yes.

When I arrived home my Mom and Dad took me out to dinner at this really posh restaurant in the city, and let me order what ever I liked. After dinner my father passed me a box across the table. I opened it and inside was the most gorgeous necklace I had ever seen. My Mom smiled and said, "enjoy in darling. You are the most wonderful daughter in the world and we couldn't wish for more." I almost cried!

I hope I will always be this happy and so close to my parents, even when I am grown up and have a family of my own.

What an amazing day!

Oh and by the way, if you are reading this and have no idea who I am… everything above is complete and utter crap!

So what do you think? Worth Continuing ? please review thanks x