True to my word this is a month and a half later, during spring break.

Disclaimer: Dont own, wish i had.

"I really wish you didnt have to leave tonight..." Blaine sighed as he and Kurt were curled up on Kurts bed, kissing.

"Sorry babe. Its the only day that dad will allow me to come. Now or never he said" Kurt said running his fingers through Blaines curly hair. Kurt couldnt stop the excitement of possibly seeing Noah. But he wouldnt let Blaine know. He sighed as Blaine kissed him again, he found himself sitting up on Blaines hips, staddling him. Something inside his stomach twitched and Kurt ran into the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet in time. Blaine followed him wetting a washcloth and putting in on the back of Kurts neck whispering 'sh' and 'its ok, let it out'. When Kurt finally finished throwing his lunch up, he sat up.

"you okay?"

"yeah. i actually feel fine..." Kurt said frowning, "Maybe it was just something I ate for lunch"

"Well take it easy, so there are no problems." Kurt was happy to oblige, as it was he HATED throwing got up and brushed his teeth, for a good 5 minutes trying to get rid of the taste. He frowned, it was noon, he had to leave.

"Hey baby, i got to leave." Blaine frowned

"Ok, sweetie, have a wonderful trip"

"i'll call you when I get there. Or if there is an issue" Kurt grabbed his stuff and made to grab his large suitcase, only to have his hand swatted away,

"nope. i got it." Blaine grabbed the handle and followed Kurt out to his Explorer. Both boys tossed the bags into his backseat and Kurt got into the driver seat. Blaine leaned down and kissed his boyfriend. It started out slow, but then it got more intense.

"Babe i love you, but i got to go."

"I know. Bye." Blaine shut Kurts door and stepped back and watched Kurt pull out of the parking lot. Blaine turned and went inside to get his stuff ready so he can leave tomarrow to visit his parents.

Kurt pulled up in his driveway and was ment with his father hugging him. Then he was passed to Carole, who welcomed him home. His father gathered Kurts stuff while Carole and Kurt started walking into his house. Puck stood by the front door and smirked when he saw Kurt. Kurts face lit up, much like a 5 year old on Christmas morning, and he ran up to Puck and hugged him tightly,

"I missed you sooo much" Puck whispered against his hair,

"I missed you too" Kurt said kissing Pucks shirt. Despite the note and the fact he was cheating on Blaine, he couldnt help himself. They let go and Kurt turned to Finn, who was standing into the entryway to the house,


"hi" Finn said before hugging Kurt. Lets just say Kurt was really taken back by the gesture, but he welcomed it none the less, "i kinda missed you " Finn said laughing


"Come on boys! I got dinner set up" The 3 glee club members looked up and made thier way to the dining room. After a good dinner, and many converstaions, they all settled in the usual after dinner places. Carole did the dishes, Burt retired to watch TV with Finn and Puck followed Kurt up to his room. Halfway up the stairs Puck wrapped his arms around Kurts tiny waist and kissed him deeply. Kurt moaned and wrapped his arms around Pucks neck. Puck smirked against Kurts lips and picked him up, bridal style, and carried him to his bed,

"I know this isnt something you want to do, but i need you sooo bad"

"mm me too" Kurt said weakly as Puck kissed his neck. He moaned as he wrapped his legs around Pucks waist rubbing his erection against Pucks. Suddenly he felt that familar twinge in his stomach and pushed Puck off him, running to his bathroom and throwing his dinner up in the toilet, Puck followed, pushing Kurts sweaty bangs away from his eyes. After he had finished Puck smirked,

"i didnt know i grossed you out that much"

"you dont," Kurt said finding his toothbrush, "the same thing happened with Blaine..." Puck frowned, Kurt was his. Puck laughed,

"maybe your pregent" Both boys laughed then Kurt said seriously,

"nope, i didnt miss my period." Which made them laugh even more.

"did you?" Puck asked seriously

"I dont know. I normally get moody half way through the month, but i didnt this much" Pucks stomach droppped, male pregnanies were coming up more often, it would be his luck to get Kurt pregent.

"Maybe you should see a docter, you might have the flu or something..."

"I dont know...i dont feel sick..."

"just try. we can go tomarrow."

"stop worrying"

"i will once you make sure your not sick"

"fine." Puck smiled,

"Ill take you tomarrow morning."


It was 10 A.M and Kurt and Puck sat in the docters office. Twice this morning Kurt had his head in the toilet and was in the bathroom peeing alot.

"i dont see why the fuck i have to be here."

"Kurt calm down. geez" Theres 3 symptoms, Puck felt sick.

"Kurt Hummel?" both boys got up and walked back to the room. Puck laughed as Kurt was forced into the backwards robe.

"so whats going on Mr. Hummel?"

"I dont know, ask this dude" The docter turned to Puck,

"who are you?"

"I am Noah Puckerman, I'm his boyfriend" He figured he would make it look towards him. "He has been throwing up and whatnot" the whatnot being mood swings.

"Ok" The docter worked on Kurt for a good hour. Then he pulled Kurt in the bathroom and handed him a box, shutting the door, so Puck had no idea what was going on. 15 minutes later the docter came back into the room and smiled

"Congratulations! You two are going to be parents!" Kurts mouth dropped, Puck was prepared for this but he couldnt stop the shock,

"how much along is he?"

"a month and a half. I am going to leave you alone" Kurt was crying.

"Kurt, when did you and Blaine get together?"

"A month and a half."

"Damn, so we dont know who the father is." This made Kurt cry even more. Puck got up and sat on the bed, pulling Kurt into his arms. This is when the docter came in

"Is there anyway we can run a DNA test on the baby?"

"Yes, do you need it?"

"yes please" Another hour the docter came back in with the results, Kurt looked at it,

"Its you."

"I am the father?"

"According to this." Kurt cried more. "What am I going to do with Blaine? Oh my God he is going to leave me!"

"Kurt i am soo sorry."

"You get to tell Blaine." That is all he said before the two left.

Kurt sat at dinner quietly. Burt cleared his throat,

"Um Kurt. We need to talk." Kurts stomach dropped,

"Uh ok."

"We cant afford for you to be at Dalton anymore" Kurt felt like killing himself. He didnt say anything he ran upstairs and slammed his door and crying himself to sleep.

I dont know if everything is correct, time span wise. But oh well.