Chapter 1: Division

Chaos P.O.V.

I am Chaos, the first being of existence with neither a beginning nor an end. I look out upon this world I created and worry, yes me the Creator, that my creation may not survive this war. But I stand as an impartial observer as the Ancient Laws command. This is not your typical war between the Primordial Deities and Titans or the Titans versus the Olympians. No this is a Civil War between the greatest gods this world has had: the Olympians.

Mount Olympus

Year 0, Day 0 (Age of the Divide)

The Second Titan war has come to a quick close. The Olympians fought the monster Typhon for over four days but were finally able to overcome him by working together. Poseidon, God of Sea, Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses, rose from the sea and brought his Cyclopes army to destroy the monster. Only together do truly realize their full potential and prowess.

Kronos, Lord of Time and King of the Titans, was overcome by the joint efforts of Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, Luke Castellen, son of Hermes, and Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, the child of the Prophecy. Percy surprised me, Chaos, in showing the bravery resilience and loyalty to trust others to do the right thing. Now the Hero of Olympus is standing in front of the Olympian Council to receive his reward as is the just and right thing to do.

"PERSEUS JACKSON," bellowed Poseidon, "come forward." His announcement echoed throughout the chamber and seems to shock Percy into reality.

Percy gradually walked towards Lord Zeus, God of the Skies, Thunder and King of the gods. Percy seemed to flounder under the intimidating gaze of all 12 Olympians, but with a quick look at Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth and Home, (she has always been my favorite great-granddaughter) he walked forward with more confidently. Percy kneeled to Lord Zeus, then walked to his father's throne and kneeled once more.

"Rise my son," said Poseidon with a large smile and beaming sea green eyes. Percy stood, then nervously shifted foot to foot attempting to control his ADHD that is always all too apparent directly after a battle.

"A great hero must be rewarded." Poseidon exclaimed while glaring at all the Olympians in the room, daring them to object. His gaze fell upon Percy and he gave him a quick wink. "Are there any that deny my son his just reward!" The throne room shook as the Earth itself shifted with Poseidon's voice.

Silence permeated throughout the throne room; the fires in the distant parts of Olympus could be heard crackling. None dared object to Lord Poseidon whose son saved them all and if not for Poseidon's help they wouldn't have stopped Typhon.

With a reassuring look Zeus said, "We agree with you Brother. Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon and Hero of Olympus, step forward. We, as a council, offer to you one gift from the gods."

Percy hesitantly asked, "Any gift?"

Zeus exasperatedly said, "Yes, any gift your heart desires. But I already know what you will ask. The greatest gift of all shall be yours. The gods have not bestowed this gift on a mortal hero in many centuries, but you have proved yourself worth. Thus, Perseus Jackson – if you wish it – you shall be made a god. Immortal. Undying. You shall serve as your father's lieutenant for all time."

Percy's jaw gaped open. He quickly scanned the room. Apollo and Hermes smiled and gave him a quick thumbs up. Athena nodded her head reassuringly as if saying yes were the logical choice. Hephaestus unknowingly was creating a toy airplane with some spare parts and seems uninterested. Ares pulled out a knife, licked the blade while giving Percy a fiendish smile. Aphrodite winked at Percy but then directed her gaze behind him. Percy followed her look and then he saw his friends: Annabeth, Thalia, Grover and Tyson. All, but Annabeth, had the same dumbfounded look on their faces as if they were saying, "That is so cool our best friend is going to be a god!" Annabeth, on the other hand, looked at Percy trying to convey to him that she understands if he chose this path. After Percy looked into those grey eyes for what seemed like an eternity (but really was like 5 seconds) thunder sounded in the room reminding Percy not to waste time.

"Well, what have you decided?" Zeus questioned the young demi-god.

"No" whispered Percy. Lightening lit up the sky and thunder boomed all around the chamber.

"What did he say I couldn't hear," exclaimed Aphrodite as she shot her husband a death glare for tinkering with his tools.

The sky blue eyes of Zeus seemed to burrow holes into Percy as he responded to Aphrodite, "This boy dares reject our gift."

The chamber erupted with arguments and threats. The gods argued one with another pulling out various weapons and pointing at Percy. Percy attempted to quell the fighting by explaining himself but as he began to speak lightning struck the ground. The gods looked aghast, never had their godly powers been used in such a way while in council. Zeus looked dangerous and Poseidon had stood up with his hand on his trident. The brothers glared at one another while Hades looked on in amusement.

Zeus pointed at Percy with his master bolt and said, "If this boy (Zeus refused to use Percy's name or even let him speak) refuses our most generous gift, then he shall have no gift at all.

Poseidon's regularly calm sea green eyes turned a dark green, dark as the deepest depths of the sea. The throne room began to shake, paintings fell and sculptures toppled. Poseidon yelled over the noise of breaking objects, "You dare deny the Hero of Olympus a gift!"

"No! This boy dares deny the most generous gift we have. He presumes too much as do you Brother. Know your place and sit back down," retorted Zeus as the lightening started crackling more frequently and thunder sounded dangerously close. All the gods looked on in anticipation as the two most powerful gods faced off in the most heated argument the two have had since the time that Poseidon accidently flooded Zeus' first secret bachelor pad. Hades pulled out a bag of popcorn as he amusedly watched his little brothers argue

"I have dealt with your tyranny and unreasonable requests too long brother. I have always stood by you and this time I will not. My son deserves a gift, one that he deems fit. If this is beneath you to give him a lesser gift, then maybe you are not fit to rule," exclaimed Poseidon.

Poseidon's words shocked Zeus to the core. Zeus looked to Percy who was still in the middle of the room. Zeus rose to his full height, all the while murderously looking at Percy. As he stood up his master bolt morphed into a 10 foot long spear , Aegis (his shield) appear in his left hand, and celestial bronze armor started appearing over his body until he was in his full battle regalia. All the lesser gods and demigods looked on in awe as Lord Zeus rarely took on his full battle form in front of anyone other than the other Olympians. Noticing Zeus' look at his son Poseidon strode over to his son and took a fighting stance before him with trident appearing in his right hand, fish scale celestial bronze armor appearing in a formed fit over his body along with his sea green adamantine shield.

Zeus' voice boomed as thunder throughout the chamber, "Poseidon, stand aside and let me deal with this hero."

Poseidon resolutely responded, "Over my dead body."