Hello there :) for those of you who haven't read my other story j&c from a to z, this mini series is based off of one of the one shots from that. I got a random gust of inspiration after writing it and wanted to elaborate on the idea. The first chapter is the same one from the other story, chapter two is new :) The story takes place in an alternate universe, you'll see what I mean after reading. The rating might change because I have already wrote more chapters and I think the language is getting too racy, so we'll see. Enjoy & review :)

I don't own JN or any of their characters

Although she had been diligently going over tons of paperwork, which he was making her do, she still heard the door to her office close. He had been especially tough on her lately, making her stay late almost every night this week. She was sure that if it wasn't for the fact that she could lose her job she would tell him to go to fuck himself and walk out; not that she hadn't basically come close to saying that. She knew he couldn't fire her even if he wanted to, she was the best assistant he had ever had, and no one would deal with his crap the way she would.

"It's called knocking, you should try it sometime." She was still looking down and filling out paper work, yet she knew for a fact it was him.

"I'm the boss, I don't have to knock and-"

"Yes, you're in charge and you won't let me forget it..." then she added under her breath "...although I do most of the work anyway."

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing." She said innocently. She had only known him and been working there for a few months, but somehow they acted as if they had known each other long enough to bicker all the time.

"So what brings you here?" Oh how much she wanted to wipe that devious smirk off of his face. Then he dropped another stack of papers on her desk, with a thud. She glanced at her new burden then up at him with her intense green eyes.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I figured you were almost done with those papers, since you claim to be so efficient, so I thought you'd have time for these." What a jackass.

"Are you trying to kill me? It's already near to midnight. I'm you're assistant not you're slave."

"Assistant, slave, same difference."

"Just because your too god damn lazy to do this yourself..."

"I wouldn't use that tone with someone who controls whether you have a job or not." She stood up in her chair, placing her hands firmly on her desk and leaned over so that she was about a foot away from his face.

"You wouldn't dare." He didn't hesitate to stare her down as well.

"Why not?"

"Because no one else will do your dirty work for you..." She leaned in even closer, "and just between you and me... I know you get some sort of pleasure out of causing me pain."

"What are you implying Cynthia?"

"What ever you want James." His nose brushed against her cheek before she felt his breath on her ear, her eyes reflexively closed at the feeling.

"Get back to work." When she opened her eyes she was the only one in the room again. She sighed, not knowing if it was from disappointment, or from relief that he was gone now that her lip was lightly shaking.