Chapter 1: I really hate Scotland

People were everywhere. Probably roughly around 100 or so. Everyone there was dressed in clothes that looked like they came from the 1700's! In the front of the large gathering was a father surrounded by his three young children, and his wife. He's holding some kind of medallion with a large red stone in the middle of it. There are three silver sings surrounding it, and its on a large silver chain. He's holding it up at the moon yelling out some kind of incantation, but it's nothing I can understand. He's saying it in a different language. All of the people at the gathering are staring at the moon waiting for something. That's when I finally notice what's so different about everyone here. Their all vampires. Their pale skin resembles the moon, black circles are around their eyes. All of them smile as a red beam comes from the moon, and shoots into the stone. I look up at the moon and notice a large comet slowly makings its way to the moon. I notice someone holding my hand and look to see one of the fathers' children holding it. It's a small girl with long blonde hair going down to her knees. She gives me a wide smile showing off her fangs, than looks back at the moon.

"There they are! VAMPIRES!"Someone from behind the gathering yells. I look behind me to see people on horses riding towards us with torches, and pitch forks. One man leading the group is on a wagon with burning crosses surrounding it. He himself is holding a cross and pointing it at the man who was leading the ceremony. I feel someone tug on my arm to pull me back, and look to see the oldest of the fathers' children. His hair has multiple colors in it, and pulled back in a ponytail with the front part of it spiking out .He pulls me towards a bush and holds me close to him making sure I'm not hurt. His siblings run over to us, and the middle child sits next to me. This one also has spiky hair, its bit messy and black. I, for some reason put my arm around him.

"GIVE ME THAT STONE YOU BEAST!"The man with the cross yells at the other man, and they start to fight over it. The man who I now realize is a vampire hunter throws down his cross, and grabs the stone. He takes it and throws it over the cliff. A man with dirty blonde hair that reaches his shoulders jumps over the cliff after it. I break free of the older childs' grasp and race after him; I look down at the sea and notice he has jumped into it to catch the stone. I look back at everyone before I myself jump in after him. As soon as my body hits the water I black out.

"Ah!"I yell sitting up on my bed. My breathing increases, as I look around at my surroundings. I'm not in the ocean anymore, I'm in my room? I slap my hand to my forehead and realize I was having another one of those stupid dreams. This has been happening for three weeks straight. But this dream felt so weird, it felts so real. I laid back down on my bed, and looked up at the ceiling. I turned my head so I could see my alarm, I ground when I saw that it was three o'clock in the morning. I close my eyes preparing to at least try to go back to sleep, but as soon as I do I hear something outside my door. I pull the blanket up higher so its covering my nose. The door opens a little bit, and I let out a gasp. I wasn't usually scared of anything but this time it was different. This dream was real, and I just knew it.

"Hayley!"A voice called out to me making me throw the whole blanket over me. I heard the door open more, causing me to put my arms around my legs. I closed my eyes when I heard the person walking closer over to me. I silently prayed that they wouldn't eat me; I seriously thought this was one of the vampires from my dreams. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love vampires. I love vampire books and what not; I was a vampire last year for Halloween. Plus I Hayley Marie Thompson am never afraid of anything I was a black belt, and I knew how to defend myself from creeps. But if I met an actually real vampire, or thought I was in real danger I would freak out. Anyways, I felt my blanket move a little and finally it was ripped off me. I opened my eyes in shock and growled at who I saw. It was my little brother Tony! I immediately got up from my spot and hit his arm.

"Ow what was that for!"He yelled at me holding his arm.

"You little creep I thought I was going to be killed!"I yelled back, we both glared at each other until he finally spoke up and told me what he was doing in my room in the first place.

"I had another nightmare."I rolled my eyes and sighed, I moved over in my bed and he automatically hopped in. I put my arm around him, and he put the blanket over us.

"What was it about?"Maybe we had the same dream again. I didn't want to tell Tony, I knew that he would make a big deal out of it. But if we kept having the same dream all the time, I would have to speak up sooner or later.

"It was about the vampires again. This time they were at some kind of meeting, and some guy had a stone in his hand and saying weird things. But then vampire hunters came and tried to take the stone before he threw it over the cliff. Than one of the vampires jumped off the cliff and fell on my bed than I woke up."He sounded really freaked out.

"I had the same dream."He looked at me, surprise in his light blue eyes. Something I wish I had gotten, instead I was cursed with dark violet eyes I had gotten from our great great grandmother. Before we could continue our conversation our parents, Bob and Dottie, opened the door to my room and rushed in. My dad was holding his wooden baseball bat in his hands with mom behind him, like something was going to attack him when he came in. He looked around the room and sighed when he saw me and Tony.

"You two are still having nightmares?"He asked putting down the baseball bat. We both nodded our heads, and mom walked over to us sitting on the edge of my bed next to Tony. She smoothed out Tonys spiky hair, and smiled at both of us.

"Let's go back to bed Bob they'll be fine now, right guys."She asked giving us a look, we both just smiled and nodded our heads. Mom dragged him back to their bed, dad was muttering about how early it was in the morning and how tired he was.

"Come on let's try to get some sleep we have to get up in like five hours."Tony groaned but took off his glasses, put them on my nightstand and closed his eyes. The wind from outside pushed a tree branch making it hit my window. I gasped and held Tony closer. Stupid dreams, I thought to myself. I soon closed my eyes too, and was soon asleep.

"Rise and shine!"An all to familiar cheerful voice yelled out into my room. I kept my eyes closed until the bright light from outside hit my eyes. I groaned and put the blanket over my head.

"Oh no you don't." My mom said pulling the blanket off of me. I put my arms around myself and growled lightly under my breath.

"Really?" I asked squinting at my mom. She smiled down at me, and then walked over to Tony shaking him awake.

"Come on you two you guys have school in an hour."I sighed and got up from my bed. Tony rushed out of my room so he could go back to his to get changed.

"Honey why don't you wear the outfit I bought for you before we came here."I rolled my eyes, and turned around to face her.

"No offense mom but I look like a nine year old in that outfit."My mother just sighed and pouted before finally leaving my room.

I walked over to my bathroom, and shut the door behind me. I turned on the water to the shower and waited until the water was hot enough. I took off my pj's from last night and put them in the hamper for my mom to wash later. I walked into the shower and just stood there letting the warm water hit me. The hot water felt nice against my cold skin, I have no idea why it was so cold in my room last night I always have the heat turned up when it was windy. It just has to be this stupid place, god I hate Scotland.

When I was done with my shower, I turned off the water and walked out. I wrapped a towel around my head and body. Before leaving the bathroom I turned to face the mirror on top of the sink. I wasn't all that bad looking. I had straight blonde hair that I had gotten from my mother, which went down to my chest. My eyes like I had said were a dark violet with light specks of brown around the irises. I was short for a fifteen year old, right around 5'2 is what the doctors said. Skinny but not that kind of you can see my ribs skinny, I was just right. I smiled at myself than walked out of the bathroom. I walked over to the door right on the side of my bathroom, my closet. The only thing I did love about Scotland. My mom had them tear down the wall to the room next to mine, and make it into a walk in closet. She even let me buy a bunch of new clothes, but that was only to bribe me..

I closed and locked the door behind me so no one could walk in, than I walked over to some of the clothes. I decided on denim shorts, black leggings to go under it, a black forever the sickest kids shirt, and black converse. I took off the towel that I had around my body and quickly got changed. When I was done I also took off the towel on my head and shook my hair with it. I walked back over to my bathroom and blow dried my hair, and brushed it out. I straightened it a little bit than brushed my teeth. I put on a hello kitty necklace that was filled with diamonds, and a ring with stars on it. I went back into my room and grabbed my bag putting all my school stuff, and cell phone into it. When I was done I ran down the stairs and out the door to see that Tony and my mom were already in the car waiting. I climbed into the front seat, and soon we were off to drop Tony off at school first.

After dropping Tony off we finally reached my school, the place I really did not want to see or go to today.

"Bye Hun!"My mom called out as she drove away. I sighed and turned back around to the school. I walked to the front door, and made my way over to my locker. When I was there I got the things I needed for class before lunch.

"Hey there sweetheart."Came the familiar voice of the one person I despised more than anything. I turned my head to the side to see the one boy that I absolutely hated more than anything in the entire world. James McAshton. James has dirty blonde hair that's cut it an almost skater fashion, he's about a foot taller than me. He's every girls dream, but definitely not mine.

"What do you want now James?"I asked shutting my locker and putting my bag back on my shoulder.

"I want you to come over tonight."He replied putting his hand on my waist, I grabbed his hand and pulled it off.

"I don't think your girlfriend would appreciate that McAshton."He rolled his eyes and leaned against the locker next to mine.

"We broke up."I sighed and just walked away from him, this had been happening since the first day I started at this crummy school. I made my way over to my French class and took a seat in the back. I took out my notebook, and started drawing random things on the back of my French notes from yesterday. I felt someone watching me and looked up to see Kayla Wilson, James's girlfriend. I sighed and closed my notebook, knowing that she would yell at me again. She crossed her arms over her chest, and glared down at me.

"Yes Kayla?"I asked putting my chin on top of my hand looking at her tiredly.

"Don't yes Kayla me. You know why I'm here Thompson. Why were you talking to my boyfriend yet again you whore!"She yelled at me quietly to make sure the teacher wouldn't hear her.

"He was talking to me, like I would give him the time of day."Kayla huffed and continued to glare at me.

"He wouldn't bother talking to you ! You're extremely ugly and short."I looked at her with mock offense.

"I am not short just fun size, now please go away your harshing my mellow."I would have said something else to her, trust me I have a very colorful vocabulary, but I was too tired to bother with her. She lifted up her hand ready to swing at me, and punch me in the face. But I easily grabbed her hand and threw it to the side causing her to stumble a little bit. She went to go kick me so I just wrapped my leg under hers making her fall backwards, and fall on her butt. Everyone around us was laughing, making her blush heavily. She got up and stomped away and towards her small group of "friends."

I sighed to myself, and went back to drawing in my notebook. Today was going to be a long day..