Okay so I've seen alot of stories like this one so I've decided to do one of my own while I'm thinking of a way to continue my other story Grace Potter. I own nothing but Jessica Nymph Potter everything else is JK's, oh how veyr lucky she is to own Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Anyway I hope you enjoy!

Christmas Day - Number Twelve Grimmauld Place 2021

Jessica Nymphadora Potter laughed as she watched her godbrother chase James Sirius Potter around the house for yelling 'Teddy get off my cousin mate!'. As the second to oldest Potter ran into the livingroom their cousin Rose Weasley came in with Albus Severus and Lily Luna. Rose was holding something in her hands and of course Fred, Louis, and James just had to see if it could help them prank some one.

"Rose, what's that?" Hugo asked as all the Weasley cousins crowded around

"It's a time turner, i think, I mean it looks like one." Rose said holding it up into the light. A hand snatched it away from her and James yelled "I want to see!"

"James Sirius Potter stop acting like a three year old and give it back." Jessica ordered reaching for the chain.

The black haired, hazel eyed Potter pulled his arm back to keep it from his sister just as Rose grabbed ahold of his arm. James pulled back and found Rose's foot in his face and the necklace crashing to the floor right beside his head.

"Now look what you've done!" Rose yelled as the two got to there feet.

"Hey it wasn't my fault! You pushed me!" James yelled back as footsteps sounded from the hallway.

"Oh whatever James, you're such an arrogant little.."

"Shut up!" Jessica yelled as she caught sight of a yellowish glow coming from the dust that now covered most of the floor. She took a step toward it then looked back at the others, "Rose, where did you get that necklace?"

"My moms study why?" the bushy haired fifteen year old asked

"Because...I think it was a time turner." Jessica said taking a step backwards, then another, "But not one that goes back hours, but instead goes back..."

She never got to finish because all of a sudden there was a blinding light and a flash, then the people in the room disappeared when a loud pop as if someone was apparating just as the famous Golden Trio walked in to investigate the yelling.

Please review and as always please excuse the spelling and grammar mistakes! Reviewing is much appreciated! :)