My second fanfiction. So proud of myself.

I've been working on this for like a week, but the concept has been whirring around my mind for weeks, since I've been reading so many spoilers for the rest of the episodes left on this season of Glee.

This is kind of a fast-forward to the third season, which starts at the beginning of the following school year, right? And we all know Blaine is coming to McKinley (even though no one in the cast wants to confirm it yet). I've gotten some of my favorite couples together; this doesn't follow one person's point of view in particular, but a general overview from everyone. It's a bit funny at times, I hope, and often rather dark and dramatic. But I'm really looking forward to posting the resolution. There is a resolution.

There's also an original character in this one. Not a member of New Directions, don't worry. Not romantically linked to anyone, either. Just a character I wanted to include to help some things along, to be a sort of doppelganger for me to inflict with my opinions on the characters and the events. But she's not based on me, she's actually based on two friends of mine. No, this character is nothing like me (in a way). But I hope you like her.

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters, names, places, etc. It all belongs to Ryan Murphy and Fox.

Blackened Blue Eyes

-by HappyValentina

Dave really couldn't catch a break.

He used to be a good student, and popular, and he had a bright future. Now he vaguely remembered feeling happy ever in his life, or at least feeling anything else but miserable.

Everything seemed to be working out so wrong for him lately, it was like the universe or whatever conspired against him. And to make matters worse, it seemed everyone hated him.

He couldn't even walk down the hallways anymore without coach Sylvester breathing down his neck. She was always warning him about being careful around porcelain. He wasn't even sure what she meant by that.

But it didn't compare to the nasty looks he was frequently getting now. He realized eventually, the dislike came from a whole lot more people than just the fourteen members of the Glee club that he so frequently tormented. Others who used to scramble out of his way or cower in fear, now just ignored him or scoffed at his presence; they even threw things at him, like paper balls and bits of eraser, during class, when the teacher wasn't looking. They mocked him now. They could no longer stand him.

And the more they disliked him, the angrier he became, and he could barely repress it.

He hated this school and he hated this town. But most of all, he hated that he felt that way.

And all because last year he made the stupidest decision of his life, and everything had changed for him.

He had kissed a guy.

And he couldn't remember ever feeling so many things at once. Confusion, for the most part. And fear.

Things seemed to reach a boiling point after that; he did more stupid stuff, unable to control his frustration, the fear of someone finding out.

He knew he deserved what came his way. However, when he was expelled from the school, somehow he had felt relieved. Even screwing up his personal records was put out somewhat by the fact that he wouldn't have to stay at McKinley. He could start over somewhere else.

But his father wouldn't have it; Paul Karofsky would not accept to have his son expelled for violence. And he forced him to appeal to the school board, lay out his case, and fight for a chance to make things right. The decision Dave dreaded the most was the one that the school board ultimately made.

Once he came back, he felt like he had been branded. He could just feel it: questions, speculations whirling around him relentless. Dave felt persecuted. His teachers seemed to keep a closer eye on him. His teammates didn't hang out with him the way they used to. And everyone started mocking him.

And when he thought it couldn't get any worse, the first day back from summer vacation, he saw him.

That Dalton guy.

Enrolling at McKinley High.

The prospect of running into him every day made him feel slightly sick.

He saw them that first morning, in the bustling hallways, just before first period. Marveling at how close their lockers were; laughing at something or another. Some of the members of Glee walked by, and greeted him enthusiastically. Then the bell rang, and they closed their lockers and headed together down the hallway, hand in hand.

Dave groaned, and shut his locker with a loud bang. He couldn't believe he'd have to put up with this shit for an entire year. It would be a very long year.

I'm sorry that was kind of short. But more coming tomorrow.

I changed the title of the story. It was originally called "With a little help from my friends" because this is a story mostly about Kurt, and since Kurt has already sung two of my favorite Beatles songs, I wanted to use a Beatles song title. (It's relevant, it's a little uplifting, and it does a good job at setting the tone for the story (in my opinion). Just picture Kurt singing it. Like I do. :)

However, I changed it to "Blackened Blue Eyes" (from the title of a song by The Charlatans) because I realize I will be making constant references to that. Not the song, but the words. I thought it also did a good job of setting the mood for the story.

As a side note, I haven't decided if the events of the Born this way episode will somehow affect what I've already written. I'm actually almost done with the story, and I don't know if I want to change the major plot lines to accommodate what happens in the series. If you have an opinion about that, let me know. In the meantime, I'll try to get this story up as fast as I can.

Thanks for reading.
