"SPACE. So much space. Need to see it all."

The Space Core looked around with excitement. SPACE. That's what he always wanted- to see space. Technically, that's what he was made for- to think about space. Space was his life- space was his destiny. And now, he was on space. The moon, oh, it was beautiful. And the sun, look at that gorgeous sun! Dad must be proud- but he didn't have a dad, so, uhm... SPACE! Who cared about dads and moms when you had space. A big, big, big, BIG thing called space.

"Yeah. We're in space, mate. Alone. In space."


The Space Core didn't understand why that other core wasn't happy to be in space- just think about it, you've spent all your life underground, with scientists messing with your head, and for over 100 years, the only thing you've wanted to see was space, and now you are in space? Wow! SPACE! This was so exciting. So exciting that the Space Core couldn't barely contain his excitement. He continued to look around, and the other core continued to complain. It began to talk to itself, saying something about being sorry. The Space Core remembered, there was one thing he really, REALLY wanted to see:

"The Big Dipper!"

But there was no Big Dipper. Actually, there was a Big Dipper, but it was a collection of stars, and, really, they were just that, stars. And the Space Core didn't need to see those seven stars if there was nothing different about them- he had a whole bunch of stars around him. Another thing he really wanted to see came back to his mind, and he immediately shouted:

"SPACE COPS! Where are you Space cops? Help me Space cops. Space cops, help. Play it cool, play it cool, here comes SPACE COPS!"

But there were no space cops around him. No big flashy car with a big flashy red light. No space cops. The other core was finishing its monologue. The Space Core looked at him for a few seconds:


"The end."said the other core, sighing.

The yellow light that served as the Space Core's eyes blinked for a second. As he continued to look around him, he noticed- there was too much space. And there was no way he could move around in his space- because there were no space cops to help him and take him on a trip across space. He turned around and another thing that he really wanted to see came to his mind:

"Dad? Dad are you in space?"the Space Core said. No response.

"Dad?"the Space Core repeated. No response.

The Space Core stopped looking around with excitement. His excitement disappeared. He then turned around, sighing- and saw it. A big blue planet. A big blue planet with green stuff. His own big blue planet. The place where he lived. With the other cores. Where that lady was. Where the big robot was. Where everyone was.

"Earth. Too much space. Wanna go home. Back home. Back Earth."

The Space Core almost cried.
