Disclaimer: I sadly don't own Harry Potter (or I would be very rich and would have done different things with the characters) and neither do I own Glee.

Author's note: I was always intrigued in doing a 'different pairings and crossovers' thingy. And now I've started doing so! English isn't my first language so feel free to critique as long as it's constructive. The same goes for the stories. I'd actually be glad to have a beta-reader, so if you're interested send me a message!

You're welcome to send prompts via comments and I'll try to do them. I'll only write Harryxmale or malexHarry. The other character can be from another series or the Harry Potter universe (I read about any malexHarry pairings for Harry Potter, so you can't shock me… much). Otherwise can be Glee, Stargate - SG1, House M.D., NCIS (constant character preferably, haven't watched every episode), Merlin BBC, Angel (Angel), Charmed, Andromeda and everything else you have to take a chance with, the same goes for anime series. Some I've seen, some I didn't and I don't really want to list everything I've ever watched. So send me the character and a prompt.

Fandom: Glee/Harry Potter X-Over

Pairing: Jesse x Harry (but not really)

Prompt: Magic

Rating: Maybe K (I really find the ratings confusing)

Warning: slash, crossover with glee (is that even worth a warning?)

Magic, it had to be some kind of magic. Why else would it be impossible to look away? After going to nationals year after year for his whole high-school life, he'd seen plenty of talented singers from glee clubs - he being the best, of course -, but no voice had entranced him like this. Ever!

Vocal Adrenaline had performed first and they had been perfect as usual. After rehearsing for hours and hours on end, every single day, it was no surprise at all. But now, estimated by the enchanted looks of the jury, a no-name school from California, which no one had ever heard of before, especially him, had a very good chance at winning. Sirens Melody – they couldn't have picked a more appropriate name. Well, except, that the soloist was a man and not a woman, who happened to be half animal. The audience was already beguiled and Sirens Melody was in for the kill, namely winning nationals. They may not had an as complex choreography as Vocal Adrenaline, but they sure had the depth of emotions the Camel High contestant were lacking constantly.

Jesse didn't really pay attention to the people around him and their reaction to the song being performed. He was, after all, still watching the raven-haired, bespectacled young man on stage. Honestly the other members of Sirens Melody didn't quiet register in his mind. Only that voice, that magic voice and the body that was producing it.

Slowly the performance was reaching its end and a shy, little smile was gracing the lips of the newborn star. After a moment of stunned silence the audience – AND the jury – went absolutely wild and maybe a little crazy as well. Jesse didn't whistle, neither did he clap or shout. Actually, he wasn't doing anything at all except staring - at least outwardly. But on the inside he was feeling a whole lot of different and very confusing emotions, which a 'soulless automaton' shouldn't be able to feel.

In a few more months he would be in California, or more precisely in Los Angeles, to attend the UCLA. He would be in the same city, would be able to initiate a meeting and maybe he would even be able to talk the young man into doing a duet with him.

But why wait?

They were both here for at least another day and he was already lost to that magical voice.