Disclaimer: I sadly don't own Harry Potter (or I would be very rich and would have done different things with the characters) and neither do I own Pirates in Love.

Author's note: I can't believe I wrote this… ooooh, the shame. Anyway, long time no see. This, obviously, isn't a prompt I got, but I'll do those, I promise! (Even though I uploaded the last chapter of Mirror Worlds like 2 years ago *cough*) I won't accept prompts any longer, however!

Fandom: Pirates in Love/Harry Potter X-Over

Pairing: mostly gen, but pre-slash Nathan x Harry

Rating: PG

Warning: none really

During his school years Harry had wanted to be an Auror, mostly because his father and godfather used to be. After Voldemort's demise his wish hadn't diminished, causing him to apply to the academy after sitting his N.E. . He had been reasonably confident in his dueling skills then, but that notion had been quickly eradicated by several international guest instructors – Because, really, most of the British Aurors at that time had been kind of pathetic and the new minister, Shacklebolt, wouldn't stand for it.

During his gruesome, though rewarding training he had not only managed to refine his dueling skills, but also learned hand-to-hand combat and how to best handle a knife. He had, therefore, been perfectly prepared to join his first ministry raid after passing his exam and becoming a full-fledged Auror.

The suspect, a relatively low-key dark artefact collector, had fled his house within seconds of them arriving. He had probably used some secret passage or another. The house had been warded quite well, but their curse breaker had dismantled the ward pretty quickly nonetheless.

They had found all kinds of weird stuff, ranging from unidentifiable objects to cursed vases, but the one, which had become his doom, hadn't even been a dark object. No, it had been an unassuming painting depicting the sea and a small island. One of the other Aurors had accidentally knocked into him, while dodging a rabid book, but instead of colliding with the canvas all he had felt was a sudden rush of air and then the oppressive feeling of water enclosing his body. The lack of oxygen had caused him to black out pretty quickly.

When he had opened his eyes after his nth near-death experience, Harry had found himself lying in a bed on board of a ship. He had never been on a ship before, just the small boat in first year, but the rocking was unmistakeable. He had been quickly informed that he was among pirates and the ship just happened to be named Sirius of all things. He had, apparently, also landed in a different dimension or some such, because he hadn't recognised any of the mentioned countries.

Barely an hour after waking up, the ship had been attacked by the navy. Not wanting to get arrested or killed, Harry had used his skills – the non-magical kind - to help his rescuers, which had somehow led to the captain declaring him a part of the crew – which then had resulted in a welcoming feast. Having nowhere else to go and no idea how to get back to his own world, he had agreed.

Considering what he had expected pirates to be like, the Sirius crew wasn't so bad. They hadn't even asked much about his past, which was a good thing, because admitting to coming from another dimension was a really bad idea in most cases. The only two he hadn't gotten along with right away were Eduardo and Russell. The former was a somewhat sadistic arse - Harry still mostly ignored him - and the latter an arrogant wrangler, with whom he had gotten along a lot better after the brunet had proven that he wouldn't get bullied into fulfilling Russell's every wish.

"Can't sleep?"

Harry glanced to his left where Nathan was about to lit a cigarette, but quickly returned his gaze back to the starry night sky. Some constellations were the same, but a lot were different as well.

"I'm just thinking," the brunet replied with a slight shrug of his shoulders. The other man nodded, but didn't say anything. Harry didn't mind, especially because he knew that Nathan wasn't a big talker. They had spent a lot of time in silence when the brunet had helped to prepare the food, after all. "It's a bit ironic that I'm on this ship. My godfather's name was Sirius... he saved me when I was fifteen." He had also been an alleged criminal and now real outlaws, bearing the same name, had rescued him. If he didn't know better, Harry would say it was fate.

"Yer not from here."

The brunet blinked a bit in confusion at the non sequitur and finally turned completely toward the taller man, who wasn't even looking at him.

"What do you mean?" Sure, it was true, but Harry was really surprised that Nathan, of all people on board, would comment on his past. He had noticed that all crew members had some big secret or another – though he didn't know what they were - and therefore didn't pry too much into another's past.

"Yer accent, I've never heard it before, and ya can do weird stuff."

The brunet stared at Nathan for a moment, before a wry smile started to grace his lips. If it were one of the other blokes, he probably would have stayed silent or evaded the implied question, but Nathan was, surprisingly, the one he got along with the best, even though he was a bit grumpy. Perhaps because they spent the most time together. Who knew?

"You aren't wrong," Harry admitted and for a moment the brunet evaluated the pros and cons of elaborating. Finally he raised his hand and channelled his magic into creating a lumos, causing Nathan to stare at the light in awe despite himself.

"I'm not from here, but it doesn't really matter anymore. I don't think there's a way back for me, so you'll have to continue suffering my presence," the brunet added, grinning cheekily, because otherwise he would start crying and that was a big no-go. He didn't really care about the world he had been born into, but he would miss all those people he had been forced to leave behind.

"I'm glad ya landed here."

"What?" The brunet looked surprised at the other man, whose cheeks seemed to be suspiciously red in the light of the not yet cancelled lumos, but Nathan quickly turned to the other side and started to walk away, then disappeared down the stairs.

For a moment Harry stared after him, before the corners of his mouth curled up the slightest bit. He would still miss his friends like a missing limb, but perhaps he had found the best place for himself in this world.