A/N: I decided to write a Mario horror fanfic since I know the characters pretty well, and I've just read "Death Cruise" by Kaiimi and am reading "Resident Koopa," also by Kaiimi. If you think my writing is good, his/hers is better. Enjoy!

And if for some reason, you already think you know who the murderer is, go ahead and review the story. But I like reviews anyway! So if there's any idea that you have, I might be willing to add it to my story. Criticism is also accepted and welcomed.

Oh yeah, and I don't own any of these characters. The characters the story's about have nothing to do with the plot. I just picked them because they're the first two who appear (and I don't want to give away the mystery).

Just as a note for reference, DK is Donkey Kong. I'll refer to Diddy Kong as Diddy or Diddy Kong.

Characters: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Wario, Waluigi, Bowser, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Yoshi, Birdo, Toad, Toadette

Thirteen of the most famous members of the Mushroom Kingdom each received a strange letter one day. It read:

Congratulations! You've been entered in a new game show, Unlucky 13! As a result, we have invited you and twelve others to this address:

1221 Independence Gulch, Isle Delfino

The winner of this contest will receive 1,000,000 gold coins!


Shyster McGuy

Intrigued, all thirteen decided to attend this game. What they didn't know was that everyone there knew them. And that one of them knew something that would spell death for most of them.

Mario and Peach had arrived together, in the royal carriage of course. With a peck on the cheek, Mario called out, "Thanks for the ride, Princess! I'll miss you!"

Peach replied, "Mario, I forgot to tell you! I'm on the show too!"

Mario responded, "Really? That's great! Double the chances we'll win!"

The couple turned around as they heard another car arrive at the address. The Wario Brothers hopped out of Wario's purple car, and immediately got into an argument with Mario.

Wario yelled, "Hey Mario! What're you doing here? Get off my gameshow!"

Waluigi questioned, "Wait, your gameshow? This is our gameshow! We share the money!"

Mario responded angrily to Wario, "The Princess and I were invited too! So you can just shut up!"

To Peach, Mario whispered, "Of course we had to be on the same show as these losers! We can't get a break, can we?"

The two groups stopped arguing when they noticed their friends, Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong, arrive riding a rhinoceros. For some reason, none of the Piantas and Nokis seemed to care that there was now a rhinoceros rampaging about on their island.

Diddy Kong became excited as he gestured animatedly at his friends, holding the same letter they had received in his hands. DK nodded and pointed at the house behind the group.

It was either a large house or a small mansion. There were seven windows overlooking the group on the second floor, and no windows on the bottom floor. For some reason, the mansion seemed a little bit...imposing. Maybe it was because it seemed so old and...mysterious.

Their marveling at the mansion was interrupted by the arrival of a fourth group.

Toad and Toadette sheepishly exited a car.

Peach inquired, "Returning to the castle, I presume?"

Toad replied, "Well, you know, uh, we kind of heard you were, I guess, leaving, so we, um, just kind of figured that we could, go on, TOADETTE WOULD LIKE TO EXPLAIN!"

Toadette finished, "We heard you were leaving, and, kind of a funny story actually, decided that, when we got a letter inviting us to a gameshow, thought it would be a good idea to come along."

Peach responded, "Yes, but you were supposed to be in charge! I left my palace to you!"

Toad muttered, "Yeah, kind of a funny story…"

*At Peach's Castle*

Toadsworth: Hey—hey, I'm supposed to be in charge! That's—hey! How insolent! Respect me!

Guard: Nuh-uh! Peach left Toad and Toadette in charge! And they left! I can sit on the throne if I want!

*Back at 1221 Independence Gulch, Isle Delfino*

"And that's who we left in charge!" finished Toad.

Peach was about to fire the pair when another familiar couple arrived at the same mansion.

Birdo, riding on Yoshi's back, gripped the same letter each had received. In her nasally-sounding voice, Birdo communicated that they, too, were on the gameshow.

Yoshi did a little dance in happiness when he realized he would get the chance to compete against his friends for the million coins. Birdo quickly reminded him that that meant he would have to beat his friends as well.

Yoshi was disheartened, but became happier when he greeted the next couple who arrived at the mansion.

Luigi and Daisy arrived in a small card with the words "Just Married" written on the back. Luigi, still cheery from his wedding, politely greeted all of his friends.

Waluigi heckled him, asking, "Why are you still happy? Shut up! The wedding was a whole week ago!"

Luigi's delight soon turned to anger when he responded, "You'll never understand. Nobody will ever love you enough to marry you. You'll die cold and alone. So you shut up."

Daisy interrupted the argument by inquiring, "There were supposed to be thirteen of us. Who's the last one?"

They soon got their answer as Bowser arrived in his Clown Car.

Bowser laughed. "Ha! I should'a guessed! Twelve losers to join me on this game show! I guess I'll just have to pick you off as I take the prize for myself!"

"Not gonna happen!" snapped Wario. "This prize is all but mine!"

"Whoa-whoa-whoa! Save the trash talk for later!" said a blue Shy Guy. "I'm Shyster McGuy, and I'll be your host for this game show! Don't you worry about a thing, I'll show you guys around this here mansion, and explain the rules!"

As the group followed him, Shyster turned around, shut the door, and locked it.

The small Shy Guy ran upstairs, quickly pursued by the group.

"So long, losers! To get out, you must find the key hidden somewhere in the Mansion. The first one out wins the game! I…may be back!"

The Shy Guy then did something strange. He turned around, smashed his head into the wall, and fell to the floor.

While most of the group then went scrambling around for the key, Peach stayed behind. She put a hand to Shyster's forehead, and found it to be…wooden. "Hmm…That's strange!" she said to herself. She flipped him over, and found a compartment on the back of his head. Opening it, she found a small slip of paper. It read:

The key does not exist. If you're reading this, then you've either figured this out, or most of your friends are dead.

Peach shuddered. Most of her friends…dead? She had to tell them! As she whirled around to begin scouring the house for "contestants," she heard a sickening scream. Who was it?

Alive: Peach, 11 others

Dead: ?