Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or anyone in it. Unfortunately.

A/N: Right, this is my first go at a fan fiction on this site, so I hope its okay. Reviews are welcome; it helps me to write more after all.

Love me as if you've never loved before

Roxas was one of those people who were considered as an outcast to most people, the only people who understood him were people like him. If you haven't guessed yet Roxas is one of 'those Emos.' Roxas didn't really care what people thought about him, if they judged him before they got to know him to hell with them.
You see in Destiny High there are different groups of people. There are the Jocks with their cheerleaders all over them like the popular they are, there's the Emos and the Goths, and the hippies, and the nerds of course. Roxas himself doesn't like the idea on the groups, but if the school went with it he would have to aswell.

Roxas walked down the hallway of the big school building in search of his locker which he goes to every morning, his blond hair shining in the sunlight that was going through the windows. He usually wonders where his friends are at this time of the morning for he is always early; he's not even sure why he's this early every morning.

"Ugh, why are you here Emo?" A familiar and disgusted voice which caused Roxas to turn around in surprised said. Roxas smirked slightly looking at the unpleasant cheerleader before him, looking her up and down thinking why would anyone ever be interested in her for he noticed how fake she was.

"Nice to see you to Kairi. So, who are you planning on making fall for you today?" Roxas replied in a sarcastic tone still smirking. He never took anything the cheerleaders said seriously. After all he didn't care about them or their looks; one reason was because he was as gay as a rainbow.

"What are you talking about Roxas?" Roxas raised a blond eye brow as she hissed his name and glared his way, showing that she was clearly annoyed with him already. He strangely enjoyed it when people were annoyed with him.

Roxas sighed in annoyance rolling his big blue eyes "You would have to be completely blind not to notice you flirt with any good looking guy that goes past you, and you think they want you because they like you? Hun, they only want you because of your body. Face it. You're an A class whore." Roxas did admit that was a bit to harsh, but that girl has to be told the truth. Even though he hated her, she still had the right to know.

Kairi looked at him for a while with her blue eyes he swear he could almost hear her brain piecing everything he said together trying to make sense of it, he just stared at her until she finally did something. At that moment she frowned and turned around her red shoulder length hair flipping as she did so and walked off looking completely lost for words. Roxas watched her walk off and turns back the way he started and walks to his locker to collect his stuff. His brain kept going over what he had said to Kairi, did she finally listen to him? It looked like she did. Roxas smiled slightly at the thought of her actually listening to him as he entered his first classroom of the day.

He tired to forget as he walked into the classroom that most of the Jocks were in his English class. He tired not to look at them as they laughed knowing they were most probably laugh at him as he sat down trying to ignore them.

After awhile he got to curious and decided to turn around and saw Axel who was the most popular Jock in the school grinning at him. This in its self creeped Roxas out a lot. His eyes widened slight at the sudden action he had never seen Axel do before towards him, he could feel Axel's piercing green acid cat like eyes bore deep into his baby blue eyes. Roxas suddenly feeling uncomfortable looks away for some reason feeling his face getting hot. He frowns confused to why his face is so hot trying to go over it through his brain. Roxas never did notice those eyes still watching him.