SO here's where we left off!




Throne Room

11:13 pm

Zaira's POV

It seems that the Olympians were expecting us. They were all seated in their thrones. Except for Hades who was sitting in a chair next to Hestia, who was tending to the fire.

I looked around the room and immediately found my father, Apollo. He was in his teenage form, wearing blue board shorts, a black muscle shirt, and sandals. His hair was fixed so it looked messed up, but not in a gross way.

We all walked towards them, then knelt down.

"Rise heroes," Zeus's voice boomed. We lifted our heads and sat cross-legged.

Tinka hesitantly stood up and walked over to Zeus's throne. She held up his lightning bolt.

"Tinka Hessenheffer, daughter of Aphrodite. You have retrieved my lightning bolt." he said.

"Actually it was all of us." Tinka said, gesturing to all us demi-gods.

"We all helped." Percy went on.

"I see." Zeus sat back in his throne. "And who was the thief?"

"It was Janus, god of new beginnings." I said.

"Janus? Why would he steal it?" Artemis asked.

"Cece and I have a theory.." I said.

"And that is?" Athena asked.

"We think that Janus wanted to start a new era. Where the minor gods would rule." Cece said.

"I see.." Zeus said. "Well. That is not important for now."

"What is important is that our children are safe and brought back your lightning bolt." Poseidon said.

The other gods agreed.

"I also see that we have some new demi-gods here.. why don't we have them come up?" Hephaestus said.

Cece, Rocky, Deuce, Ty, Flynn (who was waiting in the lobby for us), Tinka, Gunther, and I stood up. We walked closer to the gods.

"Deuce Martinez, my son." Poseidon said.

Deuce walked up to his throne and knelt down.

"Oh stand up! You don't need to bow down at your own father!.. unless I want you to." Poseidon laughed.

Deuce nervously stood up.

"Never in my years of having demi-god children have I seen someone summon a hurricane in seconds! AND after only knowing about you being a demi-god for like.. what two weeks?" he said.

Deuce nodded, to shocked for words. "All I can say is that you are a talented man, Deuce. Good job. Oh and good luck with that girl you like." Poseidon winked.

"Thank you, father." he said.

"Rocky Blue, my daughter." Athena said. Rocky walked up bravely. "Look at you. You're exactly the same as I remember you. Same adorable face. You showed excellent leadership when going to help your friends. Well done."

It basically kept going this way.

"I say we should a have a celebration for having our famous children at camp!" Apollo exclaimed. "Let's go back to Camp Half-Blood and party!"

The gods agreed and we were teleported to camp.

Camp Half-Blood

11:35 pm

Nico's POV

The party was in full swing. We had live performances from the famous demi-gods. I met up with my friends. Everyone was dressed semi-formal. I wore a white t-shirt under a black dress jacket and black skinny jeans.

"We did it!" Zaira exclaimed. She was wearing a black and purple spaghetti strap dress.

"How about a toast?" Percy suggested. He was wearing a blue button down shirt and jeans. The sixteen of us raised our cups and toasted. Then I took a sip of my Pepsi.

"So Nico. Zaira was passed out when you told her something. Why don't you tell her now?" Travis said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" I tried not so smoothly.

"You know exactly what we're talking about!" Ty said. "C'mon bro!"

"Yeah say it!" Chris nudged me.

"Either you tell Zaira, or we tell her!" Rocky said.

Oh Styx.. I'M TOAST!

"Come on! SAY IT!" Percy said.

Suddenly everyone except for me and Zaira were chanting, "SAY IT! SAY IT! SAY IT!"

"Alright!" I yelled.

Everyone hushed up. I took a deep breath.

"Zaira.. I really like you." I said. I held my breath, waiting for her reaction.

She smiled, "I was wondering when you were gonna tell me." she laughed. "So that way I could tell you that I really like you too."

I smiled.

"Aww!" the girls squealed.

"So.. will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

Without a warning, Zaira leaned up and captured my lips with hers. When she pulled back she said-

"Does that answer your question?" she smiled.

"It does." I said. I must have had a huge smile.

"Aw look at our kids!" Apollo nudged Hades. "Looks like we're in-laws!"

My dad seemed to turn two shades paler but managed to say, "Hey. All of my sons are going to be ladies men." Everyone laughed. Well that's kinda true.. I have a bunch of Aphrodite fangirls on my tail.

Zaira's POV

11:57 pm

Grover, who was the DJ, started to play a slow song.

"Alright all you love birds, grab that special someone and pull them close!" he said. "Love Story" by Taylor Swift came up.

"Wanna dance?" Nico asked.

"I'd love to." I said.

I looked around and saw all the couples that were around. Among the gods was Zeus and Hera, Poseidon and Athena (I KNEW THEY LIKED EACH OTHER!), and Aphrodite and Ares. The demi-gods were me and Nico, Percy and Annabeth, Deuce and Cece, Chris and Clarisse, Ty and Tinka, Rocky and Mason (my half brother), Gunther and Shelby (from Poseidon), Travis and Katie, and a lot more.

Right in the middle of the song, we heard screaming.

Crashing the party was the Gorgons and Medusa. "Seize the children of Athena and Poseidon!"

Along with them were all sorts of monsters. They each ran up to kids of Poseidon and Athena. The youngest demi-gods ran to their safe house. Nico and I met up with the rest of our friends.

"What the Hades is going on?" I asked.

"Somehow the monsters got through the barrier." Percy said.

"Oh Styx! DUCK!" Ty exclaimed. We all ducked just as grenade's came towards us. We all pulled out our weapons. So did all the other demi-gods.

"Let's get them!" Clarisse shouted. We all charged towards them. We all stayed pretty close together.

I saw Deuce about to get stabbed in the back by a Laistrygonian. I was about to push him out of the way, but someone beat me to the punch.

Cece. Instead of the knife stabbing Deuce, it got Cece. She fell to the floor with a thud.

The rest of us rushed towards her.

"Oh my gods! What happened?" Katie asked.

"A Laistrygonian was going to stab me." Deuce explained with tears in his eyes. "Cece pushed me out of the way so I wouldn't get hurt. And now she's hurt!"

"Let me help." I said. I grabbed my healing kit and got to work.

The gods and demi-gods managed to get all the monsters away. Everyone gathered around us.

"What happened?" Apollo asked, seeing Cece getting treated.

Deuce explained everything again.

"Why did you do it?" Deuce asked her. His face now coated with tears.

"I saw the Laistrygonian going for you... didn't want you to die.." she coughed. I felt her pulse. It was getting slower and slower.

"Dad. I can't save her. Help!" I said.

He came towards Cece and started mumbling something in Greek. He looked frustrated. Whatever he was doing wasn't working.

Cece's eyes closed and she sighed. She didn't move.

"No.. no, no!" Deuce held her closer.

"We need a shroud." Nico said.

"I didn't even get to tell her how I feel about her." Deuce mumbled against Cece's neck.

"She was my best friend." Rocky sniffed. Then burst into tears.

Flynn seemed the most hurt. His father Hermes was carrying him and he was crying hard.

I felt an arm around me. And I knew automatically it was Nico. I turned to him and hugged him tightly.

"I couldn't save her..." I whispered.

"Its okay, Zaira. Its not your fault."

Deuce looked up. "This is all Medusa's fault. If she hadn't led that group of monsters here into camp, none of this would have happened!" he yelled.

"I just wish we could rewind time." Annabeth said.

"Well.. we can't." I said sadly.

"How are we going to go on without her?" Deuce asked.

"We have to try... for her sake." Nico said.

To Be Continued...


I know that was sad, right?

Well remember to look out for the sequel!

The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it
Won't be the same
-Slipped Away – Avril Lavigne