Hey everyone! Here is the next chapter! Tell me what you think! The reviews are very motivating, and I thank all of you who have taken the time to review. It means so much to me! Enjoy the new chapter and review when you finish please! Love to hear what you all think :)

It has been a couple of days since Kagome's birthday. She has been teaching Rin, and Rin has been doing greatly in her studies. But as for Sesshomaru, Kagome has not seen him since that night. The night where they almost shared a kiss. Everytime Kagome would think about it she would blush furiously. She wondered why she had not seen him, and started to think that maybe he was avoiding her completely. Whenever she asked Inuyasha about it he would tell her that he is busy at work as usual, and that is why he has been absent from the house. Kagome at first wondered if it was just an excuse, but when she noticed Rin's cheerfulness die down some she knew it was not.

"Rin, what is wrong?" Kagome asked the little girl who had barely touched her food.

"Rin misses…I mean I miss Daddy," she answered quietly.

"Aw, sweet heart," Kagome said as she held out her arms to Rin.

Rin quickly got up and ran into Kagome's arms wanting the embrace. Kagome picked her up and set her in her lap as Rin just held on to her. Kagome could tell just how close the daughter and father were to each other. Kagome began to try to think of something that could possible cheer up the little girl, and then the idea hit her.

"Rin, how would you like me to spend the night here with you tonight?" Kagome questioned as she looked down at the girl still holding her in a hug.

"You mean like a sleep over?" Rin questioned as she let go of Kagome to look her in the face.

"Mhmm, like a sleep over," Kagome answered with a smile.

"Oh yes! Rin would like that very much!" the little exclaimed happily.

"Rin would like that very much?" Kagome questioned with a smirk.

"I mean, I would like that very much," Rin said with her adorable smile.

Kagome let out a laugh before saying, "Alright then! Now lets go find Uncle Inuyasha and see what he thinks."

"Yay!" the little girl shouted as she jumped out of Kagome's lap and headed for the door. Before Kagome could even stand Rin was out the door and yelling 'Uncle Inuyasha' all through the house. Kagome laughed once again and followed the sound of Rin's voice.

Inuyasha while at first was hesitant about the idea agreed to it. He thought it would be nice if Rin could have someone in the house with her that was not working. Inuyasha then informed Kagome that he would be going on a date tonight since she would be staying with Rin. Kagome at first believing that Inuyasha was just using her to go have fun; found out that he has indeed been neglecting his girlfriend some because of work and Rin. Kagome then started to enthusiastically push Inuyasha out the door so he could go on his date.

"But Kagome, I told her we would not meet for another two hours!" Inuyasha told the raven hair woman who was pushing him out the door.

"Inuyasha, you have been neglecting her for Rin's sake. Surprise her, and spend some more time with her!" Kagome encouraged.


"No, buts," Kagome interrupted. "In fact! Don't even come home tonight!"

"What?!" Inuyasha exclaimed as he turned around to face her.

"You heard me," Kagome told him with a wink.

Inuyasha had a blush slowly creeping onto his cheeks as he looked at Kagome. He began to rub the back of his neck, and tried to avoid eye contact.

"Come on Inuyasha," Kagome said with a small laugh after seeing his blush. "I'm not suggesting you do anything, but spend some time with her. I'm sure she misses you."

"Ok Kagome. Thanks. And you got everything you need right? You know everything? You can call me if Rin needs something or starts giving you trouble."

"Inuyasha! If you keep talking like that I am going to start thinking that she is your daughter too! Now, GET OUT!" Kagome said as she opened the front door and pushed him out.

"Ok, ok, I am going! It will just be you and her tonight, and the guard at the gate. He will not let anyone in unless you tell him you are expecting someone. Here is the key to the house. Lock it when you two go to bed."

"Got it!" Kagome said with a smile. "Now go! She is waiting."

"Thanks Kagome you are the best," Inuyasha told her with a smile and took off to his car. Kagome watched him until he left the property and was out of sight. She then closed the door and took a deep breath.

'Alright, now the fun begins!' she thought with a grand smile.

They day had blown by so quickly that it surprised both Kagome and Rin. They had gone swimming, build a fort in the play room, made some crafts, ate lunch, watched some tv, went swimming again, and were now were getting ready for dinner. Kagome sent Rin up to shower and get on her pajamas. Kagome was standing in the kitchen with her bathing suit on and a see through cover up. Kagome knew she was dripping on the floor, but it was going on seven and Inuyasha told her that Rin had to be in bed by nine or else the little angel would not go sleep. Kagome had asked Rin what she wanted to eat, and she immediately replied meatballs and spaghetti.

Kagome was now in the kitchen making her mom's famous recipe, well at least to Kagome it was famous. She truly hoped that Rin would enjoy it. She had garlic bread in the oven, and was now finishing the spaghetti. Kagome checked the clock and saw that it was eight. Kagome put the meat balls, the sauce, and the spaghetti on low and went up to check on Rin. Rin was still in the bath playing when Kagome poked her head in. Kagome got a wicked idea in head and gathered her composer to pull in off. Kagome took a big breath, busted through the door and screamed 'BOO!'.

Rin being startled screamed and ended up splashing Kagome only making her more wet. When Rin saw it was Kagome and that she had splashed her, she began to laugh. Kagome couldn't help, but join the girl. They both laughed until their stomaches hurt.

Once Kagome was able to stop the laughter, she told Rin, "Ok, girly time to get out and dry. Get dressed and come downstairs for dinner."

"Ok!" Rin said with a smile.

Kagome left to give the girl some privacy. She went back into the kitchen and made two plates. She then took the garlic bread out and gave themselves each one piece. It was at that time that Rin came bouncing into the kitchen.

"Rin is ready to eat!" she cheered.

"Rin is ready?" Kagome questioned.

"I am ready!" Rin cheered back.

Kagome laughed while she brought Rin her plate of food. They both sat down at the counter and dug in. Rin looked down at her plate with a disappointed face when she realized she had finished it all. Kagome gave the girl a smile and told her to place her dirty dishes in the sink. Rin obeyed and then joined Kagome back at the counter as Kagome finished her plate. Once Kagome finished eating, she had her dishes join Rin's. They then made their way to the living room.

Rin picked out a movie and they started to watch it. Rin was sitting on the couch, and Kagome was on the floor with a towel underneath her. Not even half way through the movie Rin was sound asleep. Kagome checked the time to find it to be quarter pass nine. Kagome gently woke the girl and led her upstairs. Rin was all but sleep walking and going through the monitions. Kagome had her brush her teeth and then placed her in bed. Once in bed and sound asleep again, Kagome crept out and made her way back downstairs.

Kagome looked at the task in front of her. She had made the mess in the kitchen and now it was time to clean it. She did not want Inuyasha to come home to a dirty house. Kagome then stepped outside and saw the mess in the pool. Her and Rin had forgotten to take out all the toys and floats. She gave a sigh and decided that the next place to check was the living room. The living room was not too bad Kagome realized. She had a towel on the floor and some movies scattered. She then moved to the play room and let a gasps escape her lips. It was a mess. Between the fort and the crafts Kagome did not know where to start.

Kagome ended up deciding to start in the play room since that would be the hardest. She picked up all the craft supplies first and took down the fort. She cleaned the table and some of the supplies next, and finally vacuumed the room. Kagome did a once over and was pleased with her work. It looked like they had never been in the room. A yawn came out and she checked the time. It was ten thirty and Kagome was starting to feel tired. She went into the kitchen and made some coffee. She sat down with her cup of coffee and a magazine she brought from home. She was half way through the magazine and the cup when she heard a noise come from the front door. Kagome became stiff.

'Inuyasha said that the guard at the gate would not let anyone in. He also said that no one was suppose to come the house tonight,' Kagome thought in a panic. She then quickly got up and turned off the light. She grabbed a frying pan from a cabinet and waiting by the kitchen entrance. She braced herself for the worst.

A figured appeared at the entrance and Kagome swung with all her might at the figure. The figure moved quickly dodging her attack. It then grabbed her wrist only to twist it to make the frying pan fall on the floor. Kagome prepared to scream, but was cut off by the hand covering her mouth. She bit the figure, only to have him curse in reply. Kagome use this chance to get away from the figure. Her success did not last long though, because it soon grabbed her the waist pulling her against its chest. The lights were flicked on suddenly, and Kagome turned to see the offender. She paled when she stared into bright amber eyes.

"Sessho-"she started to scream, but was cut off my his hand once again.

"Woman you will stop making so much noise!" he instructed. "You will wake Rin. Now will you calm down?"

Kagome gave a nod in reply, and the demon that had been clouding her mind released her.

"Sesshomaru what are you doing here?" she questioned.

He raised brow at her elegantly. "I live here Miss Higurashi," he told her.

"Well yes," she started to say with a blush. "But Inuyasha told me that you would not be returning tonight."

Sesshomaru admired the blush on her face, finding that it made her look even more attractive. Sesshomaru cursed himself mentally for thinking that way. He then noticed what she was wearing. She had on a bikini and a white cover up that did little to complete the task it was made for. He found himself admiring her body. She had just the right curves, long slender legs that appeared to have some power in them, her arms where a nice length, and she was well toned. Her olive skin complimented her bright blue eyes and raven hair. Now that he thought about it her hair was wet.

"Sesshomaru?" Kagome questioned as she noticed him looking her over. The blush on her cheeks only grew darker as she watched him.

Sesshomaru snapped back to reality and notice that her cheeks had gotten darker. He realized that he must have stared quiet obviously.

'I need a beer,' he thought to himself, and then he noticed the mess in the kitchen.

"Miss Higurashi, why does my kitchen look like battle happened in here?" he questioned her with a raised brow.

"Oh, um, Inuyasha did not tell you?" she answered her back nervously.

"Apparently not, so please inform this Sesshomaru," he said with an annoyed voice. He truly did hate it when Inuyasha forgets to inform him of plans. Sesshomaru hates being unprepared.

"I am spending the night with Rin," she responded quietly taking his irritated response to heart. 'Maybe I should leave…' she thought to herself.

"I see, but that still does not explain this mess," Sesshomaru told her his irritation towards Inuyasha getting the best of him. He was tired, hungry, and he just wanted to come home to a clean and quiet house. Inuyasha made that hope vanish.

"I made Rin dinner," she told him getting more self conscious.

"Hn," he replied as he hung his jacket on the counter chair.

"I am going up to change," he told her.

"Oh, alright," she whispered.

Kagome noticed he was irate and took that to heart. He obviously did not want her here. So she decided she would finish cleaning and then go home. Today was Friday after all, so that meant she did not have to wake up early in the morning. Kagome looked to the kitchen with sad eyes.

'I guess what happened a couple of nights ago must have just been the wine. I was foolish to think that he would like someone like me. I was foolish to even…what am I saying. I just got to know him the other night,' she thought to herself as she began cleaning the kitchen. 'Why am I so disappointed? I mean sure he is handsome…actually handsome doesn't even cover him. Not to mention his has a mind of his own, and once you get him talking he can hold a conversation. Him being quiet though isn't that bad. He is a great listener,' she thought as she finished cleaning the dishes, and packing the food. 'He loves Rin which is a great quality. But who am I kidding he would never like someone like me. With that thought, I will actually stop whatever infatuation that I began to have about him,' Kagome decided as she noticed she had finished the kitchen. She thought that Sesshomaru would probably be hungry. So she prepared a hot plate for him and got him a beer. She placed it on the counter, and told herself that it was the least she could do for intruding. She then made her way to the living room next.

Sesshomaru came down after he had hung his uniform, and changed. He had also decided to put his paper work in his office so that he could possibly get some work done later. He came downstairs expecting to find Kagome still in the messy kitchen only to find the opposite. His eyes widened when he found the kitchen perfectly cleaned and a meal sitting on the counter with the beer he was craving to have. A small smile graced his lips. The little woman has continued to surprise him. He sat down and began to eat the meal. He heard in the living room, and concluded that the room must have also been messy. Once he finished his meal, he grabbed his beer and began to try to find Kagome. He found the living room spot less, and then heard a splash. He made his way to the back porch and opened the glass sliding door so he could step outside.

Kagome was trying to get all the toys out of the pool without getting wet again. She just wanted to finish and get out of this house. No matter how many times she tried to tell herself that it didn't matter if Sesshomaru was annoyed with her or not, it just wouldn't take hold. She was upset about it. She had just gotten on the of three toys left out of the pool when she heard the door open and close.

"I see you two girls did a lot of stuff today," Sesshomaru commented as he took a swing of his beer. He began to admire her backside. 'This woman has definitely done something to me,' he thought to himself.

"Yes we did," she replied softly trying to keep her voice under control. She just could not understand why she was having such a reaction to him.

He raised a brow conceding her tone. 'She is normally so much more cheerful than this,' he thought to himself. 'Did something happen?' "So what did you both do today?" he questioned as he took a seat in once of the porch chairs.

"What ever Rin wanted," she answered in the same voice.

Sesshomaru stared at her with a puzzled look. "How is Rin?"

"She misses you," she answered. "That is why I offered to spend the night. I thought I could try to get her mind off of you for a little while. Inuyasha says you have been busy."

"I have been," he replied. "And I don't think it is going to change anytime soon."

"I see," Kagome answered as she began to try to get the next toy.

Sesshomaru could not take it anymore. She was upset about something and refused to speak of it voluntarily.

"How are you?" he questioned.


"You can not lie to me Miss Higurashi. I can smell when you are lying," he told her with a firm look. He noticed her back stiffen. She had yet to turn and face him since he had come outside.

"It is nothing, really I am fine," she said as she became increasingly more focused on getting the toy out of the pool than before.

She was so focused that she did not even hear Sesshomaru come up behind her and turn her around to face him. He held her by her waist. He looked into her startled bright blue eyes, and have her a hard look.

"That is twice you have lied to me," he told her flatly. Kagome turned her face away so she didn't have to look at him. "This Sesshomaru is going to ask once more. What is wrong?" he questioned firmly as he took her chin to make her look him in the eye.

"Nothing," she answered looking from his eyes to his lips. Her cheeks turning a slight pink color.

"Very well you leave me no choice," he told her and then pushed her into the pool.

Kagome gasped in surprise as she hit the water. She regained her composer and swam back to the surface.

"What was that for?!" she questioned angrily.

"You refused to answer this Sesshomaru, and lied to me three times," he informed her.

"And that gives you the right to push me into the pool?!"

"Hmm, I believe it does," he said with a smirk.

Kagome allowed a surprised gasp come from her lips when she saw his smirk. She couldn't help but think how much more handsome he looked when he smiled.

"Now are you going to tell this Sesshomaru what is wrong?" he asked with a smirk still on his face.

Kagome got a wicked idea in her head, and smiled. "On one condition," she answered.

"Hn, this Sesshomaru will hear it," he told her.

She swam up to the edge of the pool and motioned him to come closer. He stepped forward and squatted down so he would be more on her level.

"My condition is-" she said as she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and then pulled him in the pool with her.

Sesshomaru fell in with a splash. When he came up he found Kagome laughing. 'Well at least she is somewhat back to normal,' he thought to himself. He then splashed her.

Kagome stopped laughing in shock. She then quickly regained her composer and smiled. "Oh, you are going to wish you had not done that," she told him. "I am the queen of splash fights!" she shouted and splashed him back.

"We will see about that," he answered and then the splash war began.

I went on for a good while and ended with Sesshomaru picking Kagome up and tossing her into the deep end of the pool. Kagome came up in defeat and they both got out. Sesshomaru took off his shirt and grabbed of the towels that were outside. He began drying himself, and noticed Kagome staring at him.

"Like what you see Miss Higurashi?" he questioned with a teasing smirk.

Kagome blushed, and looked away.

"You have still neglected to tell this Sesshomaru what bother you earlier," he informed her.

"I thought…"

"You thought what?"

"I thought you were irritated with me…" she whispered.

Sesshomaru then realized that Kagome had mistaken his aggravation for Inuyasha. "This Sesshomaru was not irate with you Miss Higurashi."

"You weren't? But-"

"I was irate with Inuyasha. I like be informed of plans regarding my daughter and my house. You were a surprise," he told her as he finished drying.

"Oh, I see," she said only making her blush grow at her stupidity. She did not notice that he had walked up until there was only one step separating them. Her breath hitched as she thought about the night he had dropped her off at her apartment. The moment started to play and replay in her mind.

"Why would that bother you Miss Higurashi?" he questioned noticing her reaction.

"Why would what?" she questioned her mind confused and overwhelmed.

"Why would it bother you if I was irate with you?"

Kagome looked up into his eyes and thought her blush could not get any worse. She knew he knew the reaction he was having on her. And there was nothing she could do about it. She didn't even understand it herself.

"I thought we had become friends," she whispered in a low voice. She stared at him waiting for something to happen and then he stepped away. Her feelings once again turned into a tangled web. She was extremely confused, but his voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"Well then, as your friend Miss Higurashi," he started. "I would suggest that you get to your room and dry off before you get a cold.," he told her as he grabbed all the towels except one and went inside.

Kagome grabbed the remaining towel and followed him. They went upstairs and she went to her room across from Rin's. She started to step in as Sesshomaru began to pass her.

"Good night," he whispered.

And she watched as he disappeared into his room a few doors down. Kagome quickly entered her room and took a speedy shower. She had to call Sango. She knew her friend would still be up with work. Once Kagome finished and was changed, she grabbed her cell phone and dialed her friends number.

"Hello?" a young woman's voice rang out on the other line.

"Sango? It is me Kagome," she told the voice.

"Kagome?!" Sango exclaimed. "What are you doing up so late? Are you alright?"

"Yes I am fine, but do you have couple of minutes?"

"For you of course. I need to take a break anyway. What's up?"

Kagome then started to tell Sango everything. The first meeting, to the day that started at the park, to her birthday, and even tonight's events. She just could not understand herself, but she knew if she talked to Sango things would become clearer. After a good long conversation with Sango, Kagome sighed. She had told Sango everything, and now waited for Sango's thoughts.

"So what do you think?" she asked her best friend on the phone.

"To be honest Kagome I think you like him," Sango told her. "But girl I have to go, duty calls. I will talk to you more about this later. I love you! Bye!"

"Bye…" Kagome replied as she hung up the phone.

Kagome plugged in her phone and got comfortable under the covers ready for sleep to come after the busy day. She laid there staring at the ceiling running her conversation with Sango through her head. Everything Sango had said and everything she had said. She also reviewed the scenarios and conversations they had.

'Could I really have feelings for him?' she thought as sleep took her over.